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Rabbits – Home Learning for Monday 4th May

Good morning – Happy Star Wars Day!   (May the 4th be with you)

I am sure you are all well into the swing of this now so here are the learning activities for today.

Handwriting – Spellings are on the spelling page of this website – please can you write them out in your nicest writing – three times and then show someone – let them select the best example and then write it out once more for practice.

Reading:  I have set you this little reading task linked to today’s date – May the 4th.  StarWars_RogueOne-ComprehensionSheet_DK

English: Please access the BBC Bitesize for your English (  I have also found this activity to create your own Star Wars character which can be printed and then completed.  Star Wars Creature Creator

Maths: Please access the WhiteRose maths class for today.  I have also found this fun maths activity that can be printed and completed.  Darth Vader is in his Death Star

PSHE:  for those of you who (like me) have never even watched Star Wars, I suggest you take a little part of the theme but think about how much people mean to you.  I have made this page of stars, and I have written on names of the people I am thinking about — I could put each of your names on the stars too!  You could do your own stars picture and put the names of everyone important to you on a star and make your own galaxy.  I tried using two triangles to draw stars, and then found a biscuit cutter in the shape of a star so look around to see if you can find a stencil or shape to draw around.  Colour in the stars and then write on the names. Stars

have a lovely day!

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits – Home Learning for Thursday 30th April.

Good morning – I hope the week is going well for your all so far.

I have loved seeing the work that you have been doing on your Shropshire project.  More on that today please.

Handwriting and Spelling:  Can you look at your spellings again for this week.  Please copy out the individual words but make them more interesting – use your best handwriting then write them using different coloured pencils (or pens if you have really pointed pens) and make a display out of them.

English:  BBC Bitesize are offering a great English class this morning.  Please access this via the  Click on your year group and the correct day.

Maths:  White Rose maths is also providing some great lessons – please do your year group lesson today and then back to TTRockstars please.  Let’s crack those times tables!

Project:  I have included some information on Shropshire history and legends for you.  I would like you to create your own cartoon strip of the events that are explained in the pages.  (We did this to explain the Battle Of Hastings and the Battle of Shrewsbury)  see if you can come up with about 8 pictures using your best drawing and some short sentences to describe what is happening.  The legends are sometimes a bit funny – you need to pick just one of them for your comic strip.  LEGENDS AND HISTORY OF SHROPSHIRE

Shropshire Map:  with the lovely maps that you started on Monday, please add the location of the legend or historical event that you are using for the comic strip.

Reading: Please continue with Reading Eggs – I have also given a link here to a short piece of reading and some comprehension questions.  These are inter-active and I have selected the Sedna The Sea Goddess OR Nasreddin’s Visitors.  For Year 2 please do the task about Canada’s Tallest Tree. (Sedna The Sea Goddess) (Nasreddin’s Visitors) (Canada’s Tallest Tree)

Have a wonderful day!

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits – Home Learning for Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Rabbits

Thank you for sending in your work.  I do enjoy seeing all the things that you have been doing.

This morning,

Spellings and Handwriting: please have a go at some of your new spellings:  Write them out and then write a sentence containing each of the words.  There should be ten sentences.  Please see the spellings page for your words.

English:  Please access  There is an English lesson for today – click onto your year group.  Then please do the Karate Kat game – you can find this on the year 2 page.  For year 3, please click on English and the task “How to write statement sentences”.

Maths:  for today’s lesson I would like you to follow the white rose maths on  Year 3 are going to do a lesson on problem solving with fractions.  Year 2 are using the four operations with length.

Project:  To continue your work on Shropshire, I would like you to find out where Mary Webb lived (when she was in Shropshire) and add this to your map.  Can you also add Ruyton XI Towns  and draw a small sketch of the school.  You will then need to start a new page for “Wildlife of Shropshire”.  Do a title and then use the resources that I have included here to draw and label a range of insects and birds that are native to Shropshire.   you can then click on any of the categories to find out more about our native animals and birds.  this shows lovely photographs of birds that were found in Shropshire.


Rabbits – Home Learning for Tuesday 28th April

Good Morning Rabbits and I hope you are all well.

Handwriting: To begin with today – please practice your super handwriting by copying out this lovely poem by Mary Webb – more about her later!

In April

In April, in April
My heart is set
Where the pansy and the violet
And the daffodil,
And close-folded lilies grow
In borders dark with melted snow.
Wakening there from wintry sleep
With every bud I sunward creep.
The empurpled crocuses, that dare
With delicate veins the dawn-cold air,
Cradle me in their chalices
Amid the golden sediment.
Sunward – towards the sun
empurpled – means they are purple
Maths:  please look at today’s White Rose maths on www.whiterosemaths – home learning.  Make sure you click on the year group that you are in.
English:  Please follow the lesson on BBC Bitesize – home learning for your year group and the day today.
Reading:  I hope that Reading Eggs are co-operating with you this week – we had a few problems last week.  If you can access it, have a look at the books set for your year group.  Also, this is a lovely website – an international on line library where you can select your own reading material.  It is easy to navigate – if a little bit ‘busy’ on the pages.  This link will get you to the page of choices for your age group.
Project:  I would like you to write up a report on Mary Webb – the author of the two poems that we looked at today and yesterday.  I have attached some information about her life and her writing.  If you can read over these or even do your own research, then write up a report that includes:
  • Her name, age, date of birth and place of birth
  • Her books and poems – include the titles and maybe some brief information about the story
  • What happened to her in her life, getting married, getting published (which was hard for a woman at that time)
  • Any information you find on The Mary Webb Society.

Have a good day!

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits – Home Learning for Monday, 27th April

Good morning Rabbits.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

This week, I am going to ask you to do a small project all about Shropshire.  Each day, you will have a task to do that will build into an information pack all about our lovely county.

English:  Please go on to BBC Bitesize – the English for year 2 or year 3 that is set for today.

Handwriting: I am asking you to practice your very best writing whilst making a page for your information pack and it needs a title of “Shropshire Flowers”.   I would like you to draw some pictures of flowers that are found in Shropshire and then to label them with your lovely writing. I have included the names of the flowers here, and links to the pictures that you can copy.  Please read the words carefully as they are quite new to you.  I have also included the  county flower – but was a bit disappointed – see what you think!   Shropshire Flowers

Maths:  The White Rose maths class is ready for you today.  Please click on and click onto your year for the maths lesson.

Reading: Before we finished last term, we were going to be reading some poetry by a famous Shropshire author called Mary Webb.  For today, I would like you to read the poem that I have copied here.  Read it through a couple of times and then do the task that I have set.   To help – I have included some explanations of the words that are in bold.

Fairy-Led by Mary Webb

The fairy people flouted me,
Mocked me, shouted me–
They chased me down the dreamy hill and beat me with a wand.
Within the wood they found me, put spells on me and bound me
And left me at the edge of day in John the miller’s pond.

Beneath the eerie starlight
Their hair shone curd-white;
Their bodies were all twisted like a lichened apple-tree;
Feather-light and swift they moved,
And never one the other loved,
For all were full of ancient dreams and dark designs on me.

With noise of leafy singing
And white wands swinging,
They marched away amid the grass that swayed to let them through.
Between the yellow tansies
Their eyes, like purple pansies,
Peered back on me before they passed all trackless in the dew.

Flouted means to not pay attention to following the rules – behaving badly
Mocked means to make fun of someone
Within means inside
Curd-white is really white – as white as milk
Lichened means the knotted and twisted bits of bark and moss on a tree, you say the word li-chin-d
dark designs – thinking of doing something mean or dangerous to someone
Tansies – are little flowers.
  1. Find three examples of rhymes in this poem and write them down
  2. “put spells on me and bound me” – what do you think the fairies used to bind the child?
  3. When did this happen – what time of day is mentioned in the poem?
  4. Do you think they sound like kind fairies?  Explain your answer.
  5. Please draw a picture that depicts a part of this poem – what do you imagine the scene could look like?

Project: you have already begun the task with the poem and the drawings of flowers that you have completed for your handwriting.  This part is another writing / drawing task.  Please copy the map of Shropshire.  You only need to do the outline but fill a full page please.  Mark Shrewsbury as it is the County Town, and also the town or village where you live.  Leave the rest blank for the moment as we will fill it as we go along this week.  Can you then use your very best handwriting and write “Map of Shropshire” somewhere on the page.  You can then do what you like to make it more colourful or to stand out.  Let me see your maps when you have finished them please!  maps of shropshire

I hope you have a lovely day – enjoy your work and look in tomorrow for more ideas and work that you can do.

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits Home Learning for Friday 24th April

Happy Friday everyone (but I will admit, I had to check the day!)  It is very easy to lose track of the time and the days at the moment I am finding.

So for today, how about some fun outside?

Maths: I know that you were excellent at making tally charts and I want you to do a tally chart that can go into your newspaper.  Please draw a chart that has 5 rows (going across) and 3 columns (going down).  Your chart has to be used to tally the different types of flowers or plants, trees or shrubs or any living thing that you can see in your garden or when you are on your walk outside.  I have one that I have completed myself:  Mrs Cooke’s Tally Chart

If you can complete this – you could even do a pictogram of the wildlife in your garden and see what you can tell from this – I need to have more birds and butterflies so I need to plant some more flowers and put out some bird seed.  See what your garden is like.

The White Rose maths task is set for today and is good for you to do when you are inside.  If you look on MyMaths I have set some more simple practice tasks for you to do if you want to keep busy.

English:  I would love to read some of your post card stories and hope that you had some fun with these yesterday.  For English today, I would like you to look at the BBC Bitesize English lesson for either year 2 or year 3.  I will also ask for some writing to be done later for your project.

Reading: if you can access the site  There are many stories read by actors and authors but I have chosen this one for today called Lotus and Feather – it is a sweet story.

  • Can you remember what the lake was like at the start of the story?
  • Why was Lotus so lonely?
  • Why do you think the children began to be friends with Lotus again?
  • Can you remember how the writer described the crane?
  • Do you think the birds will return each year from then on?

Project:  To finish off your weekly newspaper today, I would like you to do some more English.  I would like you to gather 10 words that relate to your home learning this term.  I will start you off:  Tally Chart   Globe  Earth  Weather  Reading

You will then have to copy or print of the grid that I have included here:  You are going to create a word search of your own, put one letter in each square – you can read the words downwards, upwards, left to right or right to left.  Don’t forget to put the words at the bottom so that your family can find them when you have completed the grid.  Put all of the words into the grid then fill in the missing squares with random letters to confuse everyone!  Have fun.  WORDSEARCH

Finally:  Can you please write your own version of the story Lotus and Feather.  Make it quite short but please include some of the lovely descriptions that you heard or saw on the film.  You can take your time over this and maybe do some work on it next week – you might like to illustrate your story.





Rabbits Home Learning for Thursday 23rd April

Good morning Rabbits.

Well today is a new day and a few new ideas for you to keep busy learning while you are home.

English:  I would like you to write a short story.  This is going to be a postcard story – a very short story that you write on the back of a post card.  Look at this clip and follow the advice of the author:  It might not be possible to post them at the moment but you could build up a great collection of small stories.  I have included some pictures that might be on your postcard.

aerial photography of brown castle

childrens book cover

I have included my own little short story for you to get you started:

swan story

Maths: My maths is working well and there are tasks set for you on there. I would like you to also do the daily lesson on White Rose.  I have listed fewer tasks on mymaths as you are keeping busy with the timetable task in the project work today.

Reading: This is a lovely story read by the author Eloise Williams, you can listen to chapter 1 today and answer some questions that are written after this.

  1. Why is Elen so angry at the start?
  2. Where is she going?
  3. Why did Elen hate what she saw in the mirror?
  4. Do you think the start of the story is a bit surprising?
  5. What words did the author write that sounded like the train?

Reading Eggspress and Reading Eggs have tasks set for you.  Please make sure you use the Rabbits Group page to find the tasks.

Project: Your newspaper should be taking shape now.  Today, you are going to use your maths brains to write a timetable for what you do when you are at home and learning  or working from home.  The timetable needs to have 8 columns – leave the first one blank and then Monday Tuesday Wednesday etc to Sunday on the top of each column.

Then add times – you can do this in hours or half hours but begin when you get up – for example 07:15 – breakfast and brush teeth, 07:45, do some exercise.  You can add whatever you do on to the timetable and then publish this in your paper as an idea for others to follow while they are at home.  Make time to eat, play, learn, spend time with family and do jobs.

Please let me see the lovely work that you have all been doing!

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits Home Learning for Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning Rabbits and I hope you have taken time to look out of the window at the beautiful sunny day that we have today.

Some of you were having trouble with Education City yesterday and I cannot find out what is wrong – so for today I have set work on different sites to enable you all to keep busy.

English:  Please access BBC Bitesize.  Click on Year 2 or Year 3 and do the English lesson that is prepared for you.

Maths: I have had great feedback about the WhiteRose maths programme – please do today’s lesson from their website.  You still have work set on Mymaths if you wish to do more, or you have any problems with the WhiteRose.  Both sites are working on the same topics.

Spellings: Please remember to copy out your spellings each day.  I have listed them below just to remind you.  Maybe you could copy them out in different ways – use different colours and see how many times you can get the one word written into a shape on the page.  Have some fun with it – but check you are spelling the words correctly!

Year 2: enjoyment sadness careful playful plainness argument merriment happiness plentiful cheerful

Year 3: library February dictionary boundary salary summary primary secondary ordinary necessary

I always remember to spell necessary with this saying “never eat chocolate eat salmon sandwiches and remain young”

Project: More pages for your newspaper.  Yesterday, I asked you to draw a globe – a view of Earth.  Today, I want you to do some detective work and look at the temperatures that are around the world.  These will be shown in numbers and placed over the countries.  Please look at the temperature map below and see if you can compare the temperatures to the places on the map.  With your own globe, put a small triangle on each of the countries and write on the temperature that might be typical in that area.

Map showing global monthly land surface temperature from Envisat’s AATSR for July 2006. Source: University of Leicester.

You could also look at this website to help you.

Reading:  Reading Eggs and Eggspress have some tasks for you to do with comprehension and reading.  I have also included this link for you to use.  this page offers readings by Cressida Cowell – How To Train Your Dragon – and other reading activities.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Cooke



Rabbits Class home learning Tuesday 21st April

Good Morning Rabbits!  Welcome back to day 2 of the Summer Term.  I really loved seeing the work that some of you have been doing both yesterday and over the Easter holidays.

For today, I have been looking at the many activities and games that are now on line for you.  For this morning, I would like you to do the following:

English:  BBC Bitesize – there is a great grammar game called The Crystal Explorers.  Click on and follow the links through daily lessons to the game.  It will test your knowledge of all or the grammar facts that you should know!  See how you get on.

English: Can you continue your newspaper by writing a letter to the editor, (I know you are also the editor but your letter can be written as another person).  You need to begin the letter “Dear Sir,” and then write about all of the amazing changes that you can see outside.  You might be going for a daily walk, or you might have a garden that you can spend time in and see what flowers are now in bloom or what animals you can see.  Write your letter to tell the editor all about the changes you have seen whilst being at home.  Sign the letter “Yours faithfully,” and make up a great name for yourself.  If you are a bit stuck – I have attached a guideline for your: Letter to Editor

Maths: I have set some tasks on Mymaths and also Education City. These are smaller and not so time-consuming.  If you are struggling with any of these programmes there are also daily lessons on the same topic (fractions) on whiterose maths, many of you are having some issues opening these sites at the moment.

Reading: Reading Eggs and ReadingEggspress are loaded with good books for you all to work through.  Don’t forget to read actual books!  Now is a good time to see if your family have any books on garden birds or trees and plants to help you identify the species that you see in your surroundings.

Project: I would like you to have a go at drawing the globe – the sphere that we call Earth!  You might like to look at these images to help you.   This shows Africa, Arabia and a bit of the south of the UK if you look carefully!

This shows North and South America

See how well you can draw the image, you might draw around a side plate to get the perfect circle and then use your best judgement about how to draw the continents.

When you have drawn your globe you can colour it and keep it safe for tomorrow  –  We will be using it for a weather report!

Have a super day and email me with any problems.

Mrs Cooke x


Rabbits Class Home Learning For Monday 20th April

Welcome back to the Summer Term everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful Easter and were able to get out into the sunshine and have fun with your family.  Well we are back to work today and we have some great things that we are going to study while you are at home.

Maths: The clever people from White Rose Maths have put together a wonderful day by day maths class. You need to log on to (for year 3 pupils) and if you are in year 2.  Then continue to follow the clicks to the correct day and follow instructions to complete the maths lessons.

English: I have set up some daily lessons on Education City – these will help you with a range of the English tasks this week and will be a different task each day to cover your comprehension, writing and grammar.  Work through the tasks set for Monday 20th only please.

Reading: I have put up some new resources on Reading Eggs – we would like to start using a new reading website – if you could contact me by email I can let you have your log-in and you can start working on the new set of books that are set for each of you.

Project: As we are back to work today I would also like you to begin a newspaper of your own.  Each day of this week I would like you to add an article to the paper and you will be either writing or drawing a chart, graph or weather map.  Today, I would like your first article to be written about the changes in the environment due to the lock-down.  You can write the report with a headline – a sub-heading and then the information that you can discover from looking at these suggested websites:

Other sites show pictures of the clear skies, and clean water in canals – you might also discover something about your local environment, are there more birds singing?  Do you notice the blossom more that you normally would?  You might be able to take photos of your own environment as a picture in your newspaper.

Enjoy your research and look out for some different tasks tomorrow.

Welcome Back!  Mrs Cooke


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