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Rabbits – Home Learning for Wednesday 24th June

Good Morning Rabbits – Happy Wednesday!

I am sitting at my computer with a lovely cup of tea – what is your favourite drink to have while you work?  Why not let me know later today – are you allowed to drink while you think?  We have to be careful of drinks near computers but I have a big desk and keep the drink well away from the wires.

Now I am not going totally mad – I have a reason for asking about drinking – I saw a group of Cappucin Monkeys at a zoo in Borth – Mid Wales – and they had tea as their favourite day time drink!  I am going to get you to look at the odd types of food and drink that these wild animals have.

So for today you have English, Maths, Handwriting and Project:  Let’s start with handwriting:

Handwriting:  Please do some fine motor skills today to improve your pencil control.  Take a sharp pencil and draw around some items from home – a cup or knife, your own hand or perhaps a piece of jewelry – when you have made 3 patterns, take another pencil or a different colour and go over the shape freehand.  Keep doing this and try to keep the lines perfect.

Maths:  For today I have found some activities that look at shape for Year 3 and Measuring for Year 2 (but you can look at both sheets if you are feeling brave!)

Year 3:  1366

Year 2: 7110

English:  Please look at the film from the clip attached:

Year 2 :

Please select one of the activities that you can do today.  You can then select another for tomorrow.

  • Write a recount of the adventure.
  • Write a holiday brochure page for their destination.
  • Write dialogue between the boy and the alien.

Year 3:

Please select one of the activities that you can do today.  You can then select another for tomorrow.

  • Tell the story from a meerkat’s point of view.
  • Create an internal monologue for the vulture.
  • Describe the beautiful setting of the African plains.

Some help with the work:  A RECOUNT is a piece of writing that tells the things that you did – a little bit like a story – but you write it as “I went there, I did that”.  Not a diary entry – but like a short story.

An INTERNAL MONOLOGUE is a speech but it is really what the character is thinking (Internal means inside and monologue is something one person says)  So you can write this in a thought bubble.

a DIALOGUE is speech between two characters – you could set this out like a play – you write the character’s name in the margin and then the things that they say. You DO NOT use speech marks when you are writing a play.

Project:  As I mentioned, the moneys in Borth Zoo drank tea (I think I am very connected to these creatures through our mutual love of tea!)  here is a link to a film about the Capuchin monkeys and the things that they eat.

  1. Can you list all the foods and drinks that this cheeky monkey eats in the wild?
  2. How are they able to search for such a variety of food?

Civet Cats Get Tipsy

The Asian civet cat love to eat small rodents, birds, snails and scorpions. From time to time, they get the chance to enjoy their favorite drink: palm juice. And usually only when it’s started to ferment and has developed an alcohol content. If the civet cats drink a little too much palm juice, they get drunk – and fall out of their trees!

Can you imagine a cat falling from the tree?  I would love to see your drawings of this happening.  Can you draw me a cartoon of the cat getting tipsy and falling?

Finally I have a clip for you to look at – just to show you one of the most beautiful creatures on our planet (that’s not just according to me!)  You just need to watch this film.  I hope you enjoy it.



Rabbits – Home Learning for Tuesday 23rd June

Good Morning Rabbits

I hope you are all well and ready for some great learning today.

Brainteaser:  please have a go at this – how can you work out the answer?

How many squares can you see

Grammar:  Have a go at completing this task:  You can select the level you think best suits you.  Differentiated Activity Sheet Expanded Noun Phrases

English:  This activity is for you to use some of your imagination and referring to a wild animal, write a Haiku poem.  Watch this instruction video to help you to understand about these types of poems.

Now you can plan your own.  Use this sheet to help you assemble your ideas:

Haiku Planning Sheet

Haiku Rules Poster

Can you begin to write your Haiku?  What would your animal be – I might write one about an Eagle as they are my favourite wild animal.

Maths:  I have the following work sheets for your to do today:  If you prefer, you can access the BBC Bitesize Maths lesson.

Year 2 maths lesson

Year 3 maths lesson

Project:  we will continue today with the investigations into wierd and wonderful creatures.  Yesterday you were beginning some diary notes – as if you were an explorer.  Today, you are going to continue with this for one new animal species:

Please look at the youtube clip and make notes on the details about this animal.

Now you can write up your next diary entry as if you are the explorer who has first discovered these crazy creatures!

Now look at this piece of information about an amazing man who lived a long time ago.  He was called Lord Rothschild and he lived in a huge mansion in Tring which is in England, close to London.  He was quite mad, and had lots of amazing animals roaming on his lawn.  Look at the photographs in the link below.

I would like you to have a go at drawing the lawn at Tring Park – I have put a link to the photographs that are of the grounds now – I would love you to add drawings of some wildly weird animals that you would like to have striding around your lawn if you were living here.

I hope you enjoy your learning today.  Let me see the lovely things that you have been doing!

Mrs Cooke.




Rabbits Home Learning for 22nd June

Good Morning Rabbits

Welcome to another week of learning.  I hope you are all well and happy.

I was very excited to find a bag of model toy animals last week – I like to collect odd stuff that I can use for work.  It got me thinking about this week’s project.  In my bag of animals I had some very weird and wonderful creatures and I know we have done a project on animals before – but this one will be all about bizarre creatures that exist in our world.  I think it will be fun!

To begin with….

Spelling and Handwriting:  please do some practice on your handwriting – I have some words for you to learn for spelling this week so use this as your handwriting for today.  The link below is a spelling and vocabulary game – you can do a new task each day this week.

Panda Polar Bear Gorilla Lion Elephant Anteater Cheetah Squirrel Tiger Fox

English:  Please view the Oak Academy English lesson for this morning.  You will find this on this link:

I have some additional English activities that link to our topic, you can access them through these:


Maths:  Please use the sheets linked here to continue working on measurement and shape.

Project:  Wild animals can be strange.  Have a look at this clip which shows and ocarpi:


This short film gives you LOTS of information about this animal.  I would like you to do the following:

You are an explorer.  You can give yourself a name if you like.  You are travelling around the the word and you come across this animal (Ocapi) for the very first time.  Your task is to create a travel diary this week. You will write it as if you are discovering new creatures in the wild and they have never been seen by anyone in England before.  You need to make a very careful record of each creature that you will come across.

Your diary must include lots of details about how the animal looks – you can use the descriptions given in the film.

Your diary must include where you found the creature (also in the film)

You need to make a sketch of the creature and explain what animal it is most like.

You will then need to do the same for the next animal – please watch this film and repeat the diary activity.

Keep the diary entry safe as you will need to add to this tomorrow.


Have a lovely day!




Rabbits – Home Learning for 19th June

Good Morning Rabbits

So it’s Friday!  Happy Friday everyone.

Spellings:  For today, Year 3 need to do a spelling review of the words that are on your list.  Year 2 did the spelling task earlier on.

Grammar: Please have a look at the grammar exercises for your year group.

Grammar Task  (Year 3)

NelsonGrammar_Conjunctions  (Year 2)

Maths:  Please access MyMaths or do the sheets attached:

PSHE:  As you know, it is Father’s Day on Sunday (also the longest day of the year).  I imagine many of you are preparing something for your Dad or special person; here is a lovely poem that you might use if you want to make him a card.

When I scratched my knee,
Or if I bumped my head,
When I was afraid of the dark,
Or that thing under my bed,
When I cried in the night,
Or even in the day,
You were there for me
To make it all okay.


Reading:  Here is a lovely clip of a sweet story about a bear and his dad.  Have a look a the amazing art-work (illustrations) that go with the story.


Rabbits – Home learning for 18th June

Good morning Rabbits

Well we are galloping towards the end of another week.  Time is flying!

Here is another brain-teaser to get you wide awake this morning:


Music:  Please follow the session for your year group:

Year 2: . Wake up

2. I like the flowers

3. The Doubling song

Listening Minute of Listening – Sound Map Listen carefully to the sounds around you. Use the worksheet to draw a map of where they are and describe their sounds.

Year 3: Singing 1. I left my luggage (Day 4) This is a lot like a rhyme we have done in music lessons!

2. ‘Chumbara’ (Day 9)

3. As the sun rises on a new day

4. Aint gonna let nobody turn me around

5. I have a song to sing to think about

Listening Drumming Styles around the World Compare the ways people create different music with drums across the world. How is Japanese Taiko different from Brazilian Samba? Use the worksheet to write as many differences as you can.

Taiko – Samba –

English:  You have lessons on line – you will be following either Oak Academy or BBC Bitesize so please continue with those lessons.

Maths:  I have the white rose maths links below.  If you would rather, here is a link to some different types of worksheets:

Year 2 Measuring

Year 3 maths

Project:  I hope you enjoyed the cartoon version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  For today, I want you to do a little research about Midsummer.  I have provided a link to information and I would like you to answer the questions on the sheet.

Summer Solstice

Summer Pudding:  here is a recipe for a traditional English pudding that we eat around this time of year

See if you can gather some of these ingredients and make your own some time.

Midsummer Traditions:

Did you know that Midsummer is also the celebration of St John the Baptist Day?  Have a look at this short piece of writing about the old English tradition.


In late 14th-century England, John Mirk of Lilleshall AbbeyShropshire, gives the following description: “At first, men and women came to church with candles and other lights and prayed all night long. In the process of time, however, men left such devotion and used songs and dances. The church fathers decided to put a stop to these practices and ordained that people should fast on the evening before,

Fasting is not eating any food – would you like to go without food all day on Saturday?  No, nor would I!

The Solstice means that the sun is out for the longest time – we have the longest day.  Can you list all of the things that you would do in the 16 hours of sunshine that we are going to have on Sunday?

Have a lovely day

Mrs Cooke.


Rabbits Home Learning for 17 June

Good Morning Rabbits

Are you ready for more learning?

Here is a brain-teaser to get you started:  Brain teaser

English:  I have a starter task for you.  Then you can access either Bitesize or Oak Academy for today’s lesson:  Opposites Starter Game

Maths: Please continue with the pages from yesterday’s link.  I have shared it again today:

file:///H:/Home%20Learning%20Week%207/Year%203%20Maths.pdf  (Year 2)

file:///C:/Users/m.cooke/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe/TempState/Downloads/7609.pdf (Year 3)

Project:  I have a short clip for you to watch first of all. This is an animation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Before you watch it, please think of these two questions:

1.:  Where is the first scene set?  Do you know who’s house it is?

2:  The rustics (or workmen) are rehearsing a play – can you find out which characters are in the play?

You might like to see the whole film but it lasts about 20 minutes:

3:  Do you think Oberon and Titania are happy with each other – or cross with each other?

4. What type of character is Puck?


I hope you enjoy watching this animation.

Have a great day

Mrs Cooke.

Rabbits – home learning for 16th June

Good Morning Rabbits

Welcome to Tuesday’s learning

Thinking Task:  I have another task for you to wake up the brain cells this morning:

How many word problems can you write that use division.

E.g.  I have 12 sweets and 2 friends to share them with. How many sweets does each person get?

English:  You have a choice, either access the BBC Bitesize or you can continue with Oak Academy’s lesson for today. Remember to click on your own year group.

Maths:  I have a different task for your today – please see the links.  Each link has several pages – you need only do one page each day – I will add the same link for the next 3 days.

Year 2 Maths

Year 3 Maths

Project:  We are looking at some parts of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  You have designed costumes for some of the characters.  Today, I would like you to design some settings for the story.  You can do this in any way you like – a sketch or drawing, or you might do a 3D scene if you are able.  You could even do a collage using different pictures from newspapers or magazines.  Use your own imagination.

The various settings for the play are these:

A palace where the Duke and Duchess live.  It is in Athens (Greece) and has a very large garden.

A woodland or forest where the fairies live.  The King and Queen (Oberon and Titania) live there and it is magical.

A Town in Greece – very beautiful with white marble statues.  The workmen gather there to rehearse a play that they are going to perform.

You can select any of the settings (or all 3 if you wish) and design these for your project today.

I hope you have fun!

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits – Home Learning for 15th June

Good Morning Rabbits

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

I have been speaking to some of your parents and have had some lovely feedback on the work that you have been doing.  This week, I have put a new website choice for your English and I would love to hear from you about how you found the work.

Focusing Activity:

  • Take the last four numbers from your telephone number.
  • What is the biggest number you can make from these numbers?
  • What is the smallest number you can make?
  • How many different combinations can you make?

English:  you can either access the BBC Bitesize – or if you fancy a change, have a look at the Oak Academy lesson for today.

Year 2 – follow the link and access the first English lesson for this week:

Year 3 – follow the link and access the first English lesson for this week:

Maths:  There are lesson set on white rose:  Please click and download the page that is set for your age group.  Alternatively, the Oak Academy also offer a maths lesson each day.

Year 2 answers

Year 2 Week 8 Lesson 1

Year-2-Week-8 Video

Year 3 Lesson 1 – Add lengths 2019

Handwriting:  Please can you copy out this short piece of text written by William Shakespeare, it is from the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire,
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon’s sphere;
And I serve the fairy queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green.
The cowslips tall her pensioners be:
In their gold coats spots you see;

Project:  This Sunday is Midsummer’s Day.  I wanted to look at the characters from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream as the first part of our project this week.  The play has Dukes, Queens and Kings, Fairies and Workmen and a couple of princes and princesses.  The story (plot) is very complicated but by the end of the week, you will have a better understanding of it.

So for today, I want you to become costume designers and to draw some characters from the play.  I have given you a list in this link – the list has the name of each character and some information about them. Use your imagination – how do you think the characters would look – what would they wear?

MSND Characters

If you are really stuck – here are some images that have been used in stage versions of the play.

MSND Costumes

Mrs Aspinall has sent me this link to a really good site that gives you the story of the play.  Thank you for that!

Have a lovely day

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits – home learning for 12th June

Good morning Rabbits

Did you get terribly wet yesterday doing the action figure diving challenge?

Spelling test today – see if you can correctly finish the spelling words by filling in the blanks.

Maths:  Please have a go on the TT Rock stars today.  If you want to visit My Maths there is a task for you to do.

English: you can complete your story today.  Remember the ending needs to make sense, it needs you to explain what has happened and what the character does at the end is also important.  Otherwise there is the BBC Bitesize task if you prefer.

Project:  Sports English Activity year 2 and 3  This task is all about sport and gets you to think of the vocabulary and imagine what the sports people are saying.  You can look through the pages and select the sport that is of most interest to you – just complete one of the pages.

Sports Stadiums:  As you know, last year I was teaching in another country – while I was there in Qatar, they were building new stadiums for the 2022 World Cup Football.  It was pretty exciting.  I have included some pictures of their new stadiums for you to see.  I would like you to design your own.  It does not have to be for football but could be for any favourite sport.  The stadium can be made from an empty box and I would like you to include the pitch, the goals and also the fans – you could draw lots of faces and stick them around the stadium.  See if you can get really creative and design the outside.  Some famous buildings have been built for Olympics – the Birds Nest Stadium was built to look like a nest!  The stadium in Doha (where I lived) was made to look like a torch.  See what inspires you.

Stadium Pictures

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.  Well done for keeping up with your learning and for being such lovely children for your families.

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits – home learning for 11th June

Good morning Rabbits.

Well it’s Thursday, and you would be doing music if we were in school, Mrs Hindson has given me some work for you to be doing today.

‘Hey Little Frog’  Year 2

Learn this song from Sing Up about the lifecycle of frogs. Can you make up some actions to go with the words? Download more activities to make a mask or poster.

‘The Geography Song’ Year 3

Learn this song from Sing Up about the continents and the oceans. Can you clap in time with the chorus? Can you remember all the continents and oceans? Ask an adult to test you!

Now that you are all in good voice – time to tell your parents and loved ones that you are very grateful to them for all that they do for you!  (maybe you could sing it?)

On with English:  BBC bitesize if you are following that this week.  If you are writing your story, you can continue with that.  Remember to plan out the plot – what will happen at the start, and now what will happen in the middle of the story?  This is where the action takes place – use those action verbs and adverbs to make it sound exciting.

Maths:  here are today’s tasks.

Year 2 lesson 4 answers Year 2 lesson 4 maths Year 3 lesson 4 answers Year 3 lesson 4 maths

Project:  today, you are going to do some investigations for me.  I want to know the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the oldest sport on record?
  • Where is the most extreme sport played?
  • What is the most difficult sport?

Use these references to get your answers…

What did you find?  Did you find any different extreme sports?  One webiste had “volcano surfing”!  That is a bit too extreme for me!

Now then – for some fun (and beware – this might annoy an adult so be SENSIBLE),  I would like you to design a high-dive competition for some of your action figures or toys.  You will need:

  • A sink or bath – you could use an outside tap and a bucket
  • A selection of waterproof action figures
  • A platform that can hold the figure high above your bath or sink or bucket
  • COLD Water in the bath or sink (or bucket)
  • A towel (that you are allowed to use)

You have to design three types of dives or bungee jumps for your figures.  They can dive backwards, forwards, spinning etc.  They must hit the water and not fall out (!)

If they are bungee jumping you will need to attach elastic from the platform.

Decide on the points that you can award each attempt and see which action figure is best at diving.  You should let your brothers and sisters play this with you when they have finished their work!

Have fun – stay dry!

Mrs Cooke.

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