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Rabbits Home Learning for Wednesday 8th July

Good Morning Rabbits

We will carry on with our Pollution Project today.  I also have some maths tasks and games for you to work on.

To begin:  Spellings:  you had some spelling words this week that are either plural (more than one of the thing) or past tense (doing something in the past) .  Please write out a sentence for each of the words and make sure you are using the correct tense.

Maths:  you have been looking at using your maths brains to solve problems.  Today, I would like you to access Oxford Owl  and do some maths on line – please check in with your year group.  There are on line games relating to adding, shape and missing numbers.  Pick two games that look interesting.

English:  I have a few grammar exercises for you to do first.  You need to click the link and complete the sheets.…ads/2020/07/8526.pdf

Today, I am going to re-visit the Literacy Shed for another lovely little film that you will uses as writing inspiration.  The film deals with our topic this week.

This lovely little film relates to our attitudes about pollution.

Task 1:  Write down a bullet point list of the things that the girl finds in the film.

Task 2:  Write down a bullet point list of the things that she gets out of her bag.

Task 3: Draw a picture of one of the scenes that you particularly liked.  This might show something that the girl did, or something magical that her bag was able to do.

Topic:  Making a swap for the amount of plastic you use is a bit of a challenge.  Can you have a think about what you use – and you cannot live without – but that comes in plastic wrappers, containers or protection.  Here are some things

Milk, juice, water, eggs, fruit,

lego, toys, dolls, x box

What else can you think of?   My children would not be happy if I said they cannot have an X Box game (that comes in a plastic case) or lego (which is entirely plastic).  We can’t do without it – but what can we do to avoid pollution?

Make a list of the things that you CAN replace and those that you can’t.

I now buy my eggs with paper based cases not plastic – what other changes can you make?

Now for your challenge:  You are going to invent a way to wrap and present your favourite toy or game and NOT USE PLASTIC.

You can use – Glass, Rubber, Paper, Card, Cloth, Cotton or any other material that is natural (such as leaves or bark).

Draw your designs or describe them and how you would package the toy using no plastic at all.


I hope you have a fun thinking about this!


Mrs Cooke





Rabbits Home Learning for Tuesday 7th July

Good Morning Rabbits

Warm Up Task:  here are some questions for you to think about.  You could write the answers down or just remember them in your head.

  • What is your favourite colour?
  • What is your favourite place?
  • What is your favourite toy?
  • What is your favourite snack?

Can you think of any other questions you might ask someone if you wanted to get to know them?

Maths: Today, there are some maths problems that I would like you to solve.

Maths Tuesday 7th

English:  Yesterday I asked you to write up a persuasive speech that was all about the damage that pollution does to the oceans.  Today, I would like you to think abut how to persuade people to stop using so much plastic waste.

Short Phrases – these are little collections of words that can be instructions or actions.  You can use these as slogans –  Think about the adverts that you see on T.V.

Tescos “Every Little Helps”

MacDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It”

there are many, many more that you probably know.

I want you to write a short slogan that persuades people to think about how much plastic they are using when they buy things, or go shopping.

You should ideally use about 3 words in your phrase.  These are the most catchy.


Can you make some of your own now?

When you hare happy with your slogans (you need to have about 4)  I would like you to create posters of these.  Use large letters and some images that would persuade people about the danger of plastic in the sea.

Project: Find out what you can about recycling in your area.  Can you make a list of the things that your neighbourhood does to help recycle your household waste?

You might have the following:

  • green bins
  • black bins
  • bottle bins
  • can bins
  • paper bank

What other things can you list that you have in your home?  Do you recycle?

Please watch this clip about the plastic recycling.

I would like you to draw a cycle – the journey that the bottle takes to re-cycle it.  You could use a diagram like this.


I hope you have a good day – and that you have something to think about!

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits Home Learning for Monday 5th July

Good Morning Rabbits

I hope you had a good weekend.

I have been thinking about this week’s learning – it is almost the end of term and we need to do some fun things before we break off for our summer holidays.

Spellings:  Our words for this week are as follows:  You know what to do!  Write them out, three times, pick the best version and repeat that version.  Check you have used the correct spelling for each word please!

  • feel
  • felt
  • kneel
  • knelt
  • knife
  • knives
  • half
  • halves
  • calf
  • calves

English:  This week we will concentrate on Persuasive Writing. This is where you write either a speech, an article or a brochure that persuades people to do what you say, to visit where you are advertising or to think about something from your point of view.

Today you are going to plan a speech.  Please have a look at this short film about plastic pollution.  You might like to make notes.

Please make a list of at least 5 things that are important about the Plastic Pollution Problem.

Now you are going to decide which is the MOST IMPORTANT POINT

Begin your speech with something that you might say to a group of people – “Hello!”  “Good morning”  “Thankyou for coming to hear me speak today”

Then you state what the five main points are going to be.  Write down what you are going to tell them about.

Then pick your MOST IMPORTANT POINT.  You need to write words that tell the truth, but also persuade the audience to do something – you must use some powerful words such as these:




Now that you have begun your speech you can continue with each point.

The end of the speech needs to sum up all that you have said – You can do this by saying the following:

“I hope that I have shown you how important it is to stop polluting the planet.  We all have to work together to ………..”

Maths:  I want to continue with the idea of climate change so maths today is related to real life.

Plastic Waste Maths


Rabbits – Home Learning for Friday 3rd July

Good morning Rabbits and Happy Friday!

Today we will finish off some writing based on Little Boat. You will do some maths and a spelling task plus some music.

Spelling:  with your spelling words I would like you to create a crossword. You write out one of the words and use the letters in that word to write the next one – that made no sense?  Well look at the attached document (using different words) and see what I mean.


Maths:  Please have a go at the maths sheets – you can time yourself to see how much you can do in 10 minutes.


English:  I would like you to complete some expanded noun phrases linked to Little Boat. You can make up your own sentences but they need to have the following:

A noun (the boat, monkey, soldiers, sea)

A verb (sailing, drifting, playing, fighting, hanging, flying)

A positional phrase (towards the …  behind the … from the … behind the …)

Two adjectives to describe the noun

Please also look at this attached sheet:  Time Conjunctions

MUSIC:  I have the links here to the lessons provided by Mrs Hineson.  I hope you enjoy your day.

Mrs Cooke.

Music for home schooling WB June 29th



Rabbits – home learning for Thursday 2nd July

Good morning Rabbits – thank you for sending me some of the lovely work you have been doing.  It is great to keep in touch with you while you are home.

I hope you enjoyed the science task and the healthy tasks – it is sometimes good to remind ourselves to take good care of our minds and bodies.

Handwriting – have a go at writing out the spelling words from this week please.  This time, make them into a spiral – start with the words in the middle of the page and turn your page around and around to make a spiral of different words.

English:  The Little Boat film is still our main inspiration for writing this week.  You have done some work on thought bubbles and what the boat might be thinking as it moves along the sea.  Today, I would like you to think about the way the boat is slowly broken then slowly re-built.  I would like a paragraph (or two) that describes what happens to the boat.  You will need time connectives such as “next, then, after that, before long, after a while”  and you will then need to write down all the damage that took place.  The boat’s sail was torn, the bomb broke the wood and left a hole in the side.  Then do the same thing with the sequence of events that re-built the boat.

Maths:  Please take a look at the pages from UR Brainy.  These rely on you using your logical maths thinking to fill in the numbers and maths operation to solve the maths sentences.  You will soon get into the swing of this.


PSHE:  we have thought about our bodies, our minds, our skin and today we are thinking about our eyes.

Consider what you do to protect your eyes?  Do you do anything?  If you wear glasses, you might be protecting them from straining when you read or watch T.V.

Have a look at this clip from youtube.

Your eyes are delicate – they need to be taken seriously!

I would like you to make a drawing of an eye (it can be your eye or someone else’s eye)  Here is another clip to help you to help with the drawing.

When you have drawn your eye, can you add a box of information on how you can care for your eyes – use the information in the film to help you.

Have a great day!

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits Home Learning for Wednesday 1st July

Good Morning Rabbits – Happy Middle of the Week Day!

Today we will continue the writing task based on the short film – Little Boat.

We will have a look at the maths that are set on Bitesize and do some more reading from the short stories that I found on line.

Grammar:  Please can you do some short grammar tasks from the attached sheet that I have created.  You have to add a time phrase to the sentences:

Grammar Task

English:  yesterday, you wrote a part of the story and wrote a transition paragraph.  Today, you are going to focus on using speech in your story.

I would like you to use the speech bubble sheet (attached) and make some suggestions of what the boat would be thinking as it makes its way through the dark sea, the sea filled with rubbish and then when she gets broken and battered.  Think of a few sentences that might express how it feels.

thought bubbles

Can you then watch the very short part where the seagulls fly past and mend the sails.  Can you write a few sentences to explain what they did – how this helped the boat and what the boat might have thought.

Maths: bbc bitesize has a maths lesson for either year 2 or year 3.

If you prefer, I have included these maths-based challenges that you could do.

outdoor maths game

PSHE – More ideas for today are to think about how we can keep ourselves staying positive and happy.

Mrs Viner is excellent at giving us ideas for keeping well in our minds.  This is another way to do some ‘Self-Care’ to keep you positive.

Write a list:

You need a large piece of paper and a lot of coloured pens or pencils.

You need to write two columns (so draw a line down the middle of the paper)

One one side you are going to write “THINGS I KNOW”  and on the other side “THINGS OTHER PEOPLE TELL ME”

In the first column, you are going to list all the things that you KNOW you are good at doing, or you are good at being.  You could add anything that is positive and that is something you are aware of for yourself.

In the second column, you are going to write a list of all the things other people tell you that are positive.  Your parents will be telling you things all the time about how special you are, how wonderful you are, what lovely hairy you have etc.  You need to remember all the lovely things that people say about you – include your friends and me!  I have said some good things about all of you too.

Your list should be colourful, LONG and full of positive things about you.

When you finish the list – decorate the page and turn it into a picture by adding a pretty border.

Keep this and keep looking it at it.  You might persuade someone else in your family to make one too – Mums and Dads need plenty of encouragement you know!


Have a super day

Mrs Cooke.

Rabbits – Home learning for Tuesday 30th June

Goodness me Rabbits – its the end of June!

How are you?  All well and ready to work today?  You are doing so well sticking with this home learning.  So for today – here are your tasks:

Reading:  I am keen that you all keep on with your reading books – but I have found these lovely stories for you to read – select the level of difficulty that you think you would like to have.  *  **  ***




English:  To continue work from the plan that you made yesterday, we are going to construct the first part of the narrative.

BEGINNING:  you write the following paragraphs:

1:  A description of the boat, and where it is sailing at the start.  You could write this from the boat’s perspective – remember you need to use “I”  if you are doing that.

Add sentences that describe how the boat moves – think about using adjectives and verbs – how it moves might be described by the direction, the motion that it has in the water, or you could think about how the boat might ‘feel’ if it is a character – is it a brave boat?  Is it a curious boat – adventurous?

2:  A narrative of where the boat would like to travel, or where it is likely to travel.  You put this part of the language into future tense “the boat might go to ….. the boat will travel to ….. the boat will be ……”

3:  A third paragraph to transition between the first location of the boat’s journey and what happens next.

PLEASE DON’T DO ANY MORE!  I have a plan for tomorrow which needs you to stop where you are now.

Maths:  BBC Bitesize lesson is set for today.

Maths Games:  I have also found this activity which might be fun if you like doing extra maths.

PSHE – Health

You were thinking about skin and learning about soap yesterday.  Today we are going to do more about health but this is about exercise.

We have been doing Joe Wicks through the holidays and I am also doing this curious kids’ workout now some of the children are back at school – have a look:

For today – I would like you to design a great work out around the house.  You don’t need to stay in one place, but you need to use your home in interesting ways.

For example, climbing up and down stairs is great exercise for your large muscles in your legs and bottom and tummy.

Plumping cushions and pillows is great for your arms.

Sweeping or mopping is excellent for pectoral muscles (in your chest) and your back.

SO … please have a look around your home (and outside) and complete a work out routine that has 9 different exercises.

When you have the exercises planned you need to fill in the chart attached with the details.  You can then share this with your friends!

Exercise Log

I have added my own exercise idea to start you off.

Have fun today.

Mrs Cooke.

Rabbits – Home Learning for 23th June

Good Morning Rabbits

It has been rather nice to have so many back in school last week and it was particularly nice to look at the work we are all doing and to know that wherever you are, in school or at home, you are doing the same thing.

This week in English we are going to look at writing a narrative.  It is a bit more of a challenge as there is much more actual writing to do and I think we all feel quite tired after a while.  So we will break it down into handy bitesize pieces.  Today is Planning:

We will watch the film clip from The Literacy Shed.  This is a story of a little boat.

Task 1:  – write a list of the things that you remember from the film – do this quickly – don’t think too much.

Task 2:  – look at the list and try to put some thoughts into an order.  Draw three columns on a page (or 3 big boxes)  Box 1 is Beginning  Box 2 Middle  Box 3 End.

Sort the things that you remember from the film into the correct box – whether it was at the start, the middle or the end.

Task 3:  – watch the clip again and add to your planning box.

Keep this safe for tomorrow.

Maths:  Gosh some of this maths work is getting hard!  For today please can you access the BBC Bitesize Maths lesson.  We will be watching on line with you.

Spelling:  here are some spelling words for you to learn.  Please can you write these out 3 times each in your best handwriting.  Thank you.  They all contain a silent letter – can you spot which letter is not sounded out in each word?


PSHE Project:

Part of our PSHE curriculum is about health.  It is so important at the moment as we are all trying our best to keep healthy and avoid any illnesses – particularly nasty viruses.

I would like you to think today about the ways in which you keep your skin healthy.

Consider this…

  1.  What you do in the hot, sunny weather. 2.   What you do in the cold, freezing weather. 3.  What you do to keep your skin clean. 4.  What your body does to keep your skin healthy.

Can you answer these questions?  I am sure you remember the things to do in summer – did you say sun lotion, hat, clothing to cover you?  What about cold?  Clothing, lip moisturiser?

Your body is amazing and it uses sweat to help clean you, and oils on your skin to protect from too much dirt getting on you.

So when we wash we use soap – have a look at this next link and see if you can set up your own experiment on “WHY DOES SOAP WORK?”

why soap works

Have fun!

Mrs Cooke.




Rabbits Home Learning for Friday 26th June

Good Morning – and it’s FRIDAY!

Time for some spelling tests, some times tables tests and some grammar tests!  (What?  URGGHHHH? But I thought you liked tests!)

Spellings:  I would like you to create a wordsearch please.  Write the spelling words (correctly!) and jumble them inside other letters.  These are all animal words so you could give the clues at the bottom with a description of each of the animals in the list.

English:  For today can you continue with the film that you watched on Wednesday but for today I would like you to write a story plan.  You need a piece of blank paper and you will watch the film again – then plot out the key points in the story.  Beginning, the next part, the way the characters develop, the key moment and then how the story winds down to the end.  Please plot this on your piece of paper using words but some sketches if you wish.  It is important that you understand the way that the story takes a journey.

Maths:  I hope you did well with the on line games yesterday.  For today I have set some maths tasks on the following links:


PWO_Age_6_7_measuring  Year 2

PWO_Age_7_8_addition_subtraction  Year 3

Project:  Final Day.

You should have some journal entries about the strange animals that you have discovered.  I also asked you to answer some questions from watching films and then to make crazy animal creatures from pictures.

For today:  The zoos in England and Wales have struggled during this lock-down as they are very expensive to run and then need to keep their animals well fed, safe, comfortable, clean and healthy.  I know that Chester Zoo and Borth Zoo both struggled with not having enough money at times.

Your task for today is this …  Think about the most wonderful zoo you could imagine – what would it have?  What animals would you want in your zoo?  How would you feed them?  How would you keep them happy?

I would like you to make a brochure, or a poster all about your amazing zoo.  You can look at the websites for other zoos if you like – Whipsnade is also amazing.

Your brochure / poster needs to tell the reader all about the variety of animals that you have – where they come from and how you make them feel at home in your zoo.

Think about what images you will include on your brochure.

Think about what is important to you about the animals – is it the rare animals?  Is it ensuring they don’t go extinct?

Have a good time imagining the perfect home for these animals.

I hope to hear from you with your ideas and examples of work.


Mrs Cooke.


Rabbits Home Learning for Thursday 25th June

Good Morning Rabbits – did you enjoy watching that beautiful horse yesterday?

Today, we will look at some music set by Mrs Hindeson.  Please click the correct link for your year group.

Music:  Please click on the link and then follow the lesson for your year group.

Music for home schooling WB June 22nd

English:  Can you refer to yesterday’s Literacy Shed film and select another question to do relating to the film that you watched?

Maths:  There are some good maths activities that you can do live on line.

Year 2:  (this is the year 2 activity on matching shape)

Year 3:

For a more challenging task for year 3:  

Year 3:

Project:  Time for some more information on wonderful animals.  Today, you are going to create a game.  You will have pictures of several weird animals.  You need to cut them into 3 – heads, bodies and tails.  You should find you can do this and have about the same amount of paper on each.

Your game is to then mix up the different pictures to create some different and bizarre animals of your own.  See what type of crazy creatures you can create.

Here are the pictures – but you can also use your own.


Have Fun!

Mrs Cooke.


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