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Preparation for a presentation

To complete our project on Victorian England, I am asking the children to make either a Victorian house, a penny farthing or a Victorian School.  The children can use boxes, or bottle tops.  I have a variety of these in the class and will give these to the children to support their work.  They are to make their Victorian object for next Thursday please.  I will provide images to help the children with their ideas.

The homework for the recorder this week is P.21/22.


Victorian houseImage result for penny farthing



Rabbits Homework

Homework this week will focus on Time.  Each child will have a sheet that I need them to complete which looks at how to record times of things that they do at the weekend.

Please complete this with the times of things that you do over the weekend.



Activity Start Time End Time Duration
Brushing teeth 6.30 6.33 3 minutes
Watching T.V. 7.20 8.30 1 hr 10 minutes


Homework for the coming week

Please remember: Homework books MUST be brought back by Tuesday next week.

The task this week is to reinforce learning of shape in Maths.  Can they draw the following in their books:

a blue triangle with equal sides

a red square measuring 4 x 4 cm

a green pentagon

a purple trapezium.

They can then draw a complete picture using each of these shapes (more than once if necessary) and present this in their books.



We are continuing with measurement when we return therefore:

Your project is to look at all the measurements you can see in the streets and towns around you.  This might be a road sign with a speed limit, or a sign telling you how far to the next exit (in km or miles).  Can you keep a diary of all the weird and wonderful measurements you can find.  You might also see measurements in shops, on sides of bottles and cans.  Make a list of all the things that you can see.  Prizes for the most WEIRD!

Complete the table in your homework books:


Object or sign Measurement in mm/km Measurement in miles Measurement in litres, millilitres or litres Measurement in different units (such as cups, teaspoons, pinches etc)





























Homework For Rabbits For Week ending 11.10.19

Spelling: Children have new spelling booklets that they must work on this week.

Reading: Can children also read each day to someone and make a note in their reading diary.

English: To support their learning about poetry, the children are asked to compose a short poem about themselves.  They can describe their appearance, their favourite things, their home and friends or any fact that they feel important.  The poem is a shape poem and thy will be given an outline in which to write the verses.

Maths: Times tables practice

Recorders:  Please practice  pages 9 and 10 of the book

Rabbit Class Homework due in 4th June.

Homework for 21st May due in 4th June.

Homework over half term is to continue reading, practising spellings and using Times Table Rockstars as often as possible. Alongside this children are to investigate different types of photo frames that they can find around the house and note down the different designs and features that they can find to link to our Design and Technology topic.

Any problems please ask, many thanks Miss Morris.

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