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Work and activities for Rabbits Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning Rabbits.  I hope you had a good day yesterday and you were able to enjoy the lovely sunshine as well as doing your maths on-line and some of the reading.  Well done to all of you who completed the MyMaths and TT Rockstars.


Today, I have set you some more mymaths and I will check in later to see how you are doing.


I have set some activities on Education City – I hope these work for you today.  If you have problems you could also look on twinkl as they have some on-line English activities for your year group.  Can you please start your diary?  We discussed keeping a diary of the things that you are doing each day with your family. Remember to include the date, writing it in the past tense.


The books on Reading Eggs are for our class to read and enjoy.  Could you also draw something related to the book that you are reading at the moment?

Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and grammar games are on Education City but also copy out the next column of spellings for handwriting practice today.  Can you do this short task in your home-learning book please?

Add a or an to complete the sentences. 

I would like _____ unicorn, please. I have got a bike and _____ helmet.
It is such _____ shame! It was _____ exciting moment.
Can I have _____ extra go? There’s _____ huge elephant!


As you know so much about castles now, I would like you to have a go at your project.  I sent home with you some pictures of weapons, clothing and food from the Medieval time and asked you to prepare a booklet of information, drawings and facts.  Please also think about making a castle model out of household things – we talked about making battlements and dens or creating castles from boxes and kitchen equipment.  Ask your parents first!  Take photos for me and you can send them to my email address.

Keep busy – keep happy and keep well!  I miss you all.

Mrs Cooke

School Work for Rabbits Class Monday 23rd March

Good Morning Rabbits.   I hope that you all had a chance to get out into the sunshine over the weekend and kept yourselves busy.

These are today’s home learning tasks…


Please copy out a row of spellings from the sheet that I gave to you last week.  You should write each word three times.  Check for the best writing – repeat that one more time.  Remember please long and short letters must look different!


Please try the tasks set on My Maths. There are plenty of tasks to keep you busy.


Grammar and Punctuation

I have set up a range of activities on Education City.  Work through these to improve your English please.



I have set up a few great books that you can read on reading eggs.  One is a class book for us all to enjoy together.  You can also do your own reading progress on reading eggs.



I have set up a few maths activities on Education City.  You should then do your house tournament on TT Rockstars – try your best to help your house win!



Make sure that you also get some exercise! There are lots of videos out there on YouTube to help you keep active but also try to get outside as well. Go for a walk or for a bike ride to get some fresh air. The forecast is looking great this week so make the most of it!

For later in the day please have a look at the grid that we have set up across the school if you would like some practical or project work to do. Choose 1 from the grid to keep yourself busy with over the next couple of days.



More activities and learning tasks will be set each day. Keep yourselves busy and keep yourselves well.  Don’t forget to have fun with your activities.  Get creative and see if you can build or make something later on today.  Keep photographs for us to share when we are all back together again.

More to do on-line tomorrow.

Mrs Cooke

Homework to hand in before 3rd March

Please read your books and note the progress down in your reading diaries.

Please write a half-page report on the book that you are reading at the moment.  You need to include why you enjoy reading it, what type of book it is (fiction, non-fiction, adventure etc.).  Please write about the characters and the setting.

Homework for Rabbits Class – Half Term February 2020

Half Term Homework  February 14th 2020

Each of you will have two sheets of Times Tables to complete please. You can also do these on TT Rock Stars.

You will also have a sheet of ‘common exception words’ that need to be copied and remembered!  I will also post these on the Spellings page.

To get us ready for next half term I would like you all to draw a picture of Charles Darwin.  I have included a picture with this work but they can find alternative images from the internet or some books.  If the children are in Shrewsbury, there is a statue of Darwin outside the library.  Please be adventurous and use colour to add to the picture.

Happy Half Term!



Homework set on 6th February – for handing in by Tuesday 11th February

Homework this week will support our Guided Reading.  We are looking at the similarities between Fairy Stories and stories from other countries.  We have looked at the objects that appear in more than one story.  I would like the children to make an object from one of the stories.  This might be a spinning wheel (from Rumplestiltskin and Sleeping Beauty) or a magic wand.  They might try to make a particular object from one story such as Cinderella’s slipper or a bowl of porridge!

Rabbits Homework to be handed in by 4th February

Children need to write a speech (a persuasive argument) to convince the class that they must always either:

  • Brush their teeth twice a day
  • Wear suitable clothes in the snow
  • Learn their times tables and spellings each week
  • Take care when crossing a road

They need to write at least six persuasive points that tell us why we should do these things.  They should include facts and powerful verbs plus commands – you must, you should for example.

Please remember to read each day and to write down a comment in the reading diary.

Recorders: Please practice My first tunes and complete the written work on the same page.

Homework for handing in on Tuesday 28th January

To support their learning of money and decimal places, could the children please collect any shopping receipts, look through the items and find the most expensive item and the least expensive item.  Can they then select five items and add the total cost together.

for example:

  • flour £1.10
  • rice £0.75
  • butter £1.20
  • fish fingers £2.45
  • cotton buds £0.56

Add the totals and show this in their homework books.

They should all be reading each day and recording this in their reading diaries please.  Their spellings need to be written out in their homework books.


Homework for Rabbits 16/1/20

Homework is due in by Tuesday 21st January please.

Can children complete the maths tasks in their books.  Also, they have been expanding their vocabulary through reading The Wreck of the Zanzibar; the following words are from that book.  The children must write a sentence for each word in this list:

  • Hauled
  • Tormented
  • Bombarded
  • Unblinking
  • Driftwood

Year 2 Maths

10 +1 =   10 -2 =
11 + 3=   12 – 3=
16 + 3 =   14 – 2 =
17 + 4 =   17 – 4 =
20 +2 =   20 -3 =
23 + 3=   24 – 3=
24 + 4=   25 – 4=
26 + 2 =   27 – 2 =
27 + 3 =   29 – 3 =


Year 3 maths

 Work out these additions, using the column method:

a.)  27 + 23 =

b.) 28 + 87 =

c.)   273 + 68 =

d.) 811 + 121 =

e.)  779 + 283 =

f.)  767 + 676 =

Complete these calculations mentally:

a.)  34 – 14 =

b.) 109 – 28 =

c.)   336 – 38 =

d.) 121 – 101 =

e.)  414 – 324 =

f.) 296 – 73 =


 Work out these subtractions, using the column method:

a.)  57 – 28 =

b.) 296 – 142 =

c.)   273 – 68 =

d.) 811 – 418 =

e.)  779 – 283 =

f.) 767 – 676 =






Solve these problems:

a.)    Find the sum of 628 and 479.

b.)    Find the difference between 876 and 492.

c.)    Rebecca has £727. She is given £439 more. How much does she now have?



Homework – 9 January 2020 – for handing in 14 January 2020

We are working on our new topic of local history. This week, we have looked at old photographs through the ages, of Ruyton XI Towns.  To continue our research I would like the children to find out when their own house was built.  What type of house it is – brick, stone etc.?  They need to write down what type of house it is, a farm house or a town house for example.  They need to complete their work in the homework books.  They can include a photograph or a picture of their house.

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