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Amey & the Year 6 team reunited!

A very special lunch here today at St John’s as Amey came back to school and joined all her friends for the Year 6 Leavers Lunch! Lots of smiles and laughter has been shared in the sunshine – a truly memorable day. We’re so proud of you Amey and all our brilliant children.

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‘Top Table’ Summer term winners

Congratulations to Coton (blue team) who have been awarded the most ‘acorns’ this term and consequently enjoyed a special lunch on the ‘top table’! Every Friday each teacher awards ‘acorns’ (two per class) for children who have worked hard or shown particular values. Coton won eleven acorns (only just beating Wykey!) for the following:

Arthur: “Amazing capacity work”

Rory: “For a fab attitude to learning”

Ella: “Settling in & always showing an excellent attitude”

Harvey: “Excellent reading at home and at school”

Charlotte: “Brilliant effort & always smiling”

Arthur: “Brilliant ‘Three Pigs’ writing

Lottie: “For a fab term at Ruyton”

Grace: “Homework effort”

Harvey: “Showing good listening & effort”

Max: “For leadership on KS1 Sports Day”.

Well done Coton!


Arthog – day 2

What a fantastic day we have had! We canoed around the coast to the gorge walking site and back again. A proper adventure topped off by an appearance by a pod of bottle nosed dolphins. The children have been truly wonderful, supporting and encouraging each other throughout today’s challenges. Well done everyone!


Arthog day 1

We have had a great first day, visiting King Arthur’s Labyrinth at Corris before travelling onto Arthog to settle into our rooms, have tea and some fun on the beach.  All of the children have behaved brilliantly and impressed us with their excellent manners and team spirit. We are looking forward to an action packed day tomorrow.

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