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Weekly celebrations!

Weekly Awards

Harvey: for trying so hard to write more

Abbie: for showing respect at all times in her school day

Tyler: perseverance in handwriting

Andreas: love and kindness towards friends

Zac: love towards others

Amy: for showing improved determination

Lucy H: for excellent writing

Liam: for good effort on the class trip

Lowri: excellent perseverance

Hannah: working hard to improve writing

Ella: super effort in maths

Oliver: for taking good care of our class

Maya: for showing fantastic friendship to younger children

Golden Book

Congratulations to the following children for earning their Golden Book award from a culmination of Class Stars…

Izzy – 16th Award

Xenia – 11th Award

Max – 21st Award and Golden Star Badge

Arthur – 16th Award

Cross Country Celebrations

The Cross Country Team were celebrated for their participation, determination and achievements in the Corbet Cross country league. Congratulations to Billy, Oli, Ellie, Lucy, Sam, Henry, Charlie L and Amy who have earned a place in the North Shropshire Championships!

A huge three cheers also went to the swimming team for their success in the Oswestry Gala this week – local area champions!

Children in Need

All the children were congratulated for having such a brilliant disco, bake sale and charity effort this year. A whopping £292.15 was raised! Well done everyone.

Road Safety Awareness Week

This morning, Ray Hughes came in to talk to the children about road safety awareness week. This year the theme is bike safety.


We talked about the benefits of riding our bikes such as enjoyment and improving our fitness. One of the children in dragonfly class even spoke about the fact that using our bikes is eco friendly!


Sometimes, adults and children ride their bikes near to a busy road or down a country lane. Ray spoke to us about making sure that we are aware of our surroundings when riding our bikes near to or on a road. We need to watch out for cars, lorries, tractors and other road users! He said that we must check that both of our breaks on our bikes are working so that we can stop quickly and safely if we need to.

We had a practise at doing a stop, look, listen to make sure that it is safe to cross.



We also discussed that it is now autumn and nearly winter and therefore it gets dark earlier. Ray showed us his fluorescent jacket that he and his dog wears when they go for a walk.


Ray showed us the various reflectors that we have on our bikes and helmets too. All of these things help us to be more visible to other road users. He told us a story about when he fell off his bike on the road. He landed on his head but he was wearing his helmet which was fitted and secured properly. It saved his life!


Ray then dressed Eva up in lots of reflective clothing so that we could see how much more visible she is in the light and the dark!

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Some of the classes are now looking forward to their session with Ray later in the day!

Weekly celebrations award, cakes and a work-out!

Lily, Ffion and Billy led Friday’s assembly with a Children in Need theme.


School Values & Awards

Jessie S : Perseverance in learning spellings and seeing improvements every week

Owen : Perseverance and keeping going to meet a personal goal

Andreas : for good work in class

Tyler : showing respect in class

Lowri : writing a fab Haiku English

Bonnie : Good fact topic work

Noah (H) : awarded by Lily S for showing respect, perseverance and friendship in Jumping Jaxx “such a great session”

Lily F : for kindness and recognising someone in need

Sam M : for responsibility and thoughtfulness in helping others

Dan : showing friendship to everyone

Anouk : perseverance and determination in assessment week

Harvey D : perseverance

Percy : for a smiley attitude

Children in Need Daily Ten Work-out

In our support of Children in Need, the whole school took part in a Daily Ten work-out! Great effort everyone!

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Bake Sale!

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Cross Country superstars

Another successful evening at the Corbet tonight where many of our children took part in the 3rd race of the series. Miss Whit is very proud that every child managed to beat their race time from last week and improve their own performance!  Furthermore, Sam managed to win his race – his perseverance and consistent effort paid off. Well done team!

Last race next Tuesday… bring it on!


Celebration Assembly & Worship led by Ffion & Lily

Lily and Ffion led our Celebration Assembly and Worship this morning.


Golden Book

Congratulations to Billy (6th Award) and Lily S (20th Award) for earning a place in the Golden Book for class work.


Jamie – for perseverance and bravery in learning and performing drums to over 200 people

Charlie P – for perseverance and overcoming his worries

Max E – Wisdom in helping others to learn

Eva (Hedgehogs) – friendship to all

Oli (Owls) – showing respect in his listening

Skyler & Tyler – writing effort

Yellow Belt for Alfie

Congratulations to Alfie for earning his Yellow Belt in martial arts from MD Warriors; keep it up Alfie!


Finally, we shared our work on Remembrance and the Year 4 Festival of Culture trip.



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