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Dear parents,

We have left Fairbourne (approx. 2.10pm) and are on our way home. Your children have been a pleasure to take away.  We have been so proud of their positive attitude and team spirit even when facing the many challenges of the weekend. All of the staff at Arthog have commented on how brilliant they have been and in particular, their manners. See you all soon!

Mrs Hollis

School Games Day

This morning Hedgehogs enjoyed a brilliant Games session organised by the Year 5 children! The Year 5s planned and delivered the activities with the overall winners being Yellow team. Well done to all the children involved, especially Henry, Rory and David for recognising our sports and school values in action when Yellow Team put the equipment away after each activity, ready for the next team.

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Celebration Assembly

Acorns & Stickers

Charley – super writing

Eleanor – careful writing in English

Will – for always working sensibly and quietly

Jamie – for being so welcoming every morning!

Laila – for being so helpful every morning to Miss Whit

Lily – brilliant effort towards writing

Luana – for making such a brilliant effort to improve her writing

Bonnie – English – she’s trying hard and showing a positive attitude

Liam – good effort in maths

Maisy – good effort in story writing

Abbie – superstar worker in class, setting a great example

David – good all round effort in all he does

Xenia – super writing, great improvements

Billy – Great work in science


Golden Book

Xenia – 13th Award.

Henry K – 22nd Award

Max E – 28th Award

Jess M – 25th Award

Darran – 13th Award


The Rounders team were celebrated for coming 3rd in the North Shropshire Championships! This was a fantastic result against some tough teams from bigger schools. Well done to you all.


A huge well done to Lucy for achieving her 5 metres swimming badge!


Have Fun for Harry Fundraising total 💰

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our bake sale and ‘wear orange’ day for the Harry Johnson Trust. Fun and Games Council were thrilled to present Mrs Johnson with a whopping ‘cheque’ for £271.64 as a result of our fundraising! The bakers were awarded house points for their efforts and “star bakers” earned bonus points.

Mrs Johnson gave a very special assembly to share the work of the Harry Johnson trust and show the children some of the comforts they provide children and families in need such as pillowcases, duvet covers, cuddly toys and treats for all the family. It was a privilege to be a part of and we all look forward to more charity work to support this brilliant cause in the future. 🐸

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