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Well-Being Wednesday from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday!
Hello 👋 everybody, how are you all doing?
This week I wanted to speak to you about routines. Since being at home, I’m sure you and your family have settled into your own routines, balancing home-learning with free-time. But unlike normally, when you would be able to also go outside more, you now have to occupy your days slightly differently. So I have attached below a “Plan the day”, template that you might like to print off or you could make your own.

I don’t know about you, but I really like setting myself a daily goal to achieve by the end of the day! It gives me something to focus on and a great sense of achievement when I complete it! 👏

Now mine usually consist of cleaning my windows or mopping the floor 🙈 but I’m sure that you can come up with some fun and exciting things to do which I would love to hear about. 
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Mrs Viner 😊

Noah’s VE Day poem

It has been great to see so many posts from across the classes of people being inspired by VE Day.  Noah has written a brilliant poem including lots of thoughtful images and a very poignant final stanza.  Well done Noah.


Rory’s prize winning photo

Rory has been getting really creative over the last few weeks and entered lots of online photography competitions.  Each one had a different theme including ‘Close up’, ‘Selfie’ and ‘Silhouette’; the latter photo won first prize and features Rory’s other passion – mountain biking.  These are fab Rory; congratulations and I hope to see lots more.

RE 2

RE 3

RE 1

Archie, a tractor, a soapbox cart and a rainbow!

I had a lovely catch up with Archie last week on the phone and he was keen to share with his friends what he’s been up to! He’s been super busy working with mum but also enjoying some of his hobbies including building a soap box cart and working on his tractor. This is amazing Archie!

He’s also made a BEAUTIFUL rainbow for the NHS in his window. Thank you for sending these in Arch.




David’s brilliant projects

Super work has been sent in by David.  He has been very busy making a pond in his garden; let us know if you get any wildlife making a home there.  He has also made a fab picture using natural materials inspired by Andy Goldworthy as well as writing a brilliant short story about chocolate cake.  Excellent work David.

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National Walking Month Lockdown Challenge – beginning today!

Today, Friday 1st May, is the beginning of National Walking Month! Consequently we are going to have a new Inter House Challenge with awards and a special guest team: the TEACHERS!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Record how many steps you take on a walk each day  (if you bike, record this instead) but being mindful of the government advice and hour of exercise. For example, yesterday I ran 7,000 steps in my hours exercise. You could even do this around your garden! NB: By the end of the day I’ve usually walked around 20,000 steps but we are only counting the recommended HOUR of exercise.

2. Each Friday, send us your total steps for the week! That means sending in your weekly totals on Friday 8th May, 15th May, 22nd, May and 29th May to the school:

We will then calculate winning children, year groups, classes and houses for awards! 

If you miss a day, don’t worry! Just keep moving on the days you can.

Good luck!

Memo to the teachers:- WE CAN NOT LOSE TO THE CHILDREN! Get moving! 😆🏃‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚲 – Miss Whit 😊


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