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Dom’s VE Day celebrations and some fab science work

We’ve had a great update from a very busy Berry household!  Dom has shared some lovely photos of his VE Day preparations – excellent use of cereal boxes to make hats! He has also researched the life cycle of toucans before completing an online art lesson to complete this brilliant drawing.  One of my favourite types of bird Dom.

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Well Being Wednesday – from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday
Good Morning 👋 all and what a lovely day it is! ☀️ The sun always makes me feel happy!
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the topic this year is Kindness.
Over the last few months I have not only seen many acts of kindness in the news (Captain Tom) and the community, I to have tried to play my part by being kind to others, by helping get shopping to some elderly people in our village and telephoning relatives who are on their own.

The added benefit of helping others is that it is good for our own mental health and wellbeing. 

It would be lovely if this week, you could share with me any acts of kindness that you have shown someone, or that have been done to you.

Just remember giving someone a smile 😁 or a wave 👋 could really make their day!

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Viner 😃

Year 6 Hoodies

Morning Year 6 – look what has arrived!  Your fantastic hoodies are ready for collection outside the office today.  Well done to Mrs Haynes aka the hoodie fairy for sorting them out.

Parents, please could you take a photo of your child in their hoodie and send it into school? We would love to see them.

Thanks and have a great day,

Mrs Hollis xIMG_0799

Virtual School Games – Team Ruyton!

With our summer sports currently on hold, the School Games team have created a BRILLIANT virtual challenge which we would love as many of you to do as possible. There are medals, certificates and t-shirts up for grabs!

Plus – if any of you are interested in the School Games Has Talent competition, get your entries in soon. This includes musicians, dancers, artists – everyone is welcome!

Here is the information PDF to give you the details:

Virtual School Games Important Information


Week 1 Dodgeball

Check out the link above to get involved with this week’s challenge. I know Team Ruyton can smash this challenge!

Remember: All videos/photos and scores of the challenges should be sent to: along with the child’s name, age, year group and school and whether there is parental consent for videos/photos to be shared on our social media platforms

Dan’s Lockdown art

Dan has made a lovey piece of art to remember his time in lockdown.  He made the dough out of flour, salt and water before adding handprints and painting it.  What a brilliant idea Dan and something other people may like to have a go at.


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