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A message to Year 6 from Mrs Foulkes

Just after your leavers’ assembly Year 6, we received this lovely email from Mrs Foulkes to share with you all:

Hi all,
I can’t believe it. Y6 has been and gone and you are looking back at all your memories in primary school and looking into the future to your move into Y7. No matter where you are going or who with, I know and you know that you have had the very best start to life at St. John’s and I am proud to have been a part of that journey with you. I probably wouldn’t recognise many of you now, so much will you have grown up and changed but one thing I know for sure, is that you will have a little nugget of gold inside of you all that will shine through and help you in your life ahead.
From ‘pond dipping’ in the River Perry to sailing across the River Mersey; the wonderful creations that you conjured up for homework projects to the thoughtful creations you would develop and share in Church and I can’t not mention Young Voices! You were an amazing group of young people to teach and share time with and I feel richer for having known you.
I wish you each and everyone of you  the very best for the future.
Good luck
Mrs. Foulkes


Well-Being Wednesday

Hello 👋
Hope you’ve all had a nice week!
Yesterday, I was busy updating the Mental Health notice board in the shared area with ideas from the children who are in school.
I asked the children to give me some positive adjectives to complete the following sentence:
Some ideas that I had where….
Be epic
Be happy
Be friendly.
But I would love to hear your ideas so that I can add them to the board!
Please email
Take care and BE YOU!
Mrs Viner 😃

Well-Being Wednesday

Well-being Wednesday
Hi 👋🏼 everyone!
I hope you’ve had a fun week!
Lately, I’ve been thinking about all the things that I have not been able to do or missed because of lockdown. So my family and I have created a Jar of hope.
The idea is that every time you think of something you would like to do when the crisis is over, you write it down and put it in the jar.
It could be to visit someone special, go to the seaside or go out for a family meal. It’s up to you.
Therefore, what I would like you to do is write down some things that you are looking forward to and pop them in a special jar or box. You could also ask the other members of your family to write down their ideas too! Then when things are better, you’ll have something to look forward too!
I would as always love to hear your ideas! So please feel free to email me on,
Take care 🌈
Mrs Viner

Thoughtful Thursday

Thoughtful Thursday


Hi 👋 everyone!!


As you may of noticed Mrs Viner has completely lost track of the days, so this week instead of Well-Being Wednesday, we are having Thoughtful Thursday!


Now this leads me on to how to except that we all make mistakes, its what we do next that matters!


So, when I realised that I had completely forgotten to send out my Well-Being Wednesday message, I might of thought, “Oh well, its too late now!”


But instead I thought, “How can I make this right?”


Making mistakes is how we learn, and excepting that we have made a mistake is how we grow!


This week I would like you to think of a time when you made a mistake. Think about how you felt when you made the mistake? Did you own up to your mistake? How did you feel once you put your mistake right?


I hope you all get chance to enjoy the sunshine! ☀️


Mrs Viner 😊

Year 6 Leaver’s photos

Hi Year 6, just a reminder following Mrs Haynes’ letter on Monday that at school tomorrow, we have a photographer coming to take individual photos of you in your hoodie to put together in a whole group photo.  If you are not in school and want to have your photo included, please ask an adult to bring you to school at 10.30am.  You may have to wait while the photos are taken outside and social distancing measures will be in place. Don’t forget your hoodie!

Mrs Hollis

Year 6 playscripts

The Year 6’s in school today have written and performed (at a safe distance) their own playscripts as inspired by the work on BBC Bitesize English today.  Here are some photos of their epic and unique performances!





Owl Class book suggestions

Here are some book recommendations from Owl class if you are looking for something to read next:

Grace  – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Jack – Scorpio by Anthony Horowitz

Dan – Tom Gates is absolutely fantastic (at some things) by Liz Pichon

Noah – My Headteacher is a Vampire Rat – by Pamela Butchart

Emma – The Amelia Fang series by Laura Ellen Anderson

Elsa – Ice Monster by David Walliams

David – The Parent Agency by David Baddiel

Sam – Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz or Fing by David Walliams




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