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Well done Max

Congratulations to Max in Owl Class for obtaining a fantastic award from Trinity College in London.  You may remember that Miss Whit had posted some photographs of Max’s artwork and details that he was applying for an Arts Award.  Well, we are delighted to say that here is a copy of that award and details of what Max had to submit in order to gain it.  Well done Max, you have worked so hard on this and we look forward to sharing more of your artwork.


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Home Learning Tasks 30.9.20

Here are the home learning tasks for today:

*English – Yesterday, we looked at the features of the diary entries in ‘The Amazing Tale of Ali Pasha’.  Today, we are going to use those features to plan a sequence of 3 diary entries, each one about a different event from Annie Edson Taylor’s life.  It is up to you which events you would like to include, they can be from the start of Annie’s story right through to her amazing trip over the falls.  I have attached a planning sheet for you to work on as well as a partly filled in model to give you some ideas.  For each event, think carefully about the information needed (5 w’s), Annie’s thoughts and opinions (in the first person), descriptions that you could use and any questions that could be effective.  Remember that this is just a plan so notes are fine at this point; I have included a bit more detail in my plan to help you.

Planning frame blank

Planning frame model

*Maths – we are completing 2 sessions in school today.  I have attached the teaching slides (PowerPoint) and follow up worksheets for both sessions.  The answers are also included.  For each worksheet, there are 3 levels – developing, expected and greater depth.  You only need to complete one of those levels for each of the Reasoning and Problem solving (RPS) and Varied Fluency (VF) files attached.

Session 1 – estimating




Session 2 – multiples




Please record work in the books that were sent home last week.

Owl Class History 28.9.20

This morning, in History, we explored what it might have been like to have been an evacuee during World War II using replica artefacts.  Some of the children talked about members of their own families that had been evacuated and their own thoughts and feelings about what it was like.


Owl Class History 21.9.20

As part of our History topic on World War II, Owl class had a look at some replica artefacts linked to air raids.  We had a great discussion about what the objects were and what they could tell us about life at the time.  I’ll leave you to guess which object we spent the most time talking about!

We also shared a brilliant video from Thomas’ mum who is the Head of Museum Collections for Shropshire Museums where she shared some of the interesting items from the collection.  Thank you for taking the time to make that for us.


Look who Rhys met on The Cliffe….

It’s not many people that can say that they have met their idol but Rhys in Owls is definitely one that can!  Anyone that knows Rhys knows that he is passionate about mountain biking – you may remember his brilliant lockdown videos – and on Friday night he was lucky enough to meet professional street trials rider Danny MacAskill by chance whilst riding over The Cliffe.   This was also an amazing coincidence as the week before, Owl class had watched Danny’s video ‘The Ridge’ as part of their unit of work on daredevil Annie Edson Taylor.  What an amazing experience Rhys; I know that it has really inspired you and is something that you will remember forever.

P.S – Great to see one of our old pupils Harry too!



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