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Home Learning 19.10.20

Good morning,

This week is assessment week in school so I have uploaded some activities from The National Oak Academy for English and revision of previous units for maths.

Here are your tasks for today:

*English – Using the link below, find Monday’s English lesson for Year 5.  It is called ‘To identify the features of a persuasive letter’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

*Maths – today is an activity to revise rounding. Take a look at the attached PowerPoint and then complete the worksheets.  Remember that you only need to complete one level for each area – VF (varied fluency) and RPS (reasoning and problem solving).  Choose whichever level you feel most confident with – developing, expected or greater depth. Mark using the answers at the back of the pack.




*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

French – take a look at BBC Bitesize’s French section and choose an area to practise.

*PE – find a way to get active today.  That could be an indoor workout or time in the back garden.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Home Learning 14.10.20

Good morning, here are your tasks for today:

*English – Today, begin by reading the next page in our text and looking at the image of the French cafe where Lydia’s parents work.



Did you spot Lydia’s parents in the picture?  What do you think they feel about their jobs?

Take a look at the photos below of French cafes and restaurants.  You could even listen to some French music too using the YouTube link.  Add some speech/thought bubbles to explain what the people in the pictures might be saying/thinking.

Cafe pictures

What do you think the atmosphere would be like in these cafes?  What could we see/hear?  I think there would be lots of hustle and bustle, people chatting, laughing etc.  Add some ideas to the see/hear grid below (I have added some ideas to get you started).  Focus on expanded noun phrases (tinkling piano keys) as well as prepositional phrases (where things are i.e. in the corner of the cafe).

See hear grid Wednesday

We will be using these ideas in our writing tomorrow.

*Maths – Today, we are going to have some more practise of the short multiplication method for multiplying that we started yesterday.  Below are pages of calculations to have a go at (choose whichever level you feel is most appropriate for you – the first is an easier Year 5 page (p.36), second image is Year 5 (p.37)and the final image is Year 6 (p.11) as it tackles multiplying whole and decimal numbers.

Year 5 easier Year 5 Year 6 whole numbers and decimals



*Science – finish off work from yesterday if needed.

*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

Please record your work in your exercise book and send copies/photos to the school admin email address.

Have a great day,

Mrs Hollis

Home Learning 13.10.20

Good morning, here are your tasks for today:

*English – Today, we are going to write a description of the scene from yesterday’s section of text where Lydia’s mother was sewing a star onto Lydia’s coat.  In your description, you need to get a balance of action, description and speech.  Take a look at the attached model.  In this, I have tried to use some speech sandwiches!  These aren’t snacks but follows this pattern – speaker 1 speaks, speaker 1 does something, speaker 2 does something, something happens in the background, speaker 2 speaks.  See if you can spot each of these elements in my model then have a go at writing your own.

Scene writing model 13.10.20

*Maths – Take a look at the attached PowerPoint on multiplication.  It is aimed at Year 5 as it is a revision of short multiplication as it may have been a while since we looked at it together.  When you have worked through the PowerPoint, have ago at the worksheet you feel most confident with i.e. Expected, completing both the VF (varied fluency) and RPS (reasoning and problem solving) for your chosen level.





*Science – This week, we are finished off our work started last week on how we see things.  Last week, we looked at the PowerPoint on the eye and labelled the different parts.  The PowerPoint is below if you need to refresh your memory.


Today, we are having a go at making a pinhole camera using the link to the site below.

Next, we will be writing an explanation on how the eye works using the key names and information from the PowerPoint.

*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Home Learning 12.10.20

Good morning, here are your tasks for today:

*English – We are continuing to look at our new text: ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ by Jo Hoestlandt.  Begin by reading the attached quotes -some of which are from our text and some are from another text called ‘Erica’s story’.  Highlight any key words i.e. hope, star etc.  Can you predict what the story will be about from these quotes?  Also, take a look at the front cover to help you.  Jot down your ideas.


Star of hope, star of fear front cover

Next, look at the image of the 2 girls playing together.  When could the story be set?  What clues could you look at?  Look at the clothes, toys, hairstyles etc.


Now, read the text below that goes with the picture above.


What have we found out?  What type of story is this?  Look at the tense change from present to past – what does this show us about when Helen is writing this story?  (She is writing in the present day and flashing back to her memories of 1942.  What does Lydia’s mother mean about the star she is sewing on?  Do you agrees with her statement about stars at the end of the page?

Think about the scene between the 3 characters – what questions might Helen and Lydia want to ask Lydia’s mother?

Tomorrow, we will be writing about this scene using speech and speech punctuation.

*Maths – Take a look at the attached PowerPoint and then complete the worksheets for your year group.  Each year group’s section has 2 worksheets (3 levels of difficulty – developing, expected and greater depth) and the answers.  Remember that you only need to complete one level for each area – VF (varied fluency) and RPS (reasoning and problem solving).






*History – Today, we are looking at the way in which people were encouraged to ‘do their bit’ in World War II.  We will be thinking about the work of the Home Guard and the Women’s Land Army.  Use the link below to find out about both of these groups.  Make some notes in your book.

*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

French – take a look at BBC Bitesize’s French section and choose an area to practise.

*PE – find a way to get active today.  That could be an indoor workout or time in the back garden.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis






Home Learning 7.10.20

Morning, here are today’s tasks:

*English – To finish off our topic, we are writing a travel blog about a visit to Niagara Falls.  The purpose of the blog is to persuade people to visit the falls.  I have attached a list of features that I would like to see in your writing – all of which we have looked at across the unit in school.  As inspiration, I have included a section of a ‘Lonely Planet’ guide below to get you started.

‘Welcome to Niagara Falls – an unstoppable flow of rushing water surges over the arcing fault in the riverbed with thunderous force. Great plumes of icy mist rise for hundreds of metres as the waters collide. Thousands of onlookers delight in the spectacle every day, drawn by the force of the current and the hypnotic mist.’

travel blog features

*Maths – Take a look at the PowerPoint and worksheets for your Year group.  Each year group’s section has a teaching PowerPoint to work through first, 2 worksheets (3 levels of difficulty – developing, expected and greater depth) and the answers.  Remember that you only need to complete one level for each area – VF (varied fluency) and RPS (reasoning and problem solving).







*Reading – make sure that you are reading your book daily for at least 10 minutes.

Record your work in the book sent home from school and please send in copies of your work for us to respond to.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Home Learning 6.10.20

Morning, here are today’s tasks:

*English – Today, we are spending our English time editing our diary entries.  As well as making sure that we have included the features listed yesterday, we will be ensuring that we have checked our general spelling, punctuation and for any missing words.  Attached below are some ‘editing station’ cards to help you to check all of the different aspects of your writing.


*Reading – make sure that you are reading your book daily for at least 10 minutes.

*Maths – Take a look at the PowerPoint and worksheets for your Year group.  Each year group’s section has a teaching PowerPoint to work through first, 2 worksheets (3 levels of difficulty – developing, expected and greater depth) and the answers.  Remember that you only need to complete one level for each area – VF (varied fluency) and RPS (reasoning and problem solving).







*Science – This week, we are looking at how we see things and the structure of the eye.  Look at the attached PowerPoint on how the eye works and then annotate onto the eye structure sheet.  We will then be thinking about how to take care of our eyes including why our eyes water and what function our eyelashes have.  See if you can research these and finds out.



Record your work in the book sent home from school and please send copies of what you have done to  school via the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Home Learning 5.10.20

Morning, here are today’s tasks:

*English – Today, we will be finishing the 3 diary entries for Annie Edson Taylor that we started writing on Friday.  Remember the features that we were including: writing in the first person as Annie, examples of fronted adverbials, sentences written in the active and passive form, description, thoughts/feelings and opinions as well as rhetorical questions.  Once the entries are written, we will be editing our work; you could start that today if you wish.

*Reading – make sure that you are reading your book daily for at least 10 minutes.

*Maths – Take a look at the PowerPoint and worksheets for your Year group.  Each year group’s section has a teaching PowerPoint to work through first, 2 worksheets (3 levels of difficulty – developing, expected and greater depth) and the answers.  Remember that you only need to complete one level for each area – VF (varied fluency) and RPS (reasoning and problem solving).







*History – Today, we are looking at rationing in World War II and why it was needed.  Take a look at the information on the website below and make a note of what was rationed, how much each person was allowed and when rationing ended.  Then, use this information to answer the following questions: Why was rationing introduced in World War II?  Was it a fair system?

*French – take a look at BBC Bitesize’s French section and choose an area to practise.

*PE – find a way to get active today.  That could be an indoor workout or time in the back garden.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

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