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Owl Class Home Learning 9.12.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Unit from The Oak National Academy.  Using the link below, find Year 5 week beginning Monday 23rd November. Select Wednesday’s English lesson for Year 5.  It is called ‘To develop knowledge of relative clauses’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

*Maths – I have attached some more Christmas themed maths problems again today.  You do not have to complete them all but spend approximately an hour on completing as many as you can from whichever pack you prefer.

UKS2 Addition And Subtraction Multi-step Word Problems Christmas Maths Challenge Cards

UKS2 Multiplication and Division Multistep Word Problems Maths Challenge Cards

*DT – We are continuing to make our bomb shelters in school today.  If you started your own model last week (using Lego etc), you could continue to work on that and/or test the strength of it.  Remember our criteria for our shelter:

  • strong enough to withstand weight on the top of it (could be a tin of beans for example)
  • waterproof/resistant
  • camouflaged


*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Congratulations Matthew

Congratulations to Matthew in Owl Class for being nominated and then selected for pupil of the month for November by his Your Space Music trumpet teacher Chris.  Here is what Matthew’s teacher said about him:

‘A huge nomination for Matthew to be pupil of the month! He works so hard, by far one of my best students and his rate of improvement has been fantastic. I call him my little scale demon!  A comfortable merit on his first grade exam is very much deserved.’

Fantastic news Matthew and very well-deserved.  Enjoy spending your prize voucher – I think I can guess what on!


Owl Class Home Learning 8.12.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Unit from The Oak National Academy.  Using the link below, find Year 5 week beginning Monday 23rd November. Select Tuesday’s English lesson for Year 5.  It is called ‘To investigate the letter string -fer’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

*Maths – Today, the Year 6’s will be completing 2 old maths reasoning SATs papers so I have attached some more Christmas themed maths problems for each year group.  You do not have to complete them all but spend approximately an hour on completing as many as you can.  Year 5’s, you can continue the pack from yesterday.


*Science – Today in school, we are looking at how forces can be used in simple machines.  Take a look at the Science lesson on levers and pulleys using the link below.

*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Owl Class Home Learning 7.12.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Unit from The Oak National Academy.  Using the link below, find Year 5 week beginning Monday 23rd November. Select Monday’s English lesson for Year 5.  It is called ‘To identify the features of a non-chronological report’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

*Maths – Today, the Year 6’s will be completing an old maths arithmetic SATs paper so I have attached some Christmas themed maths problems for each year group.  You do not have to complete them all but spend approximately an hour on completing as many as you can.  Year 5’s, yours can be continued tomorrow as it is a really big pack!


Year 6 Christmas Mental Maths Challenge Cards

*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

*French – take a look at BBC Bitesize’s French section and choose an area to practise.

*PE – find a way to get active today.  That could be an indoor workout or time in the back garden.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Owl Class Home Learning 2.12.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Unit from The Oak National Academy.  Using the link below, find Year 5 week beginning Monday 16th November.  Select Wednesday’s English lesson for Year 5.  It is called ‘To explore the writer’s purpose’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

*Maths – today we are continuing to look at adding and subtracting fractions.  Take a look at the PowerPoint before having a go at the worksheets (choose either developing, expected or greater deapth).  Mark using the attached answer sheet.






*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

*DT – In school, we are starting to make our model bomb shelters following our design plans.  Can you try to make a model using lego or recycled materials (raid that cardboard recycling bag!).  When you have made your model, think of a way to test how strong it is.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Owl Class Home Learning 1.12.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Unit from The Oak National Academy.  Using the link below, find Year 5 week beginning Monday 16th November.  Select Tuesday’s English lesson for Year 5.  It is called ‘To read and analyse a poem’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

*Maths – today we are looking at adding and subtracting fractions.  Take a look at the attached PowerPoint before trying out the questions on the worksheet for your year group.  You only need to complete either developing, expected or greater depth.  Mark using the answers at the back of each pack.







*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

*Science – today in school, we are continuing to investigate upthrust. Take a look at the YouTube clips below of a lifeboat being tested.

RNLI Shannon class lifeboat self-righting trial – January 2012 – YouTube

New Lifeboat (1968) – YouTube

Listen/watch carefully to see how the boat rights itself when tipped over in the water.  Why is it important that a boat can do this?

We will be making our own self-righting boats in school.  See if you can have ago using the resources and information below.



Self righting boat notes


Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

Owl Class Home Learning 30.11.20

Good morning.  Here are today’s tasks:

*English – Unit from The Oak National Academy.  Using the link below, find Year 5 week beginning Monday 16th November. Select Monday’s English lesson for Year 5.  It is called ‘To learn about a poet and the historical context of a poem’.  Follow the instructions in the lesson to work through the teaching video and the related activity.

*Maths – today we are focusing on comparing and ordering numerators.  Take a look at the teaching slides and/or the video clip below and then complete the attached worksheet.  The answer sheet is included below.







*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.

*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.

*French – take a look at BBC Bitesize’s French section and choose an area to practise.

*PE – find a way to get active today.  That could be an indoor workout or time in the back garden.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis

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