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Corbet Cross Country Superstars!

Today we awarded our Corbet Cross Country Runners with their winners certificates. We are so proud of our success, but even more of the fact that every single pupil in KS2 competed in this event. Well done Team Ruyton! Check out all our brilliant winners below!

Year 3 Girls 2nd Place – Charley:

Year 3 Girls Team Event – 1st overall!

Year 3 Boys – 3rd Overall

Year 4 Girls – 2nd Place Maia

Year 4 Girls Team 1st Overall:

Year 6 Boys – 2nd Place Noah

Year 6 Boys – 3rd Place Matthew

Year 5 Boys Team – 2nd Overall

Year 6 Boys Team – 1st Overall

The Trading Game!

This term, Owls are learning about trade and economy as a theme through history in our topic, Deal or No Deal. Today we learned what trade means and factors that affect trade and its success, including: wealth of a country, trade partnerships, natural disasters, resources, taxes and governments. We had great fun selling shapes and trading equipment to achieve more money!

A day for the Ukraine

Today we enjoyed a day of wearing yellow and blue in tribute to the Ukraine in light of recent events. We were also visited by Marianna Davis who spoke to all the classes about her work with Ukranian refugees. She then received our donations which had been made from the friends and families of school. Well done and thank you to everyone involved, with particular thanks to Mrs Davis for giving up her time to share her important messages – we were in awe of what you have achieved with your team so far!

Forest School – Art Sculptures

As part of our Art and Outdoor Learning, we’ve been making observations and sketching patterns in the natural word before  learning about how to sketch birds and flowers. Owls were very focused in their Forest School Art – it was a pleasure to see them engrossed in their art books in the woods.

As a whole class project, Owls also produced a sculpture of a pheasant (the National bird of Japan) using natural materials.


Shrewsbury Half Marathon miles begin…!

The Ruyton Runners took to the fields at lunch time today to complete their first mile. It was inspiring to see so many runners from Reception to Year 6 running together – there are 33 runners in total taking part in this challenge!

Many of these runners had signed up to complete the Shrewsbury Half Marathon on Saturday 9th April – one mile down, 13 to go!

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