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Would you want the Cross to be moved? Owl Class investigates!

This is question has come up recently in local news groups and Parish Council meetings. As part of our Local History Study, Owl Class visited the site on Friday afternoon and also studied the Parish Council Meeting notes in Guided Reading. We then looked into the history of the Cross before coming to our own conclusions about the key question.

Enjoy a sample of our letters below from our team of Year 5 and 6 ⭐️⭐️⭐️





Hi-5 Netball Tournament – 3rd place!

Our sporting calendar kicked off to a great start this week at the Hi-5 Netball tournament at the Corbet School. We are super-proud of our team who were undefeated and came 3rd overall, only just missing out on the final! This was a fantastic achievement, particularly as our team consisted of players from Year 4 (Charley) facing squads of Year 6 children from other schools. We have been busy training and learning the rules (of which there are many!) during break times and lunch times where the children have been a pleasure to coach.

Well done to Ella, Mia, Charley, Alice, Arthur, Jamie and Andreas – you have done us proud as always.



Year 6 Maths Challenge at Wrekin College – Top 10 finish!

On Friday 23rd September, a team of four Year 6 mathematicians attended Wrekin College for a Maths Challenge where they competed against other schools from across the county.

They had three challenges to conquer in pairs, then scores were counted up to reveal the top teams. George and Evan reported:

“I was surprised by how much sport was involved-we had to run around our column each time we checked our answer! We were flabbergasted when we found out our team came tenth out of 60 other pairs!”

Well done to Evan, George, Ella and Arthur: you did Ruyton proud! A special thank you to Mrs Collins for supporting the event as a parent helper. too.

Platinum Award for PE & School Sport

We are delighted to announce St John’s has received a prestigious Platinum Award from the School Games for 2021-22.

Platinum press release – click here for more info

Each year, we submit evidence to our School Games Organiser who verifies the level of award earned. This year, following five consecutive ‘Gold’ awards, we were one of very few primary schools in Shropshire to receive the Platinum Award.

Our School Games Organiser, Mollie Croxon, wrote: ” It’s lovely to read how much you prioritize physical activity and sport at St Johns for all students also. You have received platinum which is fantastic and well deserved for your continued efforts over the years!”

Miss Whit (PE Co-ordinator) presents the School Games Platinum Award to members of the new Sports Council 2022.


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