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Sorting animals

This afternoo the year 1 children have been learning about the different animal groups: birds, fish, mammals, insects, amphibians and reptiles. They sorted their animals together as a group. Here is the result…


Weekly awards…

Congratulations to the following children who have been noted by school staff for showing our School Values recently:

Harvey (Hedgehogs) “for holding brambles out of the way of his friends” plus “being trustworthy and carrying out a job”

Noah (Hedgehogs) “for waiting for a friend on his way back from Forest School”

Ameila & Isabelle (Hedgehogs) “for showing respect and tidying the classroom independently”

Lucy (Hedgehogs) “for showing perseverance in learning new skills”

Skylar (Hedgehogs) “for being trustworthy”

Seren (Hedgehogs) “for comforting others”

Jessie (Owls) “for a wonderful attitude to learning”

Lowri (Rabbits) “for showing kindness and always being willing to help others”

Izzy (Owls) “for good manners walking through the corridors”

Ffion (Owls) “for hard work and a positive attitude to learning”

Charlie L (Dragonflies) “very mannerly when walking back from field”

Anouk (Dragonflies) “for showing super perseverance and working hard”

Alex (Dragonflies) “for showing super friendship towards our new Reception pupils”

Well done everyone, we’re very proud of you all.

Forest school

Unfortunatley because of the wind we were unable to go up to the Drumbles forest school site this week but Hedgehog class didn’t let that stop them! We had a fantastic session on the school grounds where we made natural kites. We really enjoyed collecting natural items, attaching them to string and then using them as kites!



This term in science the year 1 children are learning about animals including humans. Yesterday we gave the children lots of pictures of different animals for them to sort in their owns ways. Here are the ideas that they came up with…

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Hedgehog Maths

Next week in maths, Hedgehog class will continue their number work. We will be looking at different numbers and how we can partition them. On Tuesday, we will be looking at the number 6. In order to do our activity, we are going to need some empty egg boxes. If you have any at home that you no longer need, please send them in by Tuesday morning.


Mrs Farmer



Hedgehog class have been learning about addition in maths this week. Yesterday, the Reception children went outside to learn about adding two groups together using hoops and beanbags.

Noah’s Ark

As part of our child initiated play this week we looked at the Noah’s Ark story from the Bible. We enjoyed finding out about all of the animals that Noah saved on his ark! Some of us chose to make an ark from construction materials and a few of the girls chose to act out the story using the small world ark.


Morning Worship

Mrs Ball continued to explore this term’s chosen School Value of ‘trust’ in Worship this morning. Lily S narrated a story about Gideon from the Bible whilst a team of actors performed some great drama.

Mrs Ball also presented a Headteacher’s Award to Seren and Amber from Hedgehogs who participated and helped at the Village Homegrown Show at the weekend; well done to the girls and all the children whose artwork went on display.



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