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Celebration Assembly

Golden Book

Well done to Ffion (2nd Award), Maya (13th Award) and Hannah (14th Award) for achieving new awards in our Golden Book.

Young Writers’ Anthology

Congratulations to Bonnie for achieving a Certificate of Merit for creative writing and having her work selected for a Young Writers Anthology. Wow!



Lucy A, Arthur, Grace, Esme: for showing determination and perseverance in work

Liam & Bonnie: effort in newspaper writing

Toby, Max, Alex W and Andreas: for showing the value of friendship


Our Cross Country Team received an award for ‘perseverance’ following their superb effort on Tuesday evening.

Wear Red for Zac

We celebrated raising a brilliant £115!


Head teacher awards

Well done to Percy, Skyler and Charley who all received headteacher awards for fantastic maths work today. Not only were they all able to complete addition questions, they were able to create their own and record them!

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2D shape

In maths this week, we have been learning about 2D shapes. We learnt the names of some common 2D shapes and how many sides and corners each one has. One of the activities that we did this week was going on a 2D shape hunt. We looked for lots of different shapes in our environment. Here’s what some of us found…


Forest school

Last week at forest school one of the children brought in a leaf identification fan so this week we decided to do a session on leaf identification for the whole class. Each group had their own leaf identification chart and went on a leaf hunt. Afterwards they matched the leaves that they had found to the leaves on their charts and wrote a label for them. Later on Kris our forest school leader lit a fire and we all got to toast our own marshmallows on it. They went down very well with a cup of hot chocolate!


Harvest Festival

Well done to all the children for their fabulous effort in this morning’s Harvest Festival. The children’s singing, drama and artwork were enjoyed by us all whilst it was fantastic to see all the donations of food being given to charity. Thank you to all the families and friends of our school who attended and gave their support; it was lovely to see so many of you.

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For photos from today’s Service and last week’s practise, please see the school website

Missing Jumper!

To all parents of Hedeghog Class…

We are currently missing a child’s jumper. Please could you check all of the uniform that you have at home to make sure that you have the correct jumpers and cardigans? This child does have her name on the label. A polite reminder again that all uniform and equipment that you send in with your child is clearly labelled.

Many thanks,

Mrs Farmer

D & T

As part of our year 1 work on Eat More Fruit and Vegetables for Design and Technology, we tasted various vegetable products. We then decided which product was our favourite one. This will form part of our research for our final plans.



We had a great time using the gymnastics equipment last week. We were learning about different ways of travelling. We practised bouncing, hopping, skipping and jogging. We also did lots of climbing…


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