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Bird Nests

At forest school this week, we continued looking for signs of spring. We noticed that the birds had started making nests high up in some of the trees. 🌳 Kris taught us what birds use to make their nests – twigs, moss and leaves. We didn’t know that birds make their nests high up to protect their eggs and chicks from predators! We then had a go at making our own versions of some bird nests…


Careers Morning


Reported and edited by Dragonfly Class…

This morning was amazing because we were able to learn about jobs we could do in the future. Years 1-6 enjoyed six different workshops delivered by guests from different companies, including: the RAF, Kier Construction, Maelstrom Event Solutions, Ark stained glass windows, newspaper editor Shirley Tart MBE and an outdoor adventures instructor.

We were particularly excited to meet Shirley Tart MBE who has met the Queen! She had some interesting stories to tell about the Royal events she has been to including Prince Charles and Diana’s wedding. This was extra-special because today is also International Women’s Day and Shirley has achieved a lot in her life as a newspaper editor.

Chloe reported, “it was very exciting!” whilst Charlie L explained how he was “able to think about working for different companies and getting jobs when we’re older.”

Jamie: “We learnt a lot, including that in ten years there will be new helicopter launched without a pilot!

Leo: “It was so interesting to see the new vehicles that there could be in the future like  a huge drone.”

Grace: “It was very interesting to ask questions and hear surprising answers!”

Abbie: “I found out that instead of one big job there were lots of little jobs that helped the big job.”

Oliver: “We were very lucky to have all these people come to our school.”

Thank you to all our careers visitors – we learned so much!

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Shrove Tuesday Fun!

On Tuesday afternoon the children in Hedgehog Class were learning all about Shrove Tuesday. We learnt about the period of Lent and how the four countries in the United Kingdon traditionally celebrated Pancake Day in different ways. We had great fun making some pancakes. We learnt to weigh and measure the ingredients as well as learning how to safely use a hob…

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We also really enjoyed eating them!


The Reception children then enjoyed incorporating Shrove Tuesday into their child initiated play. They timed each other using sand timers to see how many times they could flip a pancake in a minute, had pancake races and even made their own “pancakes” in the mud kitchen.

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Pancake flipping!

Reuben and Charlie showed us their pancake flipping skills this morning as we learned about Shrove Tuesday and its meaning during our morning worship. Pancake Policeman Arthur was on-hand to judge the event: twenty-one flips in thirty seconds… Wow!

The children finished by thinking about Lent and its Christian traditions, along with deeper thought about what it would mean to give up some of our favourite things…

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Learning New Skills!

Throughout this term, the children in Hedgehog Class will be tracking the growth of buds from various trees at our forest school site. To ensure that they continue to monitor the same bud, they have made their own labels using wood. Under close supervision, the children learnt to use a saw and a drill to make their wooden labels. They were excited this week to find that some of their buds had changed already!CE93B550-201E-469E-8268-FD98A3C3577B 131BEE08-9259-4E78-995E-6717993EB47E 6702F86E-9A30-4364-95F3-247617472A03 8F1597E5-3B3B-4471-8D2B-D27F718AE1E1 E0EE41CA-40BB-44FC-B590-8397FFA3EFB2 AC0F1CB4-2482-4AC2-A833-34A72F94A90E

Floating and Sinking

Throughout this term, hedgehog class will be building boats which will be put into the river to compete in a boat race in towards the end of term. To start our work on this we spent some time yesterday looking at floating and sinking so that we can make good choices when choosing materials to make our boats with.

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Weekly Celebration Assembly

It’s been a busy last week of term at St John’s: Forest Schools, football matches, Maths Focus Day, Languages Taster Day, North Shropshire Netball Championships, Open the Book and a scrumptious Valentines lunch! We shared our work in these areas whilst celebrating the following….

Golden Book

Children earn their place in the Golden Book following an accumulation of classroom stars / awards.

Xenia – 12th Award


Lily (Hedgehogs)  – for great effort  writing

Bella  – for great maths

Arthur D – for persevering and problem solving in maths

Bella – lovely topic leaflet, well done!

Abbie – for overcoming her worries and playing her first football match

Charlie P – for staying positive this week & being a great help in football

Reuben – perseverance and teamwork of school football

Liam – for determination in school football


Our football teams were celebrated for their participation the match against Myddle on Wednesday. Several of our children represented the school for the first time and overcame their worries to enjoy a super evening of sport.


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