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Water flow exploration

As part of their child initiated play this afternoon, the reception children were exploring water flow. They built a super system where they could pour water in at the top and watch it flow right to the bottom tray. They realised that if they poured a larger volume of water down the pipes then the water would flow much faster than if they only put a smaller amount of water in. They also found out that the more water that was in the tray at the bottom, the better the boats floated…


Boat Race Preparation

Hedgehog Class have been busy making some boats in preparation for their upcoming boat race in a couple of weeks time. Today, they put all of their new knowledge and skills that they have learnt into practise to create some fantastic looking boats! We can’t wait to test them in our water tray next week to make sure that they are watertight!


Forest School Date Changes

We’ve made a couple of changes to the Forest School day this week and next week.

Forest School will run tomorrow (Tuesday 19th March 2019) and next Monday, 25th March 2019.

Please make sure that your child comes to school in their Forest School kit on the days above and not on Wednesdays for the next 2 weeks. They will need a change of clothing as normal.

Forest School will go back to Wednesdays from 3rd April 2019.

Red Nose Day 2019

Thank you for all the donations for Comic Relief on Friday; the school looked brilliant as a sea of red and over £105 was raised! The children were very proud to be sporting painted noses instead of plastic ones; Eco Team (school Council) thanked everyone for supporting this campaign and sharing an important message.

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Bishop Michael of Lichfield visits Ruyton

On Friday (15th March) we were honoured to welcome Bishop Michael from Lichfield Cathedral to our school. He delivered our morning Worship and spent the morning in school, meeting the children and enjoying their work.

Daniel explained, “I felt really lucky that he came to our school. His Worship story about his Bishop’s crook was so interesting!”

The Worship Council gave their thanks to Bishop Michael for taking time to visit our school and answer children’s questions.

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Indoor Forest School

Hedgehog Class didn’t let Storm Gavin ruin their forest school fun this week! Due to the strong winds that were forecast, we couldn’t attend the Drumbles site this week so Kris organised some super indoor activities instead. The children were excited when Kris said that they were going to make some pancakes although they were amazed that they were going to cook them on tin cans over a candle!


They also learnt a vital survival skill through indoor den building. They started off making their own individual dens which then developed into one great big den! They had great fun creating their own games once they had finished building…


Palm Sunday

Hedgehog Class have been learning about what Christians believe about Palm Sunday. We looked at a palm cross and compared it with a palm leaf. We discussed how the leaf had changed shape. The palm cross reminds Christians that, although the crowds welcomed Jesus, some people were jealous of him – and, a week later, Jesus was arrested and killed on a cross. Jesus’ dying was sad and terrible but we know that Christians believe it is not the end of the story. We know that the palm crosses remind Christians of Palm Sunday and of Jesus dying.

We did some different activities to help us remember the story of Palm Sunday and to remember the palm cross as a special symbol…


Llangollen Horse Drawn Boat Trip

Hedgehog Class enjoyed a trip along Llangollen Canal on a horse drawn boat today. The shire horse who pulled us was called Harley. We all thought that he must be really strong to pull us all along on the boat! The trip was to help us learn more about boats and how they have changed over time. As we waited for our trip to start, the children impressed the adults by naming the different parts of the boat such as the bow, stern and keel. We also looked at what materials the barge was made from. When we got back to school we started designing our boats that we are going to make ready for our class boat race down the river in a few weeks time.

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