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A very special weekly Celebration Assembly

We had a very special Celebration Assembly at St John’s today.

Lowri’s Award

We were all very honoured today as Lowri proudly brought in an award and letter which recognised the incredible act of organ donation by Lowri’s mum, Nicola, following her passing last year. Lowri showed us the precious award by appointment of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and read the accompanying letter to explain how Nicola’s organs had been used to help an incredible five other people. Thank you Lowri for sharing this; we are very proud of you in every way.



Eva G – for always listening beautifully

Lottie – for excellent English descriptive writing

Chloe – for always showing a positive attitude

Sam (Rabbits) – for great vocabulary in english

Devon – for always doing your best

Sophia – for always doing her best

Ella (Rabbits) – excellent diary entry writing

Jess M – excellent discussion in maths

Lily – for helping Bella to get ready for forest school

Amelia – for helping Sophia take her jumper off

Chloe, Dan, Charlie L, Jack – French superstars

Hannah B – during wet play Hannah chose carry on with work!

Arthur D – fantastic singing in worship

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Violin Exams

Lottie & Owen both achieved their Grade 1 from Trinity College, London. What an achievement! Well done to both of you.



Our team were congratulated for a great effort this week as they picked up golf clubs for the first time and had a go at Tri-Golf! The Year 3&4 team finished 4th whilst the Year 5&6 team came 2nd. Well done for getting stuck in and picking up new skills so quickly.



Weekly Celebration Assembly

Worship Council led a busy celebration assembly – lots of brilliant achievements all round…


Golden Book Awards are given following a culmination of stars in class work. Every third award results in a different coloured badge.

Jessie S 4th Award

Henry K 21st Award

Max E 25th Award

Jamie 1st Award

Jack T 1st Award

Abbie 3rd & 4th Award

Anouk 6th Award

Charlie L 11th award

Amy 7th Award

Laila 13th Award

Domininc 11th Award

Hannah 8th Award

Chloe 17th Award

Alex 13th Award

Grace 15th Award

David 3rd Award

Daniel 17th Award

Maurice 9th Award

Arthur L 18th Award


Weekly Acorn Awards


Esme – good partner working in English

Bonnie – completing super homework

Jamie – for a brilliant effort all round

Bella – for brilliant writing

Tyler – for amazing homework

Alex (Hedgehogs)- super attitude

Liam – Player of the football Match

Sam – increased effort all round

Ffion – Player of the Football match

Owen – for fantastic handwriting

Noah & Skyler & Amber – Stars of the day from Jumping Jaxx

Amber – effort in Jumping Jaxx

Noah – being a good role model

Rabbit class – for fantastic Homework this week



Year 3, 4 and 5 received their awards for a very successful Bikeability session this week. Well done everyone!

Year 6 will complete their session later in the year.

Football with Myddle & Baschurch

The football teams were congratulated for their efffort and sportsmanship in the matches on Wednesday – Miss Whit was very proud of you all with several parents and Mr Hughes commenting on what a great fixture it had been.

Thanks was also given to Mr John Gittins and his team who ensured the pitch and lines were looking their best.


Easter gardens

Hedgehog Class have been learning about the Easter story over the last few weeks. Today they were making their own Easter gardens. They know that Christians make Easter gardens to remember that Jesus died on the cross and rose again. They were all fantastic at talking about the story as they made their Easter gardens!


Easter Eggs!

The children had another great forest school session yesterday at the Drumbles. Mrs Farmer had been to collect some eggs. Kris set up a tripod and boiled some water over our camp fire. We then had to boil our eggs for 10 minutes! When they were done, we set them aside to cool a little. After that we put either stickers or elastic bands around the eggs to make crosses on them to remind us of the Easter story. We then dipped them in food colouring. Then we got to eat them!


Boat race preparations

Today the children in Hedgehog Class were busy testing their boats in our water tray to make sure that they would float and stay upright when put on the water. Some were successful on their first attempt however some needed a few minor alterations. The children showed great determination and some super problem solving skills putting everything that they have learnt about materials into practise.CF1D1CAA-A192-4AFD-91E7-549A627FBE79

Ofsted Report: Good with Outstanding features including Outstanding Early Years provision!

We are delighted to share the report following our recent Ofsted inspection (5/6th March). I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your help, support and dedication to enable this report to be such a super reflection of the work in our school.

I am sure you will also join me in saying a massive well done to both pupils and staff for the hard work over the past years to achieve this outcome.

As you can see, we now have a number of aspects judged outstanding – this is testament to the developments and changes which have been put in place over a number of years and again, I would like to say a big thank you to all who have shared their suggestions and worked with us to make this develop so positively for the children in our school.

Best wishes,

Julie Ball
Executive Headteacher

Ofsted Report 2019 SJTB

Hedgehog Class Boat Race

The children in Hedgehog Class would like to invite their parents to watch their boat race in the river on Wednesday 3rd April 2019. The children have been really busy this week making their boats as part of their Design and Technology project and will be making alterations as needed in their session next week. They then hope that their boats will make it to the finish line when they are put into the river. In the interest of the environment, all boats will be collected back out of the river before we leave! Please let either Mrs Farmer or the office know in advance if you would like to join us.

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