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Forest school

Hedgehog Class had a fantastic time up at forest school today. We were learning about water and water flow. The children were given various pipes and cartons and told to go out into the woods to experiment with water flow. They will then use what they learnt this week to creat a huge “Drumbles river” as a class next week.


Hedgehogs Spellings

The children in Hedgehog Class are now in to a good routine with their spellings to learn at home.

Children bring their green spelling book to school on a Thursday, and Mrs Johnson will put new spellings in them for the children to take home to learn.

The children also have an informal spelling test each week and these are glued in the green spelling book for you to see.

It really does help the children an awful lot to practise their spellings with you at home. Please try to find a little bit of time in your week to help your child (using the sheet in their spelling book) and play some of  the spelling games suggested in the front of the book.

Thank you.

Hedgehog English – 14th October 2019

Next week in English, Hedgehog Class will be beginning to learn about Non-Fiction texts and comparing them to Fiction texts. It would be really helpful if they could bring in something that they know a lot about on Monday so that they can give the rest of the class some information about it. This will form part of our lesson on information texts.


Mrs Farmer


The reception children enjoyed developing their number skills this morning using the computers and iPads. Some of them found using a mouse for the first time quite tricky but they were starting to get the hang of it. They all did a super job and were getting so quick at the games they were playing by the end of the lesson.


Forest School

We had a great time up at forest school this morning looking for signs of autumn! We were really lucky with the weather this week! We went on a hunt throughout the whole forest in groups to look for autumnal items. We found lots of things including various sticks, fallen leaves, conker husks and berries.


When we thought that we had collected enough things, we were challenged to make a picture of anything we liked. Here are our results…


We are going to do this activity again after half term to see if there are any different autumnal items as the season progresses.

Forest School

A quick reminder to Hedgehog Class parents that tomorrow is Forest School. Thank you to our volunteers who have enabled us to go to the Drumbles site! The weather forecast is looking dry for tomorrow which is a bonus! Remember that the children should come to school already dressed in their forest school kits so that we can get going. They should bring their uniform in a bag so that we can change them into it later in the day. Please remember that the children are likely to get dirty up at forest school so please don’t send them in wearing clothes that you would like them to keep clean or tidy!

Thank you

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