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Hedgehogs Home Learning Tasks 01.04.2020

Morning Hedgehogs!

We’ve made it to a new month! Let’s hope that we don’t have too many April showers and we get lots of sunshine instead!

Here are today’s suggested home learning tasks…


Reception – Please choose 2 ladder letters to practise…

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Year  1 – Please practise writing the following words… poor, because, find, kind, mind

Remember to use joined up handwriting if that is what you usually do!


Today I’d like everyone to play some of the games on

This is a website that we regularly use in school with the children and they have currently got free access for parents at home. Please make sure that your child chooses the appropriate level for their learning.


Everyone has reading activities set up on Reading Eggs. If you are in Year 1 remember that you will need to click on Reading Eggspress to access your comprehension work.



Today I’d like everyone to spend some time on NumberGym to keep their mental maths skills ticking over. Start on level 1 (or wherever you last got to) on bond builder and see how many levels you can achieve lightening fast on!


To keep your writing skills sharp I’d like you to write a diary of what you have been doing again today please.


The forecast isn’t quite as warm and sunny this week as it was last week but that doesn’t stop you from getting outside for some fresh air! Go for a walk with your household or spend some time on your bikes/scooters. If you aren’t going outside today there are some fantastic free online videos to help you get some exercise. Joe Wicks has been doing some great PE lessons for you to join in with at home!

Remember that we’ve also got our project grid for you to chose some activities from if you wish.

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Please carry on keeping us updated with what you have been doing either through Tapestry or by emailing admin.

Have a fantastic day and enjoy the rest of your week!

Mrs Farmer

Hedgehogs Home Learning Tasks 31.03.2020

Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope that you all had a good day yesterday and have been finding ways to keep yourselves occupied. Henri is certainly keeping me busy!

Here are today’s suggested home learning tasks…


Reception – Please choose 2 ladder letters to practise…

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Year  – Please practise writing the following words… full, house, our, door, floor

Remember to use joined up handwriting if that is what you usually do!


Everyone’s phonics activities for today are set up on Education City.


Everyone has reading activities set up on Reading Eggs. If you are in Year 1 remember that you will need to click on Reading Eggspress to access your comprehension work.


Reception – Show how you can share your toys into different groups e.g. 4 groups of 3 cars.

Year 1 – Your activities for today are set up on MyMaths.


To keep your writing skills sharp I’d like you to write a diary of what you have been doing again today please.



The forecast isn’t quite as warm and sunny this week as it was last week but that doesn’t stop you from getting outside for some fresh air! Go for a walk with your household or spend some time on your bikes/scooters. If you aren’t going outside today there are some fantastic free online videos to help you get some exercise. Joe Wicks has been doing some great PE lessons for you to join in with at home!

Remember that we’ve also got our project grid for you to chose some activities from if you wish.

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Please carry on keeping us updated with what you have been doing either through Tapestry or by emailing admin. I had a great time yesterday catching up with what you had been busy doing!

Enjoy your day,

Mrs Farmer

Hedgehogs Home Learning Tasks 30.03.2020

Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope that you’ve all had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed spending some valuable time with your family. You’ve made it through the first week! Well done to those of you who managed to complete the home learning tasks last week. For those of you that didn’t manage to get round to it, I’ve set each activity up online so that it is published for 2 weeks – just in case!

Here are today’s suggested home learning tasks…


Reception – Please choose 2 ladder letters to practise…

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Year  – Please practise writing the following words… ask, friend, school, push, pull

Remember to use joined up handwriting if that is what you usually do!


Everyone’s phonics activities for today are set up on Education City.


Everyone has reading activities set up on Reading Eggs. If you are in Year 1 remember that you will need to click on Reading Eggspress to access your comprehension work.


This week we would have been doing some division work. Your activities for today are set up on Education City.


To keep your writing skills sharp I’d like you to write a diary of what you have been doing today please.


We started planning this in school but unfortunately we didn’t get round to actually finding out so… Investigate what would be the best material to fix a broken umbrella with.


The forecast isn’t quite as warm and sunny this week as it was last week but that doesn’t stop you from getting outside for some fresh air! Go for a walk with your household or spend some time on your bikes/scooters. If you aren’t going outside today there are some fantastic free online videos to help you get some exercise. Joe Wicks has been doing some great PE lessons for you to join in with at home!

Remember that we’ve also got our project grid for you to chose some activities from if you wish.

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Please carry on keeping us updated with what you have been doing either through Tapestry or by emailing admin. We really love to see what you have been doing!

Have a lovely day and take care of yourselves,

Mrs Farmer


Hedgehogs home learning 27th March 2020

Good morning Hedgehogs.

I hope you enjoyed your activities yesterday, and didn’t get too wet exploring the capacity of different containers!

Your tasks for today are below. I hope you enjoy them.

Mrs Johnson

Fine motor skills

Pick an activity from the poster below, something different to yesterday please.

26 and 27 March


Think about the sounds you were learning about yesterday on Education City.

Can you write your own lists of words with those sounds in them?

Reception – words starting with c or k

Reception – words ending in ck (more challenging activity)

Year 1 – words with the split digraph o-e. This can be the long o-e sounds as in home and the short o-e sound as in come.


Pick up your favourite story book that you have at home. Which is your favourite part of the story? Why? Can you read that page, and draw a picture to show me what happened?


Today you have an activity on My Maths all about capacity.


Reception – Write a simple sentence on a strip of paper. If you are stuck for ideas, look around you! For example, you might write ‘The flowers are yellow’ ,  ‘My dog is called Stan’ or ‘I am going to help my Mum get dinner’. Cut up the sentence and mix up the word order. Challenge someone in your house to put the sentence back together again.

This activity is similar to the one you did yesterday.

If you find it hard to write/read the words, ask a grown up to do it for you and stick to short sentences. You can help to put the words in the right order and work together as a team!

Year 1 – Can you write a sentence with the verb missing and see if someone at home can suggest what the missing verb might be? Think about the sentences you did on the worksheet yesterday to give you some ideas of what you could write. Can they write a sentence for you to add the missing verb? Who is the best sentence writer?!


In Hedgehog Class, we love Cosmic Yoga and take part in this every Friday afternoon. Please find a yoga video to do together on Cosmic Yoga’s website. I’m sure parents will love it too!

Golden Time

You have had a very busy and different week. Celebrate how amazing you and your family are by playing a board game together – snakes and ladders, frustration or kerplunk – any family board game will be lovely. Enjoy spending time together and remember how brilliant you all are.

Well done everyone!

Hedgehogs home learning Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning Hedgehogs.

I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the sunshine! Please find your activities for today below. Fingers crossed everything works!

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills 

Pick an activity from the poster below to try at home.

26 and 27 March


Please log on to Education City for your activities for today.

Reception children have a choice of two activities, or you can do both!


Find a cosy spot in your house or garden and snuggle up with a teddy bear. Choose your favourite story and read it to your cuddly toy.


Year 1 – words with the split digraph o-e as a short sound – come, some, done, none.

Reception – words ending in ck – pick, rock, neck, luck, sack.


Explore how much water different containers hold – an activity for your garden! Choose a range of different containers (such as cups, bowls, jugs, buckets and bottles) trying to find different shapes and sizes. Pour water from one container to another, thinking about if they are full, empty, half full, quarter full, three quarters full, if they have more water in than the last container or less than.

Which container held the most water? The least? Which overflowed? Why? What did you find out about the capacity of each container?

Year 1 can also investigate, explore and compare measuring capacity in millilitres and litres using the labels on containers and measuring jugs.


Please find your activity below. You can print them out or read them from the screen and write in your green home learning books.

Reception children –

Sentence scramble 26th March 2020

Year 1 children –

Verbs activity 26 March 2020


Have fun printing using different household objects and washable children’s paint. Talk about the different shapes the objects make when printing, the colours used, patterns and textures (eg does it look rough, bumpy, smooth etc). Can you print a picture using different objects?

Please don’t worry if you can’t fit all of these activities in to your day. I want you to enjoy being and learning together and so if you need to leave an activity out and come back to it another time, that’s absolutely fine.



Hedgehogs Home Learning – 25.03.2020

Good morning Hedgehogs! What a gorgeous day yesterday was… Let’s hope that it lasts! Well done to those of you who managed to complete your home learning tasks again yesterday. I really enjoyed looking through all of the fantastic things that you have been doing on Tapestry last night! Please keep uploading your activities on there – I love being able to see what you have been up to!

These are today’s home learning tasks…


Year 1 – Please practise writing the following words in your home learning books: love, come, some, one, once

Remember if you do joined up writing, please make sure that you carry on practising this!

Reception – Please practise 2 more of the following curly caterpillar letters…

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Your activities are set up on Education City. Remember that you can login to for free at the moment as well if you want to play any of their games.


Year 1 – You have a comprehension activity set up on Reading Eggspress (Login in to Reading Eggs but then select Reading Eggspress)

Reception – You have an activity set up on Reading Eggs.



Everyone – Do some home cooking with an adult to practice doing some weighing. Take some photos and upload them to Tapestry or if you are in Year 1, stick some photos into your home learning books!


Year 1 grammar activities are set up on Education City.


Make sure that you also get some exercise! There are lots of videos out there on YouTube to help you keep active but also try to get outside as well. Go for a walk or for a bike ride to get some fresh air. The forecast is looking great this week so make the most of it!

Remember that Miss Whit has also set up a house tournament on TT Rockstars as well for Years 1-6 so if you want to join in with this please have a go!

NumberGym is a great resource for keeping your mental maths sharp. Bond builder is particularly useful for you to use – see how many lightening fasts you can get throughout your time away from school!

The usual work that you do on Reading Eggs is unlimited and up to you how much you would like to do.

Remember that you can choose some activities from the grid below as well if you want to keep busy!

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Remember to keep yourselves safe and look after each other! I am missing you all lots!

Mrs Farmer

Stories at 11.00 am read by David Walliams

This article was published in Metro Magazine.  The link takes you to the author reading a new story each day.

“David Walliams has confirmed he will be releasing a free audio story each day for the next 30 days to help keep children entertained amid the coronavirus lockdown.  David has been recording some of his much-loved stories for them to play to their children.  He tweeted:  ‘I’ll be releasing an audio story every day for the next 30 days for free. First up is The Terrible Triplets! Enjoy. Xxx’”

Click here to listen

Hedgehogs Home Learning Tasks – 24.03.2020

Good morning Hedgehogs! Well done to those of you who managed to complete your home learning tasks yesterday and thank you to those of you who put things on Tapestry for me to look at… It’s so nice to see what you have been busy doing! Remember you can put anything that you’ve been doing on there, it doesn’t just have to be your home learning tasks. It looks like it’s going to be another beautiful day outside today!

These are today’s home learning tasks…


Year 1 – Please practise writing the following words in your home learning books: your, they, here, there, where

Remember if you do joined up writing, please make sure that you carry on practising this!

Reception – Please practise 2 more of the following curly caterpillar letters…

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Your activities are set up on Education City. Remember that you can login to for free at the moment as well if you want to play any of their games.


Year 1 – You have a comprehension activity set up on Reading Eggspress (Login in to Reading Eggs but then select Reading Eggspress)

Reception – You have an activity set up on Reading Eggs.


Reception – Collect items from around the house and put them in order from lightest to heaviest. Please upload what you have done to Tapestry.

Year 1 – Activities are set up on Education City.


Year 1 grammar activities are set up on Education City.


Make sure that you also get some exercise! There are lots of videos out there on YouTube to help you keep active but also try to get outside as well. Go for a walk or for a bike ride to get some fresh air. The forecast is looking great this week so make the most of it!

Remember that Miss Whit has also set up a house tournament on TT Rockstars as well for Years 1-6 so if you want to join in with this please have a go!

NumberGym is a great resource for keeping your mental maths sharp. Bond builder is particularly useful for you to use – see how many lightening fasts you can get throughout your time away from school!

The usual work that you do on Reading Eggs is unlimited and up to you how much you would like to do.

There is also the activity grid that we have set up across the school if you would like some practical or project work to do. Choose 1 from the grid to keep yourself busy with over the next couple of days.

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For parents of Reception children please keep us updated with everything that you are doing on Tapestry and for those of you in Year 1, we would love to see what you’ve been doing via the admin email.

Have a great day everyone and I look forward to seeing what you have been up to!

Mrs Farmer

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