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Well-being Wednesday – from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday
Hi everyone, it’s Mrs Viner here checking how you are getting on in this strange and unusual time!
I am sure that you are making the most of being at home, but I also wanted to remind you that it is important to keep your mind and body happy and active!
This can be achieved in a variety of ways. 🍴🏃‍😴
Firstly, by eating a healthy balanced diet and drinking plenty of water. Food is really important as it fuels our bodies, so we have lots of energy to run and jump around!
Secondly, you need to do some physical exercise. When you exercise your heart rate increases and your body releases chemicals called endorphins – which make you feel happy and motivated.
Lastly, sleep is really important as it gives our bodies rest and allows it to prepare for the next day.
Did you know, that every living thing sleeps from the smallest insect to the largest whale. Some animals spend as much as 20 hours a day sleeping!! 😴
I would love if you would send me your ideas of how you are keeping yourselves feeling happy and keeping active. Here are some ideas to get you started.
  • Can you create a healthy plate of food? You could draw the different food or create a menu. If you are a budding chef maybe you could prepare the food for someone in your house. (Always check with an adult before hand).
  • What exercises have you been doing? Rhys and I have started the Couch to 5K. Could you create your own exercise video like Joe Wicks? Tell me about the places you have explored for your daily exercise?
  • Could you find out how much sleep other animals get? Who sleeps the most in your house? For any of our top mathematicians, could you record how much sleep you get every night over a week? Then put it into a graph or/and find the average amount of sleep you get?
So, over to you…please send your ideas to
Take care and stay safe 😊

Sophia’s culinary skills!

Sophia has been practising her fine motor skills by helping chop carrots for spaghetti bolognese – my favourite!

Chopping carrots

With some help from Andreas, Sophia’s also been practising her Maths and knife skills by cutting chocolate covered strawberries into three equal parts to share with her family. I’m not sure I’d be quite as good at sharing, they look very yummy!!

Chocolate covered strawberries

P.S. Loving the festive dress Sophia!

Miss Horton

Luana’s caterpillar called Lola 🐛

Last week when Luana was gardening with her family she spotted something bright green lying on the soil. She took a closer look and saw it was a caterpillar. She couldn’t believe how green it was – it almost looked fluorescent!


Luana made the caterpillar a home inside a big jar with some soil, sticks and leaves and thought it would be really interesting to watch the caterpillar transform into a beautiful butterfly. She says her caterpillar is very hungry (it’s eating lots of leaves!) and that it is growing bigger!

Caterpillar Home


She did a bit on investigating on the computer and thinks her caterpillar is an angle shades caterpillar. These are the facts she found:

Angle Shades Moth
Scientific name: Phlogophora meticulosa
This common Eurasian moth, Phlogophora meticulosa, is very similar to its North American relatives in the Noctuidae family of moths. The adult is pretty and interesting-looking. It rests with its wings folded in a way that makes it really resemble a dead leaf. These moths fly toward lights and can be found even in urban, developed areas. The green angle shades caterpillar (although some forms are brown) is hard to find on the plant but are most likely to be found on apple, birch, spinach, nettle, or one of literally dozens of other common plants and trees.
Does it sting?
What does it eat?
Almost anything, from beets to nettles.
Will it seriously damage plants or trees?
Enough of them can eat a good amount of your salad garden.
Is it rare?
What does it turn into?
A pretty brown moth.
Brown Moth
Luana wonders whether any of you have found any caterpillars in your garden – maybe you’ve found a different type of caterpillar. Let us know if you have!
What a wonderful home you’ve made for Lola the caterpillar! I look forward to hearing any updates 🙂
Miss Horton


A lovely surprise for our staff!

A huge THANK YOU to whoever delivered this gift to our school entrance yesterday. It will mean the world to our teachers (I know it’s made my day!) and I’ve no doubt it will take a special place in school for many years to come as a happy memory of this strange time.

Thank you from us all.



St John’s pupils in music video!

Percy and Arthur are featured in a video for the band ‘Everything Everything’, in their new song which was launched on Radio 1 on Thursday night.

Created during lockdown, the lead singer taught himself how to work the technology to create the video. The boys had to stand very still whilst they had around 300 pictures taken. Here they are in a still from the video (which you can see on YouTube).Percy and Arthur

Well done boys!



Hedgehogs Home Learning – 27/4/20

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope you had a lovely weekend and you were able to enjoy the sunshine! I’ve been busy looking after my seeds, some have started to grow now. I’m attempting to grow an avocado plant…but what I didn’t realise is that it can take up to 15 years before it will grow an avocado big enough to eat!!! So in 2035 when I’m eating my avocado, I can think back to when I planted it and remember it was when I first started teaching Hedgehogs!


There is a new online phonics resource which teaches phonics in the same way that it would be taught if you were in school. Each day a new phonics lesson will be uploaded. After the lessons have been uploaded they will be available to view at any time so you can watch them whenever you like.

This link will take you to the phonics lessons.

Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds.

Parents – there is a letter here that explains everything you need to know and the links that will take you to the online lessons. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing them or have any questions regarding the content.

Letter to parents and carers about online phonics lessons


Reception: Practise writing 2 of the zig zag letters. Can you think of any words that start with these letters?

Year 1:  Please practice writing the following words: no, go, so, by, my, here. Try doing ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ – look at the word, say it out loud, cover it up, have a go at writing it and then check if it is correct. You could get an adult or an older brother/sister to test you! Remember to try and join your letters if you can.


The live lesson on BBC Bitesize today is all about alliteration. Alliteration is when all the words start with the same letter or sound. For example, the slimy snake slithered slowly.

If you’re struggling to think of alliteration for the caterpillar you can choose any animal, insect or object you like!


These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re on to Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27 April)

Reception: Day 1 – Night Pirates Good luck making your telescopes! You could use your favourite colours or shapes to make your pattern.

Year 1: Lesson 1 – Find a half (2)

You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity

Extra Activity:

Following on from your work on plants last week. I’d like you to have a look around your garden or on a walk and work out which plant/flower you see the most. You could take a pen and paper with you and make a note of how many of each flower you see. Can you make a guess which plant you will see the most – I wonder if you’ll be right!

Remember you can complete activities from the activity menu anytime you like. Activity Menu

I’ve really enjoyed seeing pictures and videos of you working at home, keep sending them in it really brightens my day!

Keep safe.

Miss Horton 🙂

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