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Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 7th May 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Your activities for today are below, I hope you enjoy them. If you have difficulty getting on to any websites or you aren’t quite sure what to do, please email school at and I will try to get back to you or update this page as soon as possible.

You can also email photographs of your work to the above email address too for me to put on the school website. We love to see what you have been up to!

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Using a little basket or a small box, make a spiders web using string or wool. Put little objects inside and see if you can use a clothes peg to get them out without disturbing the web!

spider web activity


Reception – CVC words and for those who’d like more of a challenge, the sound ‘ur’.

Reception 7th May CVC words

Reception 7th May ‘ur’

Year 1 – the ‘air’ sound

Year 1 7th May ‘air’


Choose some of the words you have been looking at in phonics as your spellings this week. Write them on the look, cover, write, check sheet and practice them every day.

Look cover write check


Year 1 – Please look on BBC Bitesize for your activity today – it’s a reading lessons called ‘Cyril and Pat’ by Emily Gravett. Please choose the English activity from the screen on the link below.

Reception – In maths this week, you have been looking at the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Use the sheet below to make a list of all the food that the caterpillar ate!

7th May 2020


Reception – Please carry on with your maths work all about The Very Hungry Caterpillar here…

Year 1 – You are adding by counting on today…


Please continue with the booklet you were shown last week all about Pablo The Banana.

Pablo Story Flashcards 30th April and 7th May


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read. Remember to choose a book from your age group! If its too easy or too hard, please choose a book from a different age band.

Well-Being Wednesday from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday!
Hello 👋 everybody, how are you all doing?
This week I wanted to speak to you about routines. Since being at home, I’m sure you and your family have settled into your own routines, balancing home-learning with free-time. But unlike normally, when you would be able to also go outside more, you now have to occupy your days slightly differently. So I have attached below a “Plan the day”, template that you might like to print off or you could make your own.

I don’t know about you, but I really like setting myself a daily goal to achieve by the end of the day! It gives me something to focus on and a great sense of achievement when I complete it! 👏

Now mine usually consist of cleaning my windows or mopping the floor 🙈 but I’m sure that you can come up with some fun and exciting things to do which I would love to hear about. 
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Mrs Viner 😊

Hedgehogs Home Learning Friday 1st May 2020

Hello everyone

Today is the start of a new month and the end of a busy week. I hope you have had fun learning at home this week.

Thank you for looking at these pages every day and trying your best to do the tasks and activities. We know that it isn’t always easy to carry them out and that your house might be very busy at times. If any of the activities don’t make sense please do email school to ask for help or for us to explain things another way.

We try to make sure the links to other websites are working, but technology doesn’t always work so please let us know if you are having trouble getting activities to work!

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

This morning I’d like you to draw a shape on to a piece of cardboard. You can draw a heart, like in the picture, or a rainbow, car, animal or person. Cut out the shape and using a hole punch make a line of holes around the edge, and some in the middle too if you can. Now use wool or string to thread through the holes. You can use different colours or textures of string/wool too. If you use a big needle to help please be careful and ask a grown up to watch you!

Lacing hearts 1st May


Reception – Please use a dice to play the roll and read game Reception oa 1st May 2020

Year 1 – Can you spell the words using the correct ‘ur’ spelling? The answers are on page 2 but no cheating! Year 1 1st May 2020



Your activity for today is ready for you on Education City.


Reception – Your activity today is the end of the ladybird theme Day-5-What-the-ladybird-heard

Year 1 – Today you will be making arrays Lesson-5-Y1-Summer-Block-1-WO4-Make-arrays-2020


Today Jamie is leading a ‘Peace Out’ calming session called cosy cats!


Your reading task today is to find your favourite story and snuggle up somewhere cosy (you can even build a reading den using blankets) to read the story to someone in your house.


National Walking Month Lockdown Challenge – beginning today!

Today, Friday 1st May, is the beginning of National Walking Month! Consequently we are going to have a new Inter House Challenge with awards and a special guest team: the TEACHERS!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Record how many steps you take on a walk each day  (if you bike, record this instead) but being mindful of the government advice and hour of exercise. For example, yesterday I ran 7,000 steps in my hours exercise. You could even do this around your garden! NB: By the end of the day I’ve usually walked around 20,000 steps but we are only counting the recommended HOUR of exercise.

2. Each Friday, send us your total steps for the week! That means sending in your weekly totals on Friday 8th May, 15th May, 22nd, May and 29th May to the school:

We will then calculate winning children, year groups, classes and houses for awards! 

If you miss a day, don’t worry! Just keep moving on the days you can.

Good luck!

Memo to the teachers:- WE CAN NOT LOSE TO THE CHILDREN! Get moving! 😆🏃‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚲 – Miss Whit 😊


Pablo The Banana

As part of our Geography work this term, Hedgehog Class are learning about the journey of a banana from the farm to our kitchen.

I hope you enjoyed the FairTrade video about Pablo and that you have fun completing the booklet that goes with it over the next two weeks!

Here is Sophia’s work from today…pablo

Don’t forget that you can email pictures of your work to us at school and we will share them here!

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