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Thank you Nick!

Hedgehog Class would like to say a very big THANK YOU to our caretaker Nick. He has spent a long time painting our playhouse and putting everything together for our outdoor reading den, as well as lots and lots of other jobs to help make our class an exciting place to be.

Everyone is very grateful to you Nick!BC3C99B1-FAC6-4954-80F8-FC069136F311 16501CA3-6107-4AD8-A3C5-20D8C90FC2DC E63CF94B-3068-4862-BC34-E9C00BB24A21


Hedgehog Class spellings 17th September 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Your spellings for this week are below.

Please make sure you print/copy from the right list! Your spelling group name is on the front cover of your red spelling book that you have at home.

Don’t forget, there are lost of ideas of how you could learn your spellings in the front of your spelling book. Copying them down is just one way, and should be done alongside other methods to help you remember them too!

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

CAN group 17.9.20

SHOULD group 17.9.20

COULD group 17.9.20

You can find a master copy of the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ sheet here to use if you wish… Look cover write check

Phonics Workshop – Hedgehog parents

Parents of children in Hedgehog Class are invited to an online phonics workshop on Tuesday 22nd September at 4pm.

Please complete and return the letter below to the school office before the end of the school day on Friday this week (18th September) if you are able to attend.

Thank you

Miss Horton and Mrs Johnson

Phonics Workshop – Parent Letter

Hedgehogs Homework

Hello Hedgehogs!

This week in class we are reading ‘Peace at Last’ and ‘Home’. We will be talking about our homes. I would like you to draw, make, build or paint your house! You can use any materials or resources you like (e.g. lego, playdough, chalk, paint etc). I’d love to see a picture of what you make!

Have fun

Miss Horton 🙂

Hedgehog Class spellings 10th September 2020

Dear Parents,

Children brought home their red spelling workbook yesterday. These can be kept at home at the moment as we are trying to reduce the number of things carried between home and school. You do not need to bring this red book in to school.

Every Thursday, I will put the spellings and/or sounds for the week on to this website for you to copy in to the red spelling book or to print off and glue in the book.

There are also ideas of games and activities you could do at home to help your child learn their spellings/letter sounds in the front of the red book.

On the front cover of the spelling book is a little note telling you which group your child is in for these spellings. Please make sure you look at the correct spelling/sound list for your child’s group each week!

We will carry out a spelling test every Thursday in class so your child can show us how brilliantly they have done at learning the spellings/sounds they had the previous week.

If you require paper copies of the spellings/sounds or have any questions about spellings, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Blank template for Look, Cover, Write, Check here…  Look cover write check

CAN Group CAN Group 7.9.20

SHOULD Group SHOULD Group 7.9.20

COULD group COULD Group sounds 7.9.20  and  COULD Group words 7.9.20

Hedgehog Class spellings 10th September 2020

Dear Parents,

Children will be bringing home their red spelling workbook today. These can be kept at home at the moment as we are trying to reduce the number of things carried between home and school. You do not need to bring this red book in to school.

Every Thursday, I will put the spellings and/or sounds for the week on to this website for you to copy in to the red spelling book or to print off and glue in the book.

There are also ideas of games and activities you could do at home to help your child learn their spellings/letter sounds in the front of the red book.

On the front cover of the spelling book is a little note telling you which group your child is in for these spellings. Please make sure you look at the correct spelling/sound list for your child’s group each week!

We will carry out a spelling test every Thursday in class so your child can show us how brilliantly they have done at learning the spellings/sounds they had the previous week.

If you require paper copies of the spellings/sounds or have any questions about spellings, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Blank template for Look, Cover, Write, Check here…  Look cover write check

CAN Group CAN Group 7.9.20

SHOULD Group SHOULD Group 7.9.20

COULD group COULD Group sounds 7.9.20  and  COULD Group words 7.9.20

Hedgehogs Class Autumn Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the new school year. We have been working hard to make sure that the classroom and outdoor area are ready and exciting for your children to enjoy. Mrs Ball has thought carefully about being COVID secure too and we would like to reassure you that we will try our very best to keep your children safe. At the heart of our classroom is a love of learning that we will endeavour to make sure remains despite new routines and ways of working during the pandemic.

This is our topic web that outlines what we will be doing in each area of learning this term.

Hedgehogs Autumn Term 2020 topic web Overview of activities

Our literacy work will focus on ‘Peace at Last’, ‘Lost & Found’, ‘Three Little Pigs’ and ‘There are no such things as monsters’, and we will also enjoy some festive activities nearer to Christmas! In Mathematics we are learning all about number, including counting forwards and backwards, representing numbers, using a number line, making 10 or 20 in different ways and addition and subtraction. We will explore 2D and 3D shapes and solve maths problems in everyday life.

The children will have PE with Jonny Hughes (PE Specialist) on a Wednesday afternoon so on a  Wednesday, children can come to school already in their PE kit wearing school shoes. Please make sure your child leaves their named pumps/trainers in school all term.

Forest School day is yet to be confirmed and we will let you know the arrangements for this as soon as possible. For the first few weeks Forest School will be on our school site with children in uniform.

Once we have settled into the new term your child will have homework every Monday set by Miss Horton and spellings each Thursday set by Mrs Johnson. Children will bring home their green homework and red spelling books soon. You do not need to bring these into school at all (as we are restricting carrying things between home and school as much as possible due to COVID). Homework and spelling activities will be found on the school website for you to copy/print and do in these books.

Children can bring a named water bottle to school each day. We will be sending home a reading book once a week in your child’s school book bag. Please use the reading diary provided to write down a little comment each time you hear your child read/read to your child at home.

We won’t be doing show and tell at the moment, again to limit the number of things carried between home and school – sorry! We know how much your children love show and tell and hope to bring it back soon.

We hope to be able to share your child’s work with you through Tapestry (Reception) and email (Year 1) each week, so please make sure we have your correct email or you know how to get on to tapestry.

If you have any questions please email us at school ( and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Thank you

Miss Horton (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning)

Mrs Johnson (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday)

Hello Hedgehogs!

Hello Hedgehogs!

Mrs Johnson and I are really looking forward to meeting our new Reception children and welcoming back the Year Ones! We’ve been busy all day sorting out things and getting some fun activities ready for you 🙂

See you in the morning!

Miss Horton & Mrs Johnson

Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 16th July

Dear Hedgehogs

Please find some fun and different activities for you to do at home today.

Today is the last day of the summer term, and the last day of the school year. Mrs Farmer, Miss Horton and I want to say a huge WELL DONE for all the hard work, smiles, laughter and help that you have all been very busy doing and giving to everyone at home, and some of you at school too. We are very very proud of the way you have all coped during this unusual time and we have missed everyone who has been working at home an awful lot.

We can’t wait to see you all in September, when you will be welcomed back to school and to our St John’s family with open arms. If are moving on to Year 2 and joining a new class, good luck and remember that you are always welcome to come and say hello to us in Hedgehogs!

Have a great summer!

Mrs Johnson

Sports Day at home!

I hope you enjoy taking part in some of these activities with your family at home. You can even print out a certificate for everyone too.

Home sports day task cards

Multi-skills home sports day

Sports Day Certificates

Colour scavenger hunt

Choose one of these sheets and go outside on a colour hunt! There are three slightly  different sheets to choose from Colour hunt

Art fun

Please select one or more of the art activities below.

Sunflower Fork Printing

Sunshine Dot Painting

Under The Sea Water Colour Painting

Mixed Media Flowers

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