What a fantastic time we’ve had playing in the snow together this week! It’s been wonderful to watch the children sharing such an exciting experience together and having so much fun!
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What a fantastic time we’ve had playing in the snow together this week! It’s been wonderful to watch the children sharing such an exciting experience together and having so much fun!
In Hedgehogs we have done lots of Children in Need activities today. We learned about why we were fundraising, designed a new bandana for Pudsey, did some Pudsey maths and danced!
A huge thankyou to everyone who baked, brought or donated money towards our cake sale in aid of Children in Need this week. We have enjoyed lots of yummy cakes! We will let you know how much we have raised soon.
Our star bakers are…
It was a very hard decision, we had lots of fantastic bakes to choose from…
An extra special thankyou to our fantastic Courageous Advocacy council members who set up and ran the cake sale.
Ahead of Remembrance Day, in Hedgehogs we have been learning about the significance of the poppy as a symbol for remembrance. We have explored why the poppy was chosen as a symbol and some of the things that happen on Remembrance Sunday. We saw pictures of King Charles laying a wreath and created our own poppies using paint and tissue paper to join together as our own class wreath.
We were so lucky to see a maize crop being harvested on our way to forest school this afternoon! We watched as the chopper chopped the maize into tiny bits and then sprayed it into a big trailer through the shoot. One of the farmers kindly bought some maize over to show us while he was waiting to load his trailer. How lucky to see this in action!
Then we learnt how to safely toast marshmallows on a campfire!
Dear Parents,
Your child will be taking home a checklist today with information about cut your carbon. Our Owl Class eco warriors council talked about how important it is that we protect our greenhouse layer and reduce carbon emissions. So, on the sheet there are 6 things which you can do to help. It is not expected that you do all 6, but each one will make a small difference. I will be collecting completed checklists and will send them off for our school to enter a competition. Best of luck everyone!
Mr Arthur 🙂
This morning we used tweezers and our fingers to take all the seeds out of some pumpkins so that we can make pumpkin soup next week. We talked about what the pumpkins felt like, and some of us were very surprised that they weren’t all orange. It was rather slimy but we had lots of fun!
Today in maths we have been learning about the composition of the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We had to hunt for ladybirds hidden in the leaves and talk about how their spots are organised on their wings. We learnt and used a stem sentence for each ladybird we found.
An example of our stem sentence is “3 is made from 2 and 1. 2 and 1 make 3.”
Today we were busy building and repairing dens at Forest School. We had to work as a team to move logs and large sticks. We also looked for sweet chestnuts so that we can cook and eat them in a few weeks, but we think the squirrels have had the best ones! Lastly we learnt how to light the campfire safely using flint and steel.
We’ve started our new topic “Harvest” in Hedgehog Class this week. Yesterday, we learnt how farmers harvest their crops. Then we had a look at some vegetables and thought of some good words to describe them. After that, we did some observational drawings of a pumpkin, carrot, sweetcorn or red cabbage.
I think these are absolutely fantastic! (Especially as most of these children are still only 4!)
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