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Dragonflies – Tuesday 28th April

Good morning Dragonflies,

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who is sending us emails and photos of what you are up to – it really helps us all stay in touch and I’ve no doubt you’re all inspiring each other at home. Check out the Facebook page too where we also share your work and members of our community are very much enjoying it – especially our previous governor, Colin Case!

Here are today’s learning activities:

  1. Reading:  20 minutes reading of your current book. If you missed it, please do make sure you tried out yesterday’s reading activity too!
  1. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spelling & Handwriting

Year 4 Spelling &Handwriting

Year 3 Spelling & Handwriting

Challenge: Write a sentence using each word – make them funny if you can!

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2, Day 2.

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂

4. English: 

Access and follow the Bitesize links below.

Year 4 Apostrophes – Toby’s going to really enjoy this! 😆

Year 5 Apostrophes

Other ideas for Tuesday:

  • PE: 9am Joe Wicks workout. 💪
  • ScienceKey Question: What is the difference between something that was alive and something that has never been alive?
  1. Start your brain THINKING by considering these questions below – we will come back to them later, but if you can, discuss them with someone for a couple of minutes each.
  • How can you work out if something is alive?
  • If a car moves, “eats” petrol and gives out exhaust gases, why isn’t it alive? If a clock moves and makes a noise, why isn’t it alive?
  • How do you know a plant is alive?
  • What do living things do?
  • What is special about things that are alive?

2.  Watch this Living Things Video Clip

3.  Explore the photos in the link below and decide: Are they alive or not? Why?

Living or Not Photos

4. Finally, explore your home and garden to find examples of things that are dead, alive or have never lived. Some ideas for recording:

  • Photographs or sketches into a sorting table
  • Make a Science Video – send it to the school if possible!
  • Table of results (or complete this one): Living things
  • If you have one, take a leaf out of Y6 Emma’s book and explore different organisms under a magnifying glass / microscope.
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 4 continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a great Tuesday,

Miss Whit 🙂

Monday 27th April – Dragonfly Class

Good morning everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a restful weekend. I’ve had a very funny one! A little while ago I bought Briar a present for her 5th birthday (because doggy birthdays are important too!). This weekend we’ve had great fun using it.. it’s a doggy trailer for my bike! It attaches to my bike and I can take her with me. Today we bumped into Katie and her family on our travels who saw our very happy dog wind-surfing her way around the back lanes. I have to admit, it’s a bit heavy to pull her up the hills but it’s a fab work-out! Plus, it made a lot of local people smile…!

I’ve had a catch-up with Mrs O too – she sends all of you her love and is missing the fun and laughter of our classroom very much. I certainly can’t wait to be back in the classroom with Mrs O!

Here’s todays learning activities:

  1. Reading:  Hopefully your are all enjoying daily reading of some sort everyday. As an extra, check out this activity – it features one of my favourite poems as a child!

Reading – Please Mrs Butler

Challenge: Could you rewrite the poem in your own words?!

  1. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spelling & Handwriting

Year 4 Spelling &Handwriting

Year 3 Spelling & Handwriting

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2.

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂

4. English: 

Access and follow the Bitesize links below (or spend time on your poem from the reading acivity!)

Year 4 Prepositions

Year 5 Punctuation

Other ideas for Monday:

Have a great Monday,

Miss Whit 🙂

Friday 24th April

We’re at the end of another sunny week – well done to everyone who is trying some of these activities, but remember there is no pressure to do so. I’ve loved hearing stories of your different ways of home learning! Torin emailed yesterday – he has been learning times tables using car registrations eg. AK57 means he has to solve 5×7. Brilliant! What would mine be? J555…

In other news, in school this week I had a lovely surprise involving our classroom plant. The plant was gifted to me by Mrs Bullock (who some of you may know) about six years ago. It has survived all this time with its deep green leaves…. but check this out – it’s flowered! 🌷This has never happened before – I’m not quite sure what I’ve been doing wrong for six years but isn’t it pretty! 😆

37A7CBB2-DE20-4B98-841B-AB536164A717Here are your final activities for the week:

  1. Reading:  Log into Reading Eggs and follow the activities. Alternatively, spend time reading your own book too.
  2. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and continue to learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Summer Week 1 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Summer Week 1 Spellings & Handwritin

Challenge: Test your family on your words!

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths (website) using the link below, please complete Lesson 5. Each lesson has a short teaching clip, an activity and the answers. You could print the sheet or simply write your answers on paper or in your book (as we do in class).

4. English: 

Continue / finish your St George’s Day task from yesterday. I’ve already seen a great piece of work from Izzy!

The story of St  George can be found here:

St George

You have a choice of English challenges today – but all with the same purpose – to retell the story of St George.

Option 1: Retell the story in 100 words!

Option 2: Choose part of the story to rewrite as a playscript.

Option 3: Act it out and film your drama!

Remember to send them to me if you can.

Other ideas for Friday:

  • History / Geography: The summer term topic is due to be Ancient Greece. To get you started, find out about Greece as a country today. Perhaps you could design a fact file page on the country for a tourist. Where is it? What’s the climate like? What money is used? What is it famous for? Maybe you’ve been there – what can you tell us about it?
  • PE: This sunny weather usually means we are in full swing of athletics and rounders! Can you practise two skills in particular today: 1) Sprintingcan you find a space to complete 10 sprints? If not, run fast on the spot for 30 seconds, rest 10, then repeat.
  • 2) Catching – if you’ve got a ball 🎾 brilliant! Practise on your own or with  someone; try one handed and two handed catching! Can you catch single-handedly left and right?
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a good weekend, help at home and remember to carry out acts of kindness whenever you can.

Missing you all,

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonflies – Wednesday 22nd April

Happy Wednesday everyone! Here are today’s activities.


  1. Reading:  Log into Reading Eggs and follow the activities. Alternatively, spend time reading your own book too.
  2. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and continue to learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Summer Week 1 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Summer Week 1 Spellings & Handwritin

Challenge: Can you use your spelling list in different conversations you have today?!

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths (website) using the link below,, please complete Lesson 3.  Each lesson has a short teaching clip, an activity and the answers. You could print the sheet or simply write your answers on paper or in your book (as we do in class).

4. English: 


Access the Bitesize Daily learning activities for today:

Year 4 – tense

Year 5 – alliteration

Other ideas for Wednesday:

  • Art/DT: Tomorrow is St George’s Day! Get creative and make something ready to display in your house or garden tomorrow to celebrate St George’s Day.
  • Violins: Practise you violin or another musical instrument.  
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Stay happy,

Miss Whit 🙂

Home Learning – Dragonflies – Tuesday 21st

Well done to everyone who had a go at yesterday’s activities. If you didn’t, remember you can catch up if you choose or simply start with today.

Today is a special day – it’s the Queen’s birthday! As a special challenge today, can you design a quiz to test your family on their knowledge of our monarch? Use the information attached to help you with the questions / answers (unless you would like to research yourself). Who will be crowned your winner? You could create a ‘crown’ and send a winners photo to for our website!

The Queen

Additional activities today:

  1. Reading:  Log into Reading Eggs and follow the activities. Alternatively, spend time reading your own book too.
  2. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and continue to learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Summer Week 1 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Summer Week 1 Spellings & Handwritin

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths (website) using the link below,, please complete Lesson 2.  Each lesson has a short teaching clip, an activity and the answers. You could print the sheet or simply write your answers on paper or in your book (as we do in class).

4. English: 

Your grammar task links to pronouns this week. For revision, firstly check out this link:

Then, access this activity book in the link below. Again, write answers on paper (or in Home Packs) or print out the booklet.

Pronouns Home Pack

Aim to complete ‘Priscilla Pronouns 2’ and ‘What’s Missing?’ today (p.5/6).

Other ideas for Tuesday:

Stay happy,

Miss Whit 🙂

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