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Dragonfly Class – Thursday 18th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

There is a live assembly happening today and it is being delivered by the Duchess of Cambridge! She will be talking all about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. I can’t wait to watch the assembly live today at 11am – although I know you can catch up with it later if you prefer. Here is the link:

The Duchess of Cambridge’s Assembly

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: Can you create a sentence for each word?

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.

Year 3

Year-3 Video Links

Y3 Lesson 4 Answers

Y3 Lesson 4 – Problem solving with addition and subtraction of fractions

Year 4

Year-4 Video Links

Y4 Lesson 4 – Round decimals

Y4 Lesson 4 Answers

Year 5

Year-5 Video Links

Y5 Lesson 4 – Adding decimals with a differen number of decimal places

Y5 Lesson 4 Answers

3. Reading: Log into Reading Eggs for a book to read and complete this week.

4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 4/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 4/5 Story Writing

Other ideas:

Here is Mrs Hindson’s weekly schedule for Music:

  1. Y3/4



    1. I left my luggage (Day 4)

    This is a lot like a rhyme we have done in music lessons!

    2. ‘Chumbara’ (Day 9)

    3. As the sun rises on a new day

    4. Aint gonna let nobody turn me around

    5. I have a song to sing to think about


    Drumming Styles around the World

    Compare the ways people create different music with drums across the world. How is Japanese Taiko different from Brazilian Samba? Use the worksheet to write as many differences as you can.

    Taiko –

    Samba –


    1.Go to and log in.

    2.Enter your own username and password (The school office has these)

    Blown away. This is for Year 3 pupils.

    Click on this. Learn to play each of the pieces in order and move on at your own pace when you are ready.

    Assignments This is for Y4/5/6 pupils

    Click on this. There are three lessons. Click on the one that applies to you. Learn to play each of the pieces in order and move on at your own pace when you are ready.

    Violins Y4

    Get those violins out and practice playing Waltz and Hoe Down. If you don’t already know, find out what a Waltz and Hoe down are. This should help you play then in an appropriate way. If your violin is in school, then contact the school about picking it up.

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Wednesday 17th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

I hope you are well and enjoyed catching up with Mrs Grogan yesterday! She had a lovely time talking with you all.

Remember to check out Mrs Viners post for Wellbeing Wednesday 😊

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: retest yourself and see how many you still need to master.

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.

Year 3


Y3 Lesson 3 – Subtract fractions

Y3 Lesson 3 Answers

Year 4


Y4 Lesson 3 – Order decimals

Y4 Lesson 3 Answers

Year 5

Y5 Lesson 3 – Adding decimals with the same number of decimal places

Y5 Lesson 3 Answers


3. Reading: Log into Reading Eggs for a book to read and complete this week.

4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 3/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 3/5 Story Writing

Other ideas:

  1. Violins – spend time practising your musical instruments
  2. PSHE – Check out Mrs Viner’s update for Wellbeing Wednesday.


Happy Wednesday!

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Tuesday 16th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

We had a fab day in school yesterday getting ready for bubble groups to return 😊 I then managed to run home just in the nick of time before the storm began!

Today is a special day for the Harry Johnson Trust which Mrs Johnson runs: its Harry Day. Do you remember we had a Bake Off last year?? There were some amazing cakes baked in bright green or frog-shaped! I seem to remember selfies too!  If you can today, I have one request for Harry Day: do something today that makes you or others smile and laugh! Please send me any evidence too by Friday 19th June! 💚🐸

Here are today’s other activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: write them out as handwriting practise today.

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.

Year 3

Year-3 Video Links

Y3 Lesson 2 – Add fractions

Y3 Lesson 2 Answers

Year 4

Year-4 Video Links

Y4 Lesson 2 – Compare decimals

Y4 Lesson 2 Answers

Year 5

Year-5 Video Links

Y5 Lesson 2 – Percentages as fractions and decimals

Y5 Lesson 2 Answers

3. Reading: Read your own book for 20 minutes or so today.

4. English: Two options… 1) Find today’s Bitesize activity 2) Follow the link below for Lesson 1/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 2 of 5: Story Writing

Other ideas:


Task 1: Look at the foods on this sheet: Different foods

How could you sort them? Can you sort them in two different ways?

Task 2: Read and understand the sheet attached; Food Categories It tells you the different food groups you should know and what each food group is beneficial for.

Can you sort the foods from Task 1 using the food groups?

Task 3: Here are some solutions: Food Groups and examples

Task 4: Think about the foods you have eaten and will eat later today.  Record your food diary and think about how much you’ve eaten of each food group. Have you had a healthy balanced diet? This video below helps to show how much you should eat of all the different groups.

A healthy balanced diet


I have tried to strike a healthy balance of food during lockdown but admittedly, I’ve not always been very well behaved! A lot of my school work has involved more sitting at the computer than usual too. Plus, the sunshine made me eat too much ice cream!  However… I’ve also done much more exercise to create a good balance and it has kept me healthy. I’m proud of the healthy balance I’ve managed to create and fit this in around my school work to give me some active breaks.

So if you see me out running, be sure to know I’ll be enjoying a Crunchie ice cream later in the day (it’s my current fave!)

How healthy is your diet and lifestyle?

Have a great day – sending you all a virtual hug for Harry Day 🐸

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Monday 15th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekends. The thunderstorm yesterday was impressive – the thunder seemed to crackle endlessly over us! Can you remember what causes thunder and lightning? That could be a great place to start your day with a bit of research if you’re not sure (the Met Office has some good resources).

Met Office Resources

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: ask someone to test you on how many you know BEFORE you start learning them.

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too. Remember to watch the video and learn first!

Year 3

Year-3 Video links

Y3 Lesson 1 Answers

Y3 Lesson 1 – Order fractions

Year 4

Year-4 Video links

Y4 Lesson 1 – Write decimals

Y4 Lesson 1 Answers

Year 5

Year-5 Video Links

Y5 Lesson 1 – Understand percentages

Y5 Lesson 1 Answers

3. Reading Eggs: There is a task ready and waiting for you 🙂

4. English: Two options… 1) Find today’s Bitesize activity 2) Follow the link below for Lesson 1/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 1 of 5: Story Writing

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Usually on a Monday we have our PE lessons so make a good effort on some sporting activity to day if you can! How about carrying on with the Virtual School Games activities!
  2. School Games Competition

2. LanguagesThe colours of the rainbow... Have a look at the activities below to learn the french words for different colours. You could design your own rainbow!


French colour splats!

Rainbow colouring

Happy Monday,

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Friday 12th June

It’s Friday!!! End of another week and I hope you’re ready for a good weekend – whatever that may involve!

Here are today’s activities:

  1. English: Find today’s task on Bitesize or complete the Grammar pack below.

Year 4 English

Year 5 English

Grammar – Home Learning pack

2. Spellings: Learn your year group list below (feel free to have a look at other year groups). Test day! How well can you score?

Y 5Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y3 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y4 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

3. Maths: 

Today, spend time on TT Rockstars or Number Gym!

4. Reading: Reading Eggs – continue the book I have put up on there… it will be there for you to continue reading until Sunday 🙂

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Continue working on the Virtual School Games activities!

School Games Competition

2. Topic: The Legend of the Trojan Horse

Learn about this legend online – here is a resource to get you started: The Trojan War

Task: Retell the story of the Trojan Horse in your own way. Perhaps: Write it as a story, act it out and film it, retell it verbally or draw it as a cartoon! Good luck.
Have a great weekend – miss you all very much.

Miss Whit xx

Dragonfly Class – Thursday 11th June

Morning all 🙂

To continue yesterday’s quiz, how about these:

  1. Name the continents of the world. Challenge: Name the major oceans.
  2. What are the planets of our Solar System? Challenge: In their order from the Sun…
  3. Capital cities Challenge: Name 10 (with their country!)

We’re back into school today with the Reception and Nursery children… can’t wait to see a few more faces and take another step back to ‘normal’. I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂

Here are today’s activities:

  1. English:


Y4 – using a thesaurus

Y5 – relative clauses

Grammar – Home Learning pack

2. Spellings: Learn your year group list below (feel free to have a look at other year groups). Challenge: can you identify any words that link to the spellings in your list? E.g. serious / seriously / seriousness

Y 5Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y3 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y4 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

3. Maths: Access today’s White Rose worksheet below (print if you can) then once you’ve read through it, learn about the skills using the video link. Once done, check your answers!

Year 3: 

Year 3 Week 7 Video Links


Year 3 lesson 4 maths

Year 3 lesson 4 answers

Year 4:

Year 4 Week 7 Video links


Lesson 4 – Dividing 1 and 2 digits by a hundred

Lesson 4 Answers

Year 5:



4. Reading: Reading Eggs – continue the book I have put up on there… it will be there for you to continue reading until Sunday 🙂

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Continue working on the Virtual School Games activities!

School Games Competition

2. Music – Mrs Hindson’s activities can be found below!






Get everyone in your home to show you how they Bungalow!

2. I’ve been to Harlem (Day 6)

3. Don’t worry be happy

4. Aint gonna let nobody turn me around

5. Count your blessings

Something to think about


Listening and performing

Match the Rhythm and Note Name Games

In Match the Rhythm Game, can you copy the rhythm you hear?

Practice naming notes of the Staff with the Play Note Names game.



1.Go to and log in.

2.Enter your own username and password (The school office has these)

Blown away. This is for Year 3 pupils.

Click on this. Learn to play each of the pieces in order and move on at your own pace when you are ready.

Assignments This is for Y4/5/6 pupils

Click on this. There are three lessons. Click on the one that applies to you. Learn to play each of the pieces in order and move on at your own pace when you are ready.


Extra Activity: How about entering Dr Hughes’ Composition Competition? For details see Shropshire Music service’s Facebook page. Closing date June 15th!

Have a great day.

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class- Wednesday 10th June

Morning all 🙂

We had a quick quiz revising some key skills in school on Monday…! How quickly can you say:

  1. Your alphabet. Challenge: Say it backwards!
  2. Months of the year. Challenge: How many days in each?
  3. Seconds / minutes / hours – how many in each? Challenge: How many in one day? One year?!

Here are today’s activities:

  1. English: How confident are you to use a dictionary? Make sure you know your alphabet and how to use a dictionary using the link below.

Y4 – using a dictionary

Y5 – Fact & opinion

Grammar – Home Learning pack

2. Spellings: Learn your year group list below (feel free to have a look at other year groups). Challenge: Test yourself each day to see how many you’ve really remembered…then focus on the ones you haven’t.

Y 5Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y3 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y4 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

3. Maths: Access today’s White Rose worksheet below (print if you can) then once you’ve read through it, learn about the skills using the video link. Once done, check your answers!

Year 3: 

Year 3 Week 7 Video Links

year 3 lesson 3 maths

year 3 lesson 3 answers

Year 4:

Year 4 Week 7 Video links


Lesson 3 Answers – Hundredths as decimals

Lesson 3 – Hundredths as decimals

Year 5:

Year 5 Week 7 Video Links

Year 5 week 7 Lesson-3-Rounding-decimals

Year 5 week 7 Lesson-3-Answers

4. Reading: Reading Eggs – begin the book I have put up on there… it will be there for you to continue reading until Sunday 🙂

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Continue working on the Virtual School Games activities!

School Games Competition

2. Violins – practise your musical instrument

3. PSHE – Have a look at Mrs Viner’s Wellbeing Wednesday activity.

4. DT:  Mechanisms

Have a look at the link above with some interesting mechanism activities…

Have a great day – I think it might be a bit cooler and wetter today!

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Tuesday 9th June

Morning all 🙂

I hope you all enjoyed your work on World Oceans Day. In school I had a day catching up on maths activities with Liam and Harry from Dragonfly Class – remember that we leave all the previous work up so feel free to catch up if you’ve missed anything and have time to do so now. It was a lovely day in school – we even tackled the PE shed! Harry was far braver with spiders than me 🕷👏🏼

Here are today’s activities:

  1. English: Bitesize tasks today. If Bitesize doesn’t work for you, have a go at this activity pack.

Y4 -Mastering Inverted Commas

Y5 – Writing Direct & Indirect speech

Grammar – Home Learning pack

2. Spellings: Learn your year group list below (feel free to have a look at other year groups). Challenge: Test yourself each day to see how many you’ve really remembered…then focus on the ones you haven’t.

Y 5Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y3 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y4 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

3. Maths: Access today’s White Rose worksheet below (print if you can) then once you’ve read through it, learn about the skills using the video link. Once done, check your answers!

Year 3: 

Year 3 Week 7 Video Links

Year 3 Lesson 2 Answers

year 3 lesson 2

Year 4:

Year 4 Week 7 Video links

Lesson 2 – Dividing 2 digits by 10

Lesson 2 Answers

Year 5:

Year 5 Week 7 Video Links

Year 5 week 7 Lesson-2-Answers

Year 5 week 7 Lesson-2-Understand-thousandths

4. Reading: Enjoy reading your own book today.


Other ideas:

  1. PE: Continue working on the Virtual School Games activities! Week 2 is Kurling!

School Games Competition

2. Science: Have a look at this Bitesize activity about food chains. Can you design your own?

Food Chains

Have a great day,

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Monday 8th June

Morning all 🙂

How have your weekends been? It seems to have flown by for me. I’ve had a couple of little runs with Briar – one where I heard a voice calling, “Hey Miss Whit!” Just in time I saw Archie waving – it was lovely to see him having fun outside but Briar had no intention of stopping! I hope you’ve all had something to smile about 🙂

Here are today’s activities:

  1. English: Here is your final lesson on News Reports to complete last week’s sequence of work. I look forward to seeing what you have been able to produce!

Final Lesson on News Reports

2. Spellings: Learn your year group list below (feel free to have a look at other year groups).

Y 5Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y3 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y4 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

3. Maths: Access today’s White Rose worksheet below (print if you can) then once you’ve read through it, learn about the skills using the video link. Once done, check your answers!

Year 3: 

Year 3 Lesson 1

year 3 lesson 1 answers

Year 4:

Lesson 1 Answers – Tenths as decimals 2019

Lesson 1 – Tenths as decimals

Year 5:

Year 5 week 7 Lesson-1-Answers

Year 5 week 7 Lesson-1-Decimals-as-fractions-2

4. Reading: Did you know it is World Oceans Day today? For your reading activity, spend some time reading for information about this special day and see what you can find out. Her are a couple of great links to get you started:

World Oceans Day website

Twinkl – ocean day

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Usually on a Monday we have our PE lessons so make a good effort on some sporting activity to day if you can! How about a good walk or bike ride?

2. World Oceans Day: Having read about this event in your reading activity, can you now create a piece of art / craft to bring attention to World Ocean Day. I’m in school today however if I had the time at home I would try making a turtle puppet using the instructions from the puppetry website that Anouk shared last week.. You could create a persuasive video or a poster – it’s up to you.

Happy Monday,

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Friday 5th June

Morning all,

It has been so much fun to talk to so many of you this week… Many of you are trying your best to do some of the tasks I set – a HUGE thank you and WELL DONE to each and every one of you for everything you are achieving. These are strange times and I hope you can see your school work as a helpful way of keeping in touch – keep going or find a task of your own that you’re going to challenge yourself to! 🙌🏼🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼

It really does mean a lot to talk to so many of you. And the big message from me: keep going, stay positive and take one day at a time until we’re all back together again! 🤩🤩

Here are your learning activities for today:

  1. Reading: There are activities on Reading Eggs set up for you today.

2. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 3 Spellings Week 1

Year 4 Spellings Week 1

Year 5 Spellings Week 1

3. Maths:

Play some games using this website: Topmarks Maths. Which ones are the best? Which ones do you not rate? I like this one….!

Place Value Millionaire

4. English: 

Option 1: Link to Bitesize English

Option 2: Lesson 4/5 News Reports

Other ideas for Friday:

  • Topic: Ancient Greece: cookery! What did the Ancient Greeks like to eat? See what you can find out and perhaps produce your own Greek menu!
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament  continues – your next match against each house! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a lovely weekend; stay safe and happy. Miss you all 😊

Miss Whit 🙂

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