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Owls & Dragonflies become writing buddies…

Dragonflies & Owls had a brilliant writing session on Wednesday when the children from Owls helped their Dragonfly peers to edit and improve their writing.

Ideas were challenged by both groups to achieve improved persuasive letters. There were some fantastic discussions in the room about the content, grammar and punctuation; it was a pleasure to see such constructive teamwork. Dragonflies look forward to returning the favour in the near-future!

Watch this space to see the finished product…

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Times Tables Cup 2018

Congratulations to Lily S, Year 4 Dragonfly, who has won this year’s ‘Times Tables Cup’ as part of our NSPCC Number Day on Friday 2nd February.

Lily competed against other year-group winners from across the school who had to prove their multiplication skills in a series of quizzes. To add to the pressure, the finalists had to complete the challenge in front of the whole school!

Well done to all the year group winners: Y1 Arthur, Y2 Max, Y3 Rhys, Y4 Lily, Y5 Izzy and Y6 Imogen. Superstars!


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