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Weekly Celebration Assembly

It’s been a busy last week of term at St John’s: Forest Schools, football matches, Maths Focus Day, Languages Taster Day, North Shropshire Netball Championships, Open the Book and a scrumptious Valentines lunch! We shared our work in these areas whilst celebrating the following….

Golden Book

Children earn their place in the Golden Book following an accumulation of classroom stars / awards.

Xenia – 12th Award


Lily (Hedgehogs)  – for great effort  writing

Bella  – for great maths

Arthur D – for persevering and problem solving in maths

Bella – lovely topic leaflet, well done!

Abbie – for overcoming her worries and playing her first football match

Charlie P – for staying positive this week & being a great help in football

Reuben – perseverance and teamwork of school football

Liam – for determination in school football


Our football teams were celebrated for their participation the match against Myddle on Wednesday. Several of our children represented the school for the first time and overcame their worries to enjoy a super evening of sport.


The Dragonfly Camping Challenge

As part of our Polar Explorers topic and Mental Health Awareness Week, Dragonfly Class were challenged to overcome an unusual team mission: could they work together to construct a tent? Perseverance, patience and determination were the key values of the day – the children also had a glimpse of just what it takes to be a polar explorer like Captain Scott, with many agreeing that his mission was far trickier than they first realised!

Thank you to the Collins and Beddoes families for lending the tents.

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Weekly Celebration Assembly led by Worship Council


Rhys V – for careful effort in maths, striving for the correct answer!

David B – for consistently good homework, repeating his My Maths homework until he understood it

Lily (Hedgehogs) – extra effort

Harvey D- for much neater work

Reuben – for good problem solving

Alfie GP – for good effort in RE work

Zac – for practising spellings

James T – for good computing work

Han C – Maths progress

Lottie – for progress in maths


Showing Values

Amelia – showing trust and honesty

Luana, Eva – caring for Bella when she was hurt

Golden Book

Elsa – 15th Award

Jess M – 23rd Award


New Dinner Equipment

Our brilliant school cook, Paula, presented the children with their new plates and bowls for Dragonfly and Owl Class, with thanks to the Friends for this donation. The children can’t wait to use them!


Tag Rugby

The Tag Rugby Team were celebrated for their brilliant achievements this week, coming 2nd in the large schools Tag Rugby competition.

Next week: football vs Myddle and North Shropshire Netball Competition.

Weekly Celebrations 11th January

Worship Council led our first Celebration Assembly of 2019 this morning.

Acorn Awards

Our Acorn Tree is ready to be filled with all the achievements of the children in the Spring Term ahead. Congratulations to Coton Blue Team who won the House Points Award for Autumn Term and enjoyed a ‘Tob Table’ dinner before Christmas. Who will win the Spring award?

This week’s winners…

Amelia & Alex (Hedgehogs) – for super writing

Andreas – for being helpful

Toby – for setting an example with his work

Abbie – for confidence and great progress this week

Dominic – for being such a hard worker all week

Arthur L – for fantastic, hard work in spellings each day

Ellie G – for a wonderfully positive attitude in all aspects of school life

Luana – for showing friendship and helping four friends with their coats at Forest Schools

Ella – for showing wisdom and hope, creating a Rabbit Class New Year’s Resolution poster

Esmer – for persevering in completing her work quicker

Children in Need

Fun & Games School Council celebrated receiving a certificate from Children in Need following their fundraising efforts in Autumn Term. It confirmed a whopping £292.15 had been raised! Well done to all the children for a great effort.


Happy New Year Dragonflies!

Welcome back to our new term; I hope you’ve had a relaxing and fun-filled Christmas holidays. We have a jam-packed term ahead – please see our new plan below which shows the breadth of learning we will be doing through our in-depth exploration of this term’s topic: Polar Explorers.

Today we’ve welcomed a new pupil to class, Jack, who all the children were excited to meet.  In other information for the term, PE will continue to be on a Monday and Tuesday but please ensure kit remains in school for the week. As a reminder, homework is usually given out by Wednesday each week and is due in on the following Tuesday. Daily reading at home with an adult and daily multiplication tables practise is invaluable to every child’s learning and both will be a focus Spring term. Thank you.

Curriculum Map Spring 19

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