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Archie, a tractor, a soapbox cart and a rainbow!

I had a lovely catch up with Archie last week on the phone and he was keen to share with his friends what he’s been up to! He’s been super busy working with mum but also enjoying some of his hobbies including building a soap box cart and working on his tractor. This is amazing Archie!

He’s also made a BEAUTIFUL rainbow for the NHS in his window. Thank you for sending these in Arch.




Dragonfly Class Monday 4th May – Star Wars Day

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all well and enjoyed your weekends. Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!

This week is a special week where many people will be commemorating VE Day. I wonder how much you know about it? As a school, we would like you to think about this special event and produce some work that can be shared – perhaps for a school display. Check out the activity menu below to see what projects you could be working on:

VE Day activity menu

Here are your other learning activities for today:

  1. Reading:  Try out these activities (feel free to make it easier or harder by trying different year groups!)

Year 4 ‘The Worst Witch’ with Rachel Riley

Year 5 The London Eye Mystery

  1. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spellings

Year 4 Spellings Week 3

Year 3 Spellings Week 3

3. Maths: Complete the White Rose Maths activity for your year group.  It is slightly different now as they are only releasing the video for free and the worksheets have to be purchased.  The good news is that school have subscribed to this so the worksheet is attached below.  To access the related video, go to the usual White Rose page through the link below.  You will need to go to Summer Term week 3, day 1 today.

Year 5

Year 5 week 3 Lesson-1-Multiply-2-digits-area-model-2019

Year 5 week3 Lesson-1-Answers-Multiply-2-digits-area-model-2019

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4

Day 1 Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit

Day 1 Answers

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Year 3 

Year 3 White Rose Maths – for teaching clip

Lesson 1 Convert pounds and pence

Lesson 1 Answers

4. English: 

Access and follow the Bitesize links below.

Year 4 Paragraphs

Year 5 Setting descriptions

Other ideas for Monday:

  • PE: 9am Joe Wicks workout. Also, improve your Standing Long Jump through these links:

Standing Long Jump Level 2


  • Languages: Spanish Supermovers – Try out this fun task! I know some of you found this chap a hoot last week!
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 5/5 begins! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a great Monday,

Miss Whit 🙂

National Walking Month Lockdown Challenge – beginning today!

Today, Friday 1st May, is the beginning of National Walking Month! Consequently we are going to have a new Inter House Challenge with awards and a special guest team: the TEACHERS!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Record how many steps you take on a walk each day  (if you bike, record this instead) but being mindful of the government advice and hour of exercise. For example, yesterday I ran 7,000 steps in my hours exercise. You could even do this around your garden! NB: By the end of the day I’ve usually walked around 20,000 steps but we are only counting the recommended HOUR of exercise.

2. Each Friday, send us your total steps for the week! That means sending in your weekly totals on Friday 8th May, 15th May, 22nd, May and 29th May to the school:

We will then calculate winning children, year groups, classes and houses for awards! 

If you miss a day, don’t worry! Just keep moving on the days you can.

Good luck!

Memo to the teachers:- WE CAN NOT LOSE TO THE CHILDREN! Get moving! 😆🏃‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚲 – Miss Whit 😊


Dragonfly Class – Friday 1st May

Good morning Dragonflies,

We’ve made it to the end of another week – a slightly wetter one!

Her are today’s learning activities:

  1. Reading:  Check out today’s Reading Eggs task which some of you requested!
  1. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spelling & Handwriting

Year 4 Spelling &Handwriting

Year 3 Spelling & Handwriting

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2, Day 5.

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂

4. English: 

Access and follow the Bitesize links below.

Year 4 English

Year 5 English


Other ideas for Friday:

  • Do your first hour of exercise for our Walking Month Challenge!
  • Topic: How did the Ancient Greeks change our lives? Explore the link below to find out about their inventions and think about the impact they have had on our lives today. You could simply research and list your findings, or carry out your research then make a presentation to your family later in the day!

Ancient Greece

  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 4 continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a great weekend – remember to keep helping at home and stay safe. Miss you all very much.

Miss Whit 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Thursday 30th April

Good morning all,

It was so lovely to talk to so many of you yesterday (if not your grown ups!) – I laughed a lot and heard about a huge range of activities you have all been up to.

Archie started it off with a super-fun chat telling me all about the rainbow he’s made (photos to follow), plus soapbox building and bike riding. Archie could have chatted all day! Anouk has been very busy comparing pollen with her microscope and Eva has enjoyed a holiday – camping in her garden! Han & Katie have both been busy on their own projects whilst ‘C’ told me all about doing the clap for the NHS. In the meantime, a very-busy Matthew was blaring his house down with his trumpet practise (fantastic!) whilst Lowri was busy thinking what she’s going to put in a lockdown time capsule… Max has found an interesting art award which he is working towards (more details to follow). Izzy has her hands full with her new puppy (who sounds adorable) whilst Sam and Reuben have settled well into their home school routines and are all nicely busy at home. Harry has been learning to cut logs (with grown-ups of course!) and Toby completed his mastery of apostrophes this week!

Thank you to everyone for making me smile – it was lovely to hear your voices and hear your news and updates. Those of you who missed your call, I’ll try again today.

Here are today’s learning activities:

  1. Reading:  Design a new front cover for a book you have read during your time at home. What will you change from the current front cover?
  1. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spelling & Handwriting

Year 4 Spelling &Handwriting

Year 3 Spelling & Handwriting

Challenge: Owl Class have been designing word searches. Can you create some kind of puzzle for your words? 

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2, Day 4.

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂

4. English: 

Access and follow the Bitesize links below.

Year 4 inverted commas (speech marks!)

Year 5 Brackets

Other ideas for Thursday:

  • RE: Have a look at the link below which has some nice activities linked to creation. The artwork is inspiring.

Creation challenge

  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 4 continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a great day – and don’t forget to wish a happy 100th birthday to Colonel Tom!

Miss Whit 🙂

Well-being Wednesday – from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday
Hi everyone, it’s Mrs Viner here checking how you are getting on in this strange and unusual time!
I am sure that you are making the most of being at home, but I also wanted to remind you that it is important to keep your mind and body happy and active!
This can be achieved in a variety of ways. 🍴🏃‍😴
Firstly, by eating a healthy balanced diet and drinking plenty of water. Food is really important as it fuels our bodies, so we have lots of energy to run and jump around!
Secondly, you need to do some physical exercise. When you exercise your heart rate increases and your body releases chemicals called endorphins – which make you feel happy and motivated.
Lastly, sleep is really important as it gives our bodies rest and allows it to prepare for the next day.
Did you know, that every living thing sleeps from the smallest insect to the largest whale. Some animals spend as much as 20 hours a day sleeping!! 😴
I would love if you would send me your ideas of how you are keeping yourselves feeling happy and keeping active. Here are some ideas to get you started.
  • Can you create a healthy plate of food? You could draw the different food or create a menu. If you are a budding chef maybe you could prepare the food for someone in your house. (Always check with an adult before hand).
  • What exercises have you been doing? Rhys and I have started the Couch to 5K. Could you create your own exercise video like Joe Wicks? Tell me about the places you have explored for your daily exercise?
  • Could you find out how much sleep other animals get? Who sleeps the most in your house? For any of our top mathematicians, could you record how much sleep you get every night over a week? Then put it into a graph or/and find the average amount of sleep you get?
So, over to you…please send your ideas to
Take care and stay safe 😊

Dragonfly Class – Wednesday 29th April

Well I don’t know about you but I ended up wetter than an otter’s pocket yesterday! However a little rain is much needed. I’ve learned a new word too: ‘petrichor’ which is the earthy scent when rain falls on dry soil. I wonder if you’ve smelt it?

Her are today’s learning activities:

  1. Reading:  Check out today’s activity on Reading Eggs. Also continue 20 minutes reading of your current book.
  1. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spelling & Handwriting

Year 4 Spelling &Handwriting

Year 3 Spelling & Handwriting

Challenge: Can you get your words into conversations you have today?

3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2, Day 3.

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂

4. English: 

Access and follow the Bitesize links below.

Year 4 Apostrophes for Possession

Year 5 Ellipsis

Other ideas for Wednesday:

  • Make sure you get some exercise – a good walk or work out in the garden. I’ll be out for my morning run in the rain the Briar today!
  • PSHE: check out this link and activities all about teamwork.


  • Art / DT : Could you create some art / craftwork linked to nature following yesterday’s science lesson? Please send in anything you make !
  • Violins – You’d normally have violin lessons today so you could haave a practise if you have yours at home.
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 4 continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

I look forward to speaking to many of you on the phone over the next few days! Don’t worry – it’s just a catch up to see how you are and if you have any requests or questions. I look forward to it!

Happy Wednesday,

Miss Whit 🙂

A lovely surprise for our staff!

A huge THANK YOU to whoever delivered this gift to our school entrance yesterday. It will mean the world to our teachers (I know it’s made my day!) and I’ve no doubt it will take a special place in school for many years to come as a happy memory of this strange time.

Thank you from us all.



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