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Dragonfly Class – Tuesday 12th January

We will be meeting again on Teams today and you should have received invites to the following meetings:

9.20am – all (introduction)

9.40am Year 3 Spelling Test & Maths lesson

10.10am Year 4 Spelling Test & Maths lesson

10.40am Year 2 Spelling Test

1pm – all (afternoon introduction – optional but I will introduce Science task)

2.45pm –  all (close of day / sharing – optional)

Organise the rest of your day yourselves with regular breaks. Year 3 and 4 – remember that you are having a taught maths session so save your maths until then!

Task One: Handwriting & Spellings

1. Learn this week’s spelling list below (recommended learning time 20 minutes). See how many you already know first, then learn ones you don’t.

2. Print the spelling sheet if you can to practise your handwriting by copying each word / letter join carefully. Think about the size of each letter too! Take your time to improve your writing.

Year 1 Week 2

Year 2 Week 2

Year 3 Week 2

Year 4 – Week 2

Task two: Maths

Today you are all looking at the ‘Reasoning’ parts of the tasks… Year 3 and 4 – remember you will be having a live teach with me!

Year 2 PPT-Make-Equal-Groups-Sharing

Year 2 Reasoning Task

Year-3 PPT-Multiply-2-Digits-by-1-Digit-1

Year 3 Reasoning Task

Year-4 PPT-Factor-Pairs

Year 4 Reasoning Task

Task 3: English

Thank you for sending me your brilliant writing over the past week. Today you have a grammar session, see the links below. Remember: work through the Powerpoint ideas and answers first, then have a go at the Task.


Year 2 Grammar PPT – Writing Lists

Year 2 Task

Year 3 Grammar PPT – Consonants

Year 3 Grammar Task

Year 4 Grammar PPT – Fronted Adverbials

Year 4 Task

Task Four: Science

If you can, open this on your Teams ‘Daily Tasks’ page as you can write on it and I can mark it!

What is a force?

Other tasks:

  • Reading your home books
  • Times tables rockstars


See you on Teams!

Miss Whit x

Dragonfly Class – Monday 11th January

Good morning all,

I loved our ‘ chat’ on Friday morning – it was lovely to have so many of you get involved. Well done to those of you who had to persevere with technology – I hope you’ve managed to get these blips sorted. Thank you for staying muted unless I asked you to unmute (Teams runs better this way), great use of the ‘Raise / Lower Hand Buttons’ and good to see many of you use the ‘Chat’ option to communicate. Success!

Now hopefully lots of you are moving over to using Teams this week; I will continue to put the work on this website all week too just in case you’re having problems with Teams but hope to move over to Teams completely next week so do try and get used to using it!

We will be holding 3 daily meetings with some group lessons in ‘breakout rooms’ along the way.  We will have a catch up TEAMS meeting at 1pm today to discuss the morning’s work and to go through the afternoon task with a final TEAMS meeting at 2.45pm to say goodbye and see how your day has gone.  I have included a suggested timetable for how you could organise your learning below around the meeting and breaktimes.

Monday on Teams:

9.20am Morning meeting for all (approx 15 mins)

9.40am Year 3 Maths Group (if you usually complete Year 3 maths tasks, this is you! I will hopefully be technical enough to invite you into a Breakout Room….!)

1pm Afternoon meeting for all (approx 10 mins)

2.45pm End of day meeting for all (approx 10/15 mins)

NB: This schedule will increase as we all get used to using Teams. 

Your learning for today is below – enjoy!

1. Spellings

Spend 10 minutes revising the spelling list from last Tuesday (available on ‘Spellings’ page) – test tomorrow! Challenge: If you’re confident, learn two new words from your year group list below. 



2. Maths

There are new objectives today and a new powerpoint. To complete today’s activity you only need to look at the powerpoint on the ‘Varied Fluency’ slides. The ‘Reasoning and problem solving slides’ will help you tomorrow.

Remember – if you want to save on printing, you can read the questions on the screen then record your answers on paper ( a bit like in-class when you present your work in books).

Year 2 PPT-Make-Equal-Groups-Sharing

Year-2 Task – Make-Equal-Groups-Sharing

Year-3 PPT-Multiply-2-Digits-by-1-Digit-1

Year-3 Task Multiply-2-Digits-by-1-Digit-1

Year-4 PPT-Factor-Pairs

Year-4 Task Factor-Pairs

3. English – continued from Friday

Your task is to now write your story down; it can be handwritten or using the computer to type it if you prefer! You may add pictures (illustrations) too.

Don’t forget your challenges:

Year 2: Capital letters and full stop perfection please!

Year 3: Use expanded noun phrases (powers of 3) at least five times! e.g. the shadowy-brown, angry, grizzly bear.

Year 4: Start sentences with fronted adverbials at least three times (remember the comma) e.g: With an ear-splitting roar, the shadowy-brown, angry, grizzly bear began to chase Elliot and India. 

Whole class challenge: Include speech!

Here is a Bitesize link to learn about editing and improving: Editing & Improving

4. PE

Joe Wicks is delivering his home school workout three days a week this lockdown – you can access today’s work-out on his You Tube channel:

Joe Wicks You Tube Channel

Also, check out the School Games activity challenge I’ve posted in everyone’s class today.

5. Reading

Make sure you spend 20 minutes reading for pleasure today. If you already do this at bedtime, you may enjoy David Walliams Book Club which is happening at 11am today!


Remember – you can do these in any order, it’s up to you.

See you on Teams at 9.20am!

Miss Whit 🙂

End of week one – Dragonflies

Here are the final bits of work from this week – WOW DRAGONFLIES! You are superstars.

Ella’s been busy with her story ‘The Stoneage Catastrophe’:.. check out her amazing expanded noun phrases all the way through! I love “knobbly root” and “battleship-grey”… fantastic Ella.

Stoneage catastrophe Ella

India’s brilliant delivery of her story – you speak so clearly India, very well-delivered.

India – part 1

India part 2

India part 3

Elliot’s  fantastic ( and very long!) Stone Age story with a gripping opening! I’m sure lots of you will love this – it’s nice and gory! Make sure you’re not eating whilst reading 🙂

Stoneage story

Elsie & Evan’s Front covers – super effort!

elsie evan elsie eva

Skyler’s Axe & explanation – this looks like the real thing!

skyler axe

Andreas’ front cover:


Plus his choice of reading he’d like to share… May the force be with you!

Andy;s bookAndreas’ story … ‘The Naked Woolly Mammoth’! Thank goodness there’s a happy ending.
Andy's story

Elliot had a very arty afternoon with Shropshire Rocks. I wonder if you can find any rocks this lockdown?

art elliot

Dev’s Fab front cover:

dev front cover

Ella’s artwork using watercolours for her front cover:

ellas front cover

Harrison took part in a general knowledge quiz – great score Harrison! This sounds fun 🙂 You will enjoy the task coming up from Amber over the next couple of weeks.

Harrison's quiz

Harrison’s step count! As promised after our Teams Meeting, Harrison conquered his 10,000 step goal and hit 11,430! Wow!

Harrison's steps

India is continuing to wear her school uniform – looking very studious India 🙂

india art

India’s story writing – I am sure all of Dragonflies will be so pleased to see you use your ‘new’ handwriting style. Well done you!

india story

Click on the link below to see Luana’s brilliant movie making – you’ve delivered this brilliantly Luana!

Luana film

Whilst she has also been busy designing the front cover to her story:

luana front cover

Skyler is also on a mission to take over her living room floor. You look like you’ve been SUPER busy Skyler! 🙂


Sophia got arty with her front cover:

Sophia's front cover

To fit her story that she has really enjoyed working on:

Sophia's story




Dragonflies Home Learning Day Three

Oh I was in for a treat with this home learning. I’m so impressed at how well you’ve told your stories orally. Thank you to everyone who has sent in their work so far! There are still some ‘stone age craft projects’ coming in too. 🙂

Sophia’s Film

Andreas’ Film

Harrison’s Film part 1

Harrison’s Film part 2!

Oliver’s Film

Luke’s Story

Lucy’s Story

Amber’s Film part 1

Amber’s film part 2

Amber’s film part 3


Ella’s audio story:





Harvey’s Stone Age project:


Out & about with the Incles!

incles ice Incles view inclnes ice

India’s spellings conquered already:

india spellings india

Watch out Elliot… she looks fierce!

stone age incles

A very busy Bella & Amelia… 🙂

Bella (2)


Dragonfly Class – Friday 8th January

Happy Friday! Possibly a snowy one too if the weather forecast is to be believed… so if that’s the case, I will make a request that you build a brilliant snowman and send me the evidence! Fingers crossed.

Today’s tip: If you are using Reading Eggs, Year 3 and 4 will need to choose Reading Eggspress once they’ve logged in. Year 2’s – you will possibly prefer Reading Eggs but you can challenge yourselves to Reading Eggspress too as you are such super readers!

Tip 2: Spend 5 minutes looking back over this week’s spelling lists (from Tuesday’s lesson).

Task One: Maths

Today’s tasks follow on from yesterday so use the ‘Reasoning and problem solving slides’ on the powerpoints to give you some help.

Year 2 PPT 10 x table

Year 2 Task – Reasoning

Year 3 Powerpoint Related Calculations

Year 3 Task – Reasoning

Year 4 PPT Multiply 3 numbers

Year 4 task – Reasoning

Task Two : English. L/O: To write a story.


I’ve absolutely loved receiving some of your films and audios telling your stories. They have been a real treat to see / hear so thank you.

Today’s task will be continued / completed on Monday too so don’t feel you have to do it all in one go.

Your task is to now write your story down; it can be handwritten or using the computer to type it if you prefer! You may add pictures (illustrations) too. Here are our key targets:

Year 2: Capital letters and full stop perfection please!

Year 3: Use expanded noun phrases (powers of 3) at least five times! e.g. the shadowy-brown, angry, grizzly bear.

Year 4: Start sentences with fronted adverbials at least three times (remember the comma) e.g: With an ear-splitting roar, the shadowy-brown, angry, grizzly bear began to chase Elliot and India. 

Whole class challenge: Include speech!

Good luck!

Task Three: PE


Make sure you get some exercise today although I know many of you have been on some lovely long walks in the winter sunshine this week – well done. It’s so important to get fresh air and raise your heart rate!

You may have your own plan to exercise but if not, you can find links to a Joe Wicks workout from last summer here:

Joe Wicks workout

I will also set another challenge to those of you who enjoy counting steps… can any of you hit 10,000 steps today? Enjoy!

Task Four: Art

Create your own ‘front cover’ for your story. Perhaps you will be inspired by the one I showed you earlier in the week for Stone Age Boy. Use whatever materials you have at home to create your illustration.

I’d love to see your final pieces of art!

Finally, here are the answers to Mr Butler’s quiz from yesterday:

Dragonflies Super Mega Ultra Important Super Fun Quiz ANSWERS!

  1. What are the names of the three types of ukulele discussed in the video?

Concert, Soprano, Bass

  1. Can you order the ukulele types from smallest to largest?

Soprano, Concert, Bass

  1. What 2 materials are ukuleles usually made from?

Wood or plastic
4. How old is the smallest ukulele used in the video?
100 years old

  1. Which company made the Soprano Ukulele?

Ladies of Hollywood

  1. What did ladies used to have when they played ukulele that they probably wouldn’t have now?
    Really loooonnnnggggg finger nails!
    7. What isn’t 100 years old on the Soprano ukulele?

The strings

  1. What 2 animal parts used to be used when making ukuleles?

guts (the strings) bone (the nut)

  1. What is the difference between ukulele bass strings and other types of ukulele string?

Bass ukulele strings are much thicker

  1. How long ago were bass ukuleles invented?

About 30 years

  1. All the ukuleles had the same number of strings. How many strings were there?

Thank you for logging in this week and keeping in touch with me. I hope you all have a fun, safe and happy weekend.

Miss Whit xx


Dragonfly Class – Friday Video Chat!

Hi everyone,

Hopefully you will have received a Parentmail from the Office with details about how to access Microsoft Teams. If not, please contact the office email.

As a practise run, I’d like to have a Teams Meeting tomorrow morning (Friday) at 9am. Hopefully you can make it – it will be an opportunity to practise with the programme, see each others faces and have a nice chat!

The lessons will all be up on the website as normal, but it would be great for us all to have a test-run with Teams.

I’ll hopefully see you all in the morning!

Miss Whit 🙂

Day Two activities by Dragonfly Class

Here are some of the updates I’ve been receiving 🙂 Remember – send me your favourite bits (if you would like to) at

Luke’s Living Room Floor Takeover! Who needs carpet anyway? Great work Luke with super presentation.


Devon’s Stone Age Weapons & Tools with object explanation… Great construction work Dev.

6B05FA40-2EBE-46C6-92E5-AE33E49A6CF2 30E54A42-F3FE-4A4D-808D-1C9428F6F416
Amber’s Stone Age Museum!  Looking VERY professional. 

9D60D57E-4F10-4EF4-B80A-FED86A578245 95AFBB88-37BA-43A5-B3EF-7306F2FCACDC

Harrison’s object explanation… You sound like a true historian!


Amber’s super maths…


English – story plans

I’m really pleased to see how well you’ve used these plans… keep a plan brief but make sure you’ve thought the whole story through.


Charley’s adventure plan…


Amber’s historical narrative…


Oliver’s brilliant brainstorm…

1C985B6D-31E6-4153-A09B-16C2DD324C06 Harrison’s filled a page with ideas! Wow!


Well done and a huge thank you from me! 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Thursday 7th January

Today’s top-tip from me…. READ as much as you can during lockdown. Reading is incredibly powerful to children at your age – it will teach you new words, take you to new places, teach you new writing tricks, help you with spellings and fill your imagination with brilliant things. Read, read, read. I will be 🙂

Second Tip – look out for Task Four today!

Task One: Maths

There are new objectives today and a new powerpoint. To complete today’s activity you only need to look at the powerpoint on the ‘Varied Fluency’ slides. The ‘Reasoning and problem solving slides’ will help you tomorrow.

Remember – if you want to save on printing, you can read the questions on the screen then record your answers on paper ( a bit like in-class when you present your work in books).

Year 2 PPT 10 x table

Year 2 Task

Year 3 Powerpoint Related Calculations

Year 3 Task

Year 4 PPT Multiply 3 numbers

Year 4 Task

Task Two : English. L/O: To tell a story orally. 

Hopefully you’ve all managed to have a go at planning your own story based on yesterday’s story starter and front cover -if not, do yesterday’s lesson first.

Today I’d like you to have a go at a speaking and presenting task. Your challenge is  to tell your story, just like the Stone Age people might have done, without writing anything down. 

Tips: Use your story plan from yesterday’s lesson to help you.

You can tell your story to your grown-ups, your teddies or even phone / video call a family member or friend who you think might enjoy listening to your story.

But my ultimate challenge…. FILM yourself telling your story and SEND ME the film! I’d love to hear all your voices telling me your stories.


Task Three: Music

Here is our brilliant Mr Butler’s music lesson.

In this video Mr Butler describes 3 different ukuleles that he likes to play. They are made of different materials and have different musical purposes. Your task is to watch this video twice. The first time, your task is simply to watch the video. The second time, you are allowed to take notes. Pay particular attention to any specific facts or figures that Mr Butler talks about… they might be coming up in the Special Mega Ultra Important Super Fun Quiz below…

Mr Butler’s lesson (YouTube Link)

Dragonflies Super Mega Ultra Important Super Fun Quiz

1. What are the names of the three types of ukulele discussed in the video?

2. Can you order the ukulele types from smallest to largest?

3. What 2 materials are ukuleles usually made from? 4. How old is the smallest ukulele used in the video?

5. Which company made the Soprano Ukulele?

6. What did ladies used to have when they played ukulele that they probably wouldn’t have now? 7. What isn’t 100 years old on the Soprano ukulele?

8. What 2 animal parts used to be used when making ukuleles?

9. What is the difference between ukulele bass strings and other types of ukulele string?

10. How long ago were bass ukuleles invented?

11. All the ukuleles had the same number of strings. How many strings were there?

Answers will be published tomorrow!

Task Four: Dragonflies Video Chat!

We are very busy getting ready to see you on Teams Video Calls throughout your school day and we are hoping to have our FIRST CHAT on Friday morning! I’ll confirm this as soon as possible.

To get ready for this, I’d like you to have a think about something you’d like to share with everyone; it could be something about Christmas, about your work or something we might enjoy learning about you. I’d like everyone to have 2 minutes or so each so we can hear each other and feel like we’re back in class! If you don’t want to do this and would prefer to just listen, that’s fine too. It will also be a great way for our new pupils to get to know us all – I know you are all buzzing to meet Maia, Evan and Elsie! So get thinking – what would you like to share for our first meeting? I’M SO EXCITED!!!!

Warm hugs,

Miss Whit xx

Day One Activities by Dragonfly Class!

Thank you to everyone who has sent me examples of home learning so far. You are doing brilliantly! Everyone is welcome to send things in each day – you don’t HAVE to but it will really help us keep in touch for now.

Check out these ideas below as it may inspire you with different ways of learning and doing your home schoolwork. Also, I think you will enjoy seeing some happy Dragonfly faces this morning 🙂

 English (grammar task)

Ella (with some nice self-marking using the answer page)


Amber (challenging herself to two levels!)


Harrison’s hard-learned spellings:





Stone Age Task

Ella’s Stone Age Weapons and Tools


Amber’s array of weaponry … pretty sure Stone Age Amber would be safe from bears and wolves with these in her possession!


Andreas the Mighty!


Sophia the Fierce! (Very smiley fierce person). 🙂


Charley the Mighty… that spear is almost bigger than you Charley!


Extra bits!

Amber’s choice of reading book today (hope sh’s not plotting anything…!)


Lucy & Thomas’ Dino School… PARENTS BE WARNED! The children are taking over in Ruyton… Poor Mrs Hudson even had an L-O, her work marked and next steps given. nice to see she earned some double ticks too 🙂 Well done Mrs Hudson!

E9EA78BA-2AA8-451A-B596-282EE6481201 D24D6AB5-D679-4D7A-910F-BCE7514CEC88

Dragonflies – you rock! (Stone Age pun right there.)


Wednesday 6th January – Dragonfly Class

It was lovely to speak to so many families yesterday and hear about things you’ve been getting up to. I was very impressed by how many of you had already completed much of your homeschooling too!

Here are today’s activities:

Task One: Spellings

  1. Have a practise of two of the words from yesterday’s list that you found tricky – perhaps you could write the words in different colours 5 times.
  2. Pick two words from the curriculum words mats below to master! You might want to print the word mat off and highlight / colour the words once you’ve learned them as the days go by.

Years 3 and 4 Word-Mat


Task two: Maths

Today’s tasks follow on from yesterday but they do get a little trickier.

Remember – if you want to save on printing, you can read the questions on the screen then record your answers on paper ( a bit like in-class when you present your work in books).

Year 2 Powerpoint

Year 2 – 5 times table Task 2

Year 3 Powerpoint

Year 3 Task 2 – updated!

Year 4 Powerpoint

Year 4 – Task 2 – updated!

Task 3: English


I would love to be teaching you the start of this topic face-to-face but instead I’ll have to be patient and hope you send me some great results by the end of the week!

  1. Explore this Powerpoint and think about the questions. If you have someone to discuss it with even better! So Arthur & Percy, Andy & Sophia, Elliot & india, Evan & Elsie, Amelia & Bella – you can work together at home! Wow we have a lot of sibling pairs in class…! Everyone else – see if a brother, sister or grown-up can share ideas and have fun thinking about this task with you. If you have contact with someone in class, you could even phone / Facetime them to think about ideas.
  2. Make sure you’ve filled in the plan (or create your own on paper). 

Here is a useful word mat to help you get creative for this Stone Age story plan:

Stone Age Boy Word mat

Task Four: Reading

Spend twenty minutes reading your own book from home OR use Reading Eggs. If you need your log-in for this, ask your grown-ups to email me and I will send you passwords.

Other tasks:

  • Year 4: Violin practise


  • Topic continued: Following on from yesterday’s Stone Age craft project, write an object label as if it was being displayed in a museum. Be creative! What is your object? What would it have been used for? What would it have been made from? How old would it be? What does it feel like? Does it have any special features? Where might it have been found? Remember to sound formal and factual in your explanation.

For example:

“Here is a fine example of a Stone Age knife made from flint. The knife would have been made with the bare hands of Stone Age people by chipping, trimming and sharpening. It was thought to be a difficult skill which could easily have ended with missing fingers! This knife is thought to have been made and used around 13,000 BCE in England.”

Stay warm & I’ll speak to you all soon.

Miss Whit xx

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