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Fun Run Fundraiser… the total is in!

A huge thank you to everyone who helped us raise a whopping £788 for our Fun Run which was held earlier this term. We can’t believe how much we raised!

Thank you to the Friends for their support in creating this event – we had a blast doing it whilst it was all for a great cause. Well done Team Ruyton!

Screenshot 2021-07-02 142959

Sports Day 2021

We were delighted to be able to hold our annual Sports Day today at Ruyton, even though it wasn’t our ‘usual’ occasion we still made the best of the current restrictions and held this annual favourite in our class bubbles. Tedsmore Green were the overall House winners on the day! Well done to you all.

We are thrilled to be able to share some of the races and our day via the video link below – please enjoy.

A huge well done and thank you to our fantastic children for such brilliant displays of sport – there was lots of laughter, some big smiles and plenty of determined faces! A fantastic morning all round. Thank you to the families of our school for your continued support.

Sports Day 2021



Dragonfly Arts Week 2021 🎨 🌎 🌊 🐬 🌟

Dragonfly Class had a creative, fun and productive Arts Week around the theme of ‘Planet Earth 2021’. We explored the book “Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth” by Oliver Jeffers and then went on to learn about the ocean animals that are currently on the World Wildlife Fund’s Endangered Species List 2021. This developed skills across the curriculum including measurement in mass (tuna fish are huge!), habitats in science (including food chains, habitats, survival and evolution) plus reading, communication skills, geographical knowledge, climates, physical co-ordination … the list goes on!

The children were fantastic all week: teamwork, perserverance and focus in abundance! A big thank you to them all for making my week such a pleasure whilst producing some brilliant results 🌟 🌟 🌎 🌊 🌟 🌟

The finished pieces (so far – the clay project is still to come!)

‘Ocean Deep’ whole class collage:

7F6C983D-7B3F-4BDF-A4F8-A5A1947B4660 AEC521B7-096C-4DF5-B7F6-E8D46F072E2C

Sharks in the Abyss:

46EFD435-498C-4616-920E-6ED5F42F2FB8 C3CF34B3-D775-46B4-B70C-AC4288413612

Arts Week in action!

‘Wet-on-wet’ watercolour dolphins & porpoises

992F44A7-3E55-4D25-BCCB-A37DA3622074 E4747276-9EAE-4E62-9AF9-1024A20CFC8F 19D6C943-916A-471E-B8C9-BDE2CA1B79C8

Aboriginal dot-painted turtles & tortoises

380A8C36-4EC6-4327-9C96-29BAA75F0D78 338E2299-DCF0-40F7-96AA-B2F2F3ECDE52 894A0AF2-2371-426B-9513-BC01A1E58CA9 4473F6C1-7BAD-4B26-97EE-F8653CE0E72F

Clay turtles 

BD35F08B-8C05-4808-BFCA-CB750097F9A5 4ABED8E5-77D0-47CC-B7A9-7F795F2E5BF5 0BB6F557-AD95-4612-BE39-C20259FA6B37 FB037854-224A-4450-857B-01095971AD64 93366926-DC7D-403B-9498-4D8860D3A02F B9D28464-77A7-4BF4-96F7-53AC6B59B929 9CDCCE0F-F5F7-4166-9F26-DC4CC18FCC19 92DECCEB-99F5-4DFA-8C53-28D279BD63DA 6C6F2AF3-6ABE-44C0-8F48-1A0F60BA8BCB B267677E-CDA8-4086-B0F2-E51351CFC7FF C032BC62-3977-48DE-9F37-EE8CB30EFB7F

Chalk pastel ‘Sharks in the Abyss’

D0217BB4-CD20-4FE4-903C-4195B6471D12 E1C13039-19E0-43AB-A773-A7C72A75234D B90CAC4C-D08C-4FED-915E-252DB19CC804 B939B874-763E-4FCE-8FE9-1D073F015D84 19E99D49-FDAA-4AC1-925B-8B601CE54900 94A1E855-4AB0-4122-A019-ED58156158B5

Textile Collage – Ocean Deep

AE9D7DB0-8787-4E5C-845E-99182697AC3C B7C9BA60-E172-4489-AF0E-2647178B92F6 324FC92A-8D6A-42E5-A227-CA476275D093 3DA5A7A1-368F-4C30-8E40-A7002C1127DA 2ACF2D82-7434-43CC-8987-42015771FBB2 E37E19F5-B2FD-456B-8A4D-DF7753E6D803 0C05FE15-2C33-434E-AB70-8A1BCB8C451F C1338224-7898-41F7-AA6B-3BAD0CB427DB 5F202E15-7A00-4009-9C18-32FE47B6B130 608A1859-4F62-4104-A7E0-D9475810AE46 A7E9E806-08B9-45C2-9725-15BD056BF984 199EC8F3-8159-4174-9EB2-D6887CF0151C

Foil Tuna fish 🐟 … yes, they’re endangered! 


And not forgetting India’s new jumper 🌟😄


Ruyton’s Fun Run!

We laughed, ran, sang, walked and some even cartwheeled! Thank you to everyone who sponsored our children for their annual Fun Run; we had such a brilliant time and it was so lovely to see all the school participating in an event together in the warmer weather!

A huge thank you to our Friends Of Ruyton group who set the wheels in motion and got this event going; our children and staff are so lucky to have your support and encouragement whilst working to make our school an even better place for learning. We are very grateful to each and every one of you!

Thank you also to everyone who sponsored the children – we can’t wait to see how much we raised!

Finally, a massive ‘well done’ to the children (and staff!) who kept moving the whole 30 minutes – many at a speedy run (with Nick setting the pace!) and some clocking up a whopping 3 miles!

Happy half term everyone ☀️
9383B1EA-F7C3-4A50-8E54-CD7021A09952 73370EDF-24D9-4407-892D-9C90F2BFB582 BF1FFC58-CF5C-4C68-871B-04B56D9EE675 079181EE-91C3-4868-9F7B-E54CBFA2985D 6AAA0C6D-1B82-4D3C-8F38-1C1272CAC3E0 63479109-64D3-45E2-96CB-758549BCD21F 7E0D55BC-6691-4EBD-B635-E7B1A58E085A BC20FC60-948C-49D1-B3B3-54724FF88BD7 F2ABD209-9F9F-4EF5-8811-A4FFC8A93DA7 02BFAE37-9B35-47B1-86B9-C27139B62F0B B98DAAF2-C6FE-4BB2-AAD0-3B42017FD1F4 50AAF967-0C6F-4042-8853-B39170C1944D 1656010A-B5CF-48B2-8132-B4DF801504FC E4C956F7-FCC3-486F-8093-AEA872D0B06F A0748873-D4D7-417B-9B6E-4A1B2DF503F0 C73664FE-D690-4FA1-B01E-3B2BA49999F7 DB6632C0-E1F1-43FE-9B02-121327BA3D61 8DABE717-6BB8-4BCC-90B2-CC9FFC4DDC51 D2F3D378-C816-49B0-918A-84A17E0C70A1 B7F7F33D-07B8-4CEA-83E9-B399592CF1B7 B391A08A-6314-42CD-8FAF-0588DD1F753F 6A983429-BE09-4F84-AD1E-F43C7E22AD52 7854697C-4A1F-4099-9C55-EC76AD7F69EC F5D3106D-A9E7-460A-B930-680DEB234667 26A9693B-BEEF-4C38-8166-4CB8319EE5EC C48FD256-2931-4699-AE35-ED26DA0581F2 0F8EEE22-DC31-4190-982B-13B69F18073C CCEF54A1-BA4F-4269-B671-1181793152F0 58CC7788-DD96-43A6-BBD4-C5363EFA9FC8 BFBF4E30-62BC-4085-801D-E907AD46041C 339EDD7E-C6B7-4EB7-8EDC-EE44624EAC72 2F25C00B-B91D-4960-AE63-9657B93DC0B1 FFE010AE-A4DB-4A58-93AB-9A12722818ED E02F3B9F-F4A4-4FDD-A142-5094A4067F39 1AF5C2AB-F3A5-45C0-B42F-96DE5DE8EE28 B0ADDDF0-19D8-4D1C-80FB-3AB810FBDFFD 899B506B-04DF-48ED-9214-8412C3C0FE63

Charley’s fitness fundraiser!

44AD31F4-B320-450F-91D8-3333CB720D65 CABE8C87-3441-4364-BC7A-E5136E6639F9 DCEA221D-C733-4975-86FE-D6D60B8A24E3We are really proud to share our support for Charley, Year 2, who has taken it upon herself to complete a triathlon to raise funds for a charity of her choice. It’s inspiring to see one of our pupils choose to take on such tough challenges.

She has around 6 weeks to finish her training for this brilliant event.I’ve no doubt Dragonfly Class (and the grown-ups!) will be eager to help Charley train for her run during our fitness PE sessions too.

Good luck Charley – we look forward to hearing more about your training updates.


Friday 15th January – Dragonfly Class

Please see Teams for lessons, chats and updates.

9:20 Morning Meeting for all

9.40am Year 3 & 4 English

10.20am Year 2 English

1pm Afternoon Meeting for all

2.45pm Close of day meeting for all

Finally, spend time today finishing any incomplete tasks from the week (for example the internet rules poster from yesterday).

Task One: Reading

Access the Assignment on Team and send me an update of your reading this week. What have you been reading? What have you enjoyed? What would you like to read next?

Task Two: Maths

Today we are having a TT Rockstars session! Log-in and commence battle… you can challenge each other or work through the levels and lessons.

Task Three: English

Join your live lessons and complete the Assignment task set on Teams.

Task Four: PE

Catch up with the Activity Challenge I’ve posted on behalf of the School Games and do your own activity. Joe Wicks is also online at 9am if you fancy his workout!

Well done and thank you for such a brilliant week! We’ll be moving over to Teams next week as I think you are all accessing the activities on there (even if you’re recording work on paper).

Dragonflies – you are BRILLIANT! Happy weekend,

Miss Whit xx


Thursday 14th January – Dragonfly Class

Please see Teams for our full chats, lessons and live tasks – we’re all getting better at this!

Today’s top tip: Keep your School Games Activity log updated to send to the School Games organisers 🙂

9:20 Morning Meeting for all

9.40 Year 3 Maths lesson

10.05 Year 4 Maths lesson

10.30 Year 2 Maths lesson

11.00 Year 3 Recorders

11.30 Year 4 Recorders

1pm Afternoon Meeting for all

2pm Music lesson for everyone!

2.45pm Close of day meeting for all


Task One: Maths – look out for your live Teams lessons

Year 2 PPT

Year 2 Reasoning Task

Year 3 PPT

Year 3 Reasoning Task

Year 4 PPT

Year 4 Reasoning Task

Task Two : English. L/O: To describe a setting.

Today I would like you to use your own word bank (from yesterday) or use some of the language shared on the Teams Assignment for this task to write a story opening where the setting has been described effectively.

Here is an example by ‘Boring Miss Whit’!

A boy walked in the woods. There were tall trees. It was peaceful. The woodland felt calm but he felt a little lonely. Birds tweeted in the trees.

Can you do better? Of course. Go Dragonflies!

If you can, write this on the Assignment document as I can mark it with more detail 🙂


Task Three: Music 2pm – Mr Butler will be delivering LIVE Recorders and Music today!


Task Four: PSHE & Computing L/O; To think about how we use the internet everyday.

L/O: To consider how we use the internet.

As discussed in our meeting earlier, we are all using the internet and computers as a huge part of our daily lives at the moment. This technology can be brilliant! But is also needs to be used mindfully.

Your task is to create a poster which shows the rules which you think Dragonfly Class need to remember whilst we are learning at home using Microsoft Teams, live video calls and the internet including sending messages through chat, using The Playground and choosing emojis. There are lots of rules we should be following but pick a few that you think are most important to you at the moment.

Have a look at the links below for some ideas (you don’t have to do them all!)

How can you use the internet safely?

Keeping Safe Online

The Smart Crew – lots of activities, perhaps choose one or two to look at

Send your poster as a photo attachment to the Assignment if you can. Good luck!


See you on Teams

Miss Whit xx

Wednesday 13th January – Dragonfly Class

Good morning all,

Here are Wednesday’s lessons which will hopefully work! Every year group can attend a Maths lesson today now we are all beginning to get more familiar with what we are doing. For parents – I am going to stick to these times for the rest of this week and hope that it works everyday!

Before the day starts you could be participating in Joe Wicks’ 9am workout!

9.20am – all (introduction)

9.40am Year 3 Maths lesson

10.05am Year 4 Maths lesson

10.30am Year 2 Maths Lesson

1pm – all (afternoon introduction – optional but I will introduce task)

2.45pm –  all (close of day / sharing – optional)

Organise the rest of your day yourselves with regular breaks.

Reverend Burns’ has sent a worship under ‘Assignments’ that you can watch today; choose a time that suits you.

Task One: Handwriting & Spellings – do on Teams Assignment if you can!

Using this week’s spelling list (sent out yesterday) can you write one sentence for each word. Remember:

  • capital letters & full stops (or other end of sentence punctuation) for full sentence
  • joined up handwriting
  • spelling checks!

Task Two: Maths – also available on Teams

Year 2 PPT

Year 2 Task

Year 3 PPT

Year 3 Task

Year 4 PPT

Year 4 Task

Task 3: English

Complete the task attached (I’d prefer you to use Teams and add comments onto the ‘live’ Notebooks if possible):

Settings – word task

Task Four: RE 

This term we are learning about Hinduism. Firstly, I would like you to watch and listen to this Hindu story about ‘Svetaketu’:

The Salt and the Seed 

What is the lesson of this story? Write down your own ideas about what can be learned from this story and Hindu beliefs (there is an Assignment on Teams that you can write this on).

Other tasks:

  • Reading your home books
  • Times tables rockstars
  • Catch up with Joe Wicks Wednesday workout

See you on Teams!

Miss Whit x

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