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Weekly Celebrations 10.5.24

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Lylah for ‘Love’ and ‘Friendship’ – For showing care and compassion to her classmates at all times.

Year 5 Millie for ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’ – For always being engaged in lessons.

Year 4 Magnus for ‘Perseverance’ – For trying really hard in all subjects and never giving up, even when he finds something tricky.

Year 3 Charlie for ‘Perseverance’ – For working really hard on his English this week and writing a lovely letter! Well done!

Year 2 Millie for showing ‘Trust’ and ‘Perseverance’: Millie is working really hard in all of her lesson, she takes a lot of pride in her work. She is developing her independence but also knows to ask for help if she needs it.

Year 1 Alfie for ‘Respect’ & ‘Wisdom’ – Alfie is a superstar. He has a fantastic attitude to learning. He makes excellent contributions to our class discussions and uses what he knows to help him with his learning.

Reception Cordelia for ‘Love’ and ‘Friendship’ – Cordelia is always bright and cheerful, she is very caring to her friends and loves entertaining them with her wonderful stories!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)


Congratulations to the following Golden Book winners (from class work and stars)

Evie, Lucy, Thalia, Oscar, Isaac, Brooke, Amber, Beau, Tilly, Charley, Liz, Thomas, Millie, Sophia, Devon, Percy, Eva and Alex.

Other achievements…

Laurie has achieved his 25m badge in swimming, great work Laurie – well done!

Thomas and Lucy completed a 5k colour run in aid of Lingen Davies, and raised over £125! What an achievement.

Millie is taking part in the play ‘Our Day Out’ this weekend, she is playing Linda. Break a leg Millie, we can’t wait to hear all about it next week!

Congratulations to all our winners this week!

Science in Dragonflies

In science we are looking at sound. This afternoon we were exploring how sound can change over a distance. As part of this we created string telephones to demonstrate how sound travels. We discovered that we could hear clearly through the cups as the string and the cups are solid, so the particles are much closer together than the particles in the air, which is a gas. The sound energy can travel from particle to particle far easier in the solid string telephone, so the sound of our voices were louder over the same distance than it was in the air. We had a great time discovering how sound travels over distance!

Weekly Celebrations 26.4.24

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Brooke for ‘Respect’ – For putting 100% effort into all lessons and being so kind and respectful to everyone.


Year 5 Tilly for ‘Friendship & Wisdom” – For being a lovely member of Owl Class every day, showing kindness and friendship to all classmates and participating in every lesson.

Year 4 Scarlett for ‘Friendship & Hope’ – Scarlett has settled into Dragonfly Class, making lots of new friends and working hard. Well done Scarlett!

Year 3 Sid for ‘Perseverance’ – For learning how to start again and persevere when you find things difficult.


Year 2 Florence for ‘Friendship’, ‘Love’ and ‘Respect’: Florence is a super friend to everyone. She is kind, helpful and respectful. Well done Florence, keep it up!

Year 1 Jackson for ‘Perseverance’ & ‘Wisdom’ – Jackson is becoming a fantastic writer. He is trying hard to keep his writing neat and he is using his phonics to help spell any words he is not sure of.

Reception Elsie for ‘Hope & Perseverance’ – Elsie has a brilliant attitude to learning and works really hard in all her lessons. Her ‘can do’ positive attitude and perseverance is amazing – you are super Elsie!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Other achievements…

Lucy has received her ‘Technical Climber’ certificate of achievement. Well done Lucy, it sounded like you had to do some quite tricky climbs to achieve this!

Blake received his ‘Water Safety’ Level 3 award, we can’t wait to see him in action at swimming over the next few weeks.

Our half marathon runners! What a fantastic achievement for everybody involved, it was lovely to see our school values shine through the children last Saturday.

An extra special mention…

India inspired us all with her efforts this week! India has chosen to donate her hair to the ‘Little Princess Trust’ – a charity that provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer. India was inspired to do this after knowing what a difference a real hair wig has made to people close to her. She is also raising money for Little Princess Trust to help produce the wigs. If you would like to donate towards this fantastic cause, India will be bringing her sponsorship form in next week. Well done India, we are all very proud of you and the difference you are making.

Congratulations to all our winners this week!

Summer Term in Dragonflies

Welcome back Dragonflies Class, we hope you all had a lovely Easter break!

We have got lots of exciting things to look forward to this term; swimming, Liverpool for year 4 and school trips just to name a few! Below is our timetable for this term.

Time table summer 1

Our topic this term is ‘Would I rather live in Mexico City or Shrewsbury?’ We will be learning lots of interesting things about each place through comparison.

We will start swimming lessons from Friday 26th April, so everyone will need to be in PE kit and bring their swimming kit with them on Fridays. We will no longer have PE on a Monday afternoon, but PE will continue on a Tuesday.

Please find the knowledge organisers for subjects this term below.  The knowledge organisers will tell you what the children will be learning and some key vocabulary they will encounter this term. We hope you find these helpful, please let us know if there is anything you would like to discuss.

Mexico City vs Shrewsbury

Dragonflies – RE

Dragonflies – Online Safety

Dragonflies – Creating Media Photo EditingSummer term year 4 sound

Miss Hindley and Miss Lloyd- Jones

Reading the Game – Week 2 ⚽

On Monday, Coach Neil returned to Dragonfly class to teach Reading the game. This week we practised our comprehension skills and read a text all about the history of Shrewsbury Town Football club. Whilst we were working hard, we had a special visit from Amber the clubs mascot, everyone was really excited to meet her! Finally, we practised our football skills learning ‘around the world’ and several other complicated skills.

Excellent work this week team Dragonflies!

Celebration Assembly 22nd February

It’s been an active week at Ruyton this week! Bikeability, Cross Country AND a Dodgeball Championship!

Firstly, a huge well done to our Year 6s who underwent Bikeability Training from Shropshire Council. This entailed two days of working with instructors to prove their ability to ride their bikes on the road safely including independent decision making around traffic in the village. We are proud that everyone who took part completed their Level 2 Bikeability!

Well done Year 6 🌟

Our KS2 Dodgeball Team then attended the Thomas Adams School in Wem for the North Shropshire Finals of the competition (following their success in Autumn Term).

Incredibly, our team – consisting of Year 4,5 and 6 players – got through to the semi-finals before narrowly losing out!

A massive well done to all the players involved – it is a super achievement for our small school and you represented us fantastically well.

Cross Country @ Corbet

All children in KS2 (Year 3, 4,5, 6) participated in a cross-country event at the Corbet School on Wednesday. Everyone completed the course – many for the first time- and showed super determination to achieve their best. Well done Team Ruyton!


Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Harry for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – For making a great effort in class and sharing ideas.

Year 5 Charlie for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Respect’: For always showing friendship and respect to others. 

Year 4 Sam for ‘Perseverance and Friendship’ : During Cross-country Sam showed great support to all his peers.

Year 3 Ruby for ‘Perseverance’: Ruby has shown super perseverance in her writing this week

Year 2 Harry for Perseverance and Wisdom!: Harryhas been working really hard on his writing this week.

Year 1 Imogen for Perseverance and Wisdom : Imogen has been working really hard on her writing this week – she has been producing lots of neat work!

Bumblebees Nancy for ‘tolerance’ of the younger children in her group. Well done Nancy!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

In other news…

Mrs Beddoes modelled these new hi-viz coats which have been kindly donated by Stop n Go. The jackets will be worn by our Bumblebees children so they are more visible to everyone at playtimes. We think they look great!

Reading the Game – Week 1 ⚽

On Monday Dragonflies had their first Reading the Game session with coach Neil! This week we learnt all about the scheme and Shrewsbury Town football club. We even had the chance to learn and practice a few football skills. We can’t wait to see what the next few weeks has instore for us!

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