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Dragonfly art gallery

Today we have been using our sketching skills to create observational drawings.  The class were given the choice of drawing either one of the Roman artefacts or working from pictures of the beautiful dragonflies brought in by Millie and India.  Fantastic work Dragonfly Class- you are a talented bunch!


Dragonflies flying high!

Well done Dragonfly class for a superb start to the new year.  Miss Horton and I are so pleased with how hard you are working and how brilliantly you have settled back into class.

Tuesday 7th September highlights:

*English – I have been wowed by your word choices to describe our book’s main character and I can’t wait to read tomorrow’s descriptions of Timothy.

*Year 4 – have had their first violin session and loved it! Well done Year 4; you were fab!

*Year 3 – Lightbulb writing.  Wow!  Such creativity this afternoon as the story cubes that we rolled challenged us to write a story including a rainbow, a parachute, a hand, a magnet and a clock!  Not an easy task but Year 3 you came up with some brilliant ideas: a witch’s spell, a donkey called Ned and a lot of time travel to name just a couple.

*Year 2 had a great session at Forest School today to help the new Year 1 and Reception children.  Mrs Farmer said that you all did a great job. From next week, Year 2s will be working in school with Mrs Farmer on the Year 2 Science topics.

Finally just a reminder that it is PE tomorrow (Wednesday) and on Friday so please come into school wearing PE kits.

Well done Dragonflies,

Mrs Hollis x


Worship with Reverend Burns

It was a pleasure to welcome Reverend Lucinda Burns back into school today for our daily Worship. With plenty of audience participation, we learned about Abraham for Reverend Burns’ fortnightly Worship. Worship Council members, Arthur and  Matthew, helped lead the Worship as we all came together in the School Hall. Well done everyone!



Congratulations Miss Whit 🎉

We are all so proud (but not surprised!) of Miss Whit being named as a ‘Lockdown Hero’ by The Pearson National Teaching Awards. She goes above and beyond for the school and every day it’s clear to see that children have her heart. Congratulations Miss Whit – you’re an absolute star and we’re all very lucky to work alongside you everyday!


So long, farewell… Mrs Hindson!

Today we said the first of our ‘big goodbyes’ this week as we finally wished a very happy retirement to our long serving music teacher, Mrs Hindson.

Mrs Hindson has worked at St John’s for an incredible 24 years! She had her first day of music teaching at our school back in 1997 and it is an honour that she spent her last one here too.

We held a farewell performance in our school fields this afternoon; it was wonderful to hear all the children sing together again after such a long time.

From all of us at St John’s, a huge thank you a good luck to Mrs HIndson; you will be very missed but have left a musical legacy at Ruyton that we will endeavour to continue. Mr Butler – no pressure!


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St John the Baptist Day Service

Please see the link below to view our annual St John the Baptist Day Service 2021.

Thank you to Reverend Burns, the Worship Council and the children for their contributions.

We look forward to seeing you all at our ‘normal’ service next year in the Church, along with the annual picnic lunch! Thank you for your continued support.

St John the Baptist Service 2021

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