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Dragonfly Class Homework 23.3.23

Dragonfly Class Homework 23.3.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Homework food chains

We have been looking at food chains in Science.  Using the photo pack, how many different food chains can you make?  Remember that most food chains begin with a green plant or producer.

Here is an example:

Leaf             caterpillar             robin              buzzard


You can draw, write or stick down photos of the links in the chains in the space below or in your homework book.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 29th March.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Class Homework 16.3.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


This month’s school value is respect.  We have talked a lot about respect in our worships and we would like you to complete a task of your own choice on this theme.  You could write about who you most respect, why and how you show them respect.  Or you could write a poem about respect.  You may choose what to do and how you would like to present it.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 22nd March.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Class Homework 8.3.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Next week, we will be going on our trip to Shrewsbury Museum and finding out more about the life and work of Charles Darwin.  Please find at least 5 facts about him and/or his work.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 15th March.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Class homework 2.3.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Next week, we will be looking at the work of Abraham Darby.  Please find at least 5 facts about the Ironbridge in Telford.


Dragonfly Class homework 9.2.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.

Reading comprehension:

Please read through the information on blue whales and then answer the questions on the sheet.

1a. Daily Article – New Blue Whale Song – LKS2 (7-9)

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 15th February.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Class homework 2.2.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


This week, we have looked at how to use an apostrophe.  Please complete the worksheet given out in class.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 8th February.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Class homework 26.1.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Soon, we will be looking at teeth in our Science lessons.  This week, we would like you to find out some facts about human teeth.  For example, you could find out how many teeth children/adults have, what the different types of teeth called and how to keep teeth healthy.  This website might be useful:

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 1st February.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Homework 19.1.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


This half term, we are looking at the work of important scientists from around the world.  This week, we would like you choose a scientist and find out some facts about them.  This website might be useful to help you choose which one to look at:

Please write down your facts in your book in your own choice of format.  These headings may help:


When they were born:

Where they lived:

What they were famous for/what they discovered:

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 25th January.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Class Homework 12.1.23

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Next week, we will be looking at the work of painter Claude Monet.  Here is an example of one of his paintings called ‘Sea Study’.  Take a look at it and try and answer the following questions:

What is it a painting of?

Does it look realistic?

Which colours have been used?

What do you like about it?

What don’t you like about it/what would you change?

Monet Sea Study

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 18th January.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


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