Spellings – 14.9.23

Homework and spellings will be given out on a Thursday and will be expected back in on the following Wednesday. We will have an informal spelling test on a Wednesday too to see how the children are getting on. Homework will be a mixture of online and on paper tasks!

The handwriting sheet in your homework folders shows you how to form your letters. Try to use the correct letter formation when practising your spellings.

Year 1: /igh/ – i, i-e

Try and write the spelling at least three times on the line. Take time to form your letters correctly and keep them sitting on the line.

Year 1 Spellings 14.9.23

Year 2: /ay/ – ay, ai. a-e

Try and write the spelling three or more times on the line. Make sure your letters are formed correctly and facing the right way.

Year 2 Spellings 14.9.23

Rabbit Class Homework – 14.9.23

Homework and spellings will be given out on a Thursday and will be expected back in on the following Wednesday. We will have an informal spelling test on a Wednesday too to see how the children are getting on. Homework will be a mixture of online and on paper tasks!

The handwriting sheet in your homework folders shows you how to form your letters. Try to use the correct letter formation when practising your spellings.

Homework this week is all about YOU!

In History this term we will be thinking about ‘How have we changed over time?’. I would like you to fill out the ‘On the day I was born’ sheet. I’m sure your adults will help you with some of the facts! Don’t worry if you can’t fill it all out.

On the Day I was Born

Could you also try and find a picture of you as a baby that we can put up on display in our classroom? It can be a photocopy of a picture or you can email one to me at horton.z@bhsjbfed.shropshire.sch.uk

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Miss Horton

Welcome Back Rabbit Class!

I hope you’ve all had a fantastic holiday, I can’t wait to hear about everything you got up to when we get back to school!

We have got lots of exciting things to look forward to this term. Our topic this term is ‘Knowing me, Knowing you’. Click on the link below to find out more.

Rabbits Autumn 2023 Overview

We will ALL have PE on Mondays so please come to school in your PE kit on that day. On Tuesdays, Year 1s will be going to Forest School so will need to come into school in their forest school kit (Forest School will not start back until Tuesday 12th September so please come dressed in PE kit on Tuesday 5th September). Year 2s will do PE on a Tuesday afternoon so will need to come in in their PE kit.

If you have any questions or queries please catch me on the gate or via email on horton.z@bhsjbfed.shropshire.sch.uk.

I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow

Miss Horton 🙂

Happy Father’s Day from Rabbits!

To all the lovely dads in Rabbits class, we hope you all have a wonderful day.

You are very loved and here are all the reasons why…