Hedgehogs Home Learning – 11th May 2020

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you had some fun in the sunshine before all the rain!! I’m sure you all enjoyed celebrating VE Day on Friday, I enjoyed it (especially having some delicious cakes!!). I’ve been busy in the garden this weekend, my beetroots are starting to grow now and so are my sunflowers. My friends and I are having a competition to see whose sunflower will grow the tallest so we have to take pictures and send them to each other – fingers crossed mine wins! Are any of you growing sunflowers? Is your sunflower bigger than mine?


You’re all doing such a great job working hard at home. Please don’t feel worried if you can’t complete everything. If you are having any problems or finding anything tricky please let me know and I will do my best to help.


This link will take you to the phonics lessons. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/featured

Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. After they have been uploaded the videos are available to view at any time throughout the day.


Reception: Have a practice at writing the numbers 0-9.

Number Handwriting

Year 1: Have a go at turning these letters into monsters, can you think of a name for the monsters you create?

Letter Monsters


Today’s home learning focus will be to refresh your phonics knowledge and apply it when writing sentences about exploring.

This lesson includes:

  • a game to help refresh your phonics skills
  • three activities to do at home



We are on Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May). It’s a little bit different this week. Click on the link to see the video as normal, but (for Y1s) I’ll put the link to the worksheet  below because they are no longer available on the White Rose website.

Reception: Day 1- The Very Busy Spider  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

I’d love to see if anyone attempts making a 3D spiders web (and if you manage to travel through it!)

Year 1: Lesson 1 – Add by Making Ten

Video: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

Worksheet: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Lesson-1-Add-by-making-10-2019.pdf

Answers: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Lesson-1-Answers-Add-by-making-10-2019.pdf

You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity

Extra Activity:

Science: Classifying and Grouping Plants. Have a look at this video to see how Ivy sorts her plants into groups,


She sorts them into four categories:

With seeds:    

1) Flowers

2) Conifers

Without seeds:

3) Ferns

4) Mosses

Can you think of a way you might sort the plants in your garden? For example: the number of petals, the shape of the leaf, the colour of the flower.

I had a go with the plants/trees in my garden and sorted them depending on the colour of their petals. I took pictures of plants and sorted them into a table – you could draw the plants if you like (I’m sure you’re all much better artists than me!). You can use the same groups as I have, or you could choose your own.

Plant/Tree Classification grid

Remember you can complete activities from the activity menu anytime you like.

Activity Menu

I hope you have a good week. Please send over any work you want to share with us, it does make us smile!

Keep smiling, we’re all very proud of you.

Miss Horton 🙂

Hedgehogs Home Learning – 6/5/20

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

I think it’s going to be a lovely sunny day today so make sure you get outside and enjoy some fresh air. You could always do some of your activities in the sunshine!


I hope you’re all managing to access the phonics lessons and that you’re enjoying them. If you’re having any trouble with it, please let me know.

This link will take you to the phonics lessons. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/featured

Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. Once the lessons have been uploaded they remain online for you to view whenever you can.


Today’s home learning focus will be to correctly form long ladder letters and use them when writing short sentences.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to long ladder letters

  • three activities to try at home



These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re on to Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May)

Reception: Day 3 – Hungry Caterpillars https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

Year 1: Lesson 3 – Add together and find a part https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity

Extra Activity:

DIY Forest School – have a go at making a bug hotel! Here’s a video and a step by step guide to making one https://www.rspb.org.uk/get-involved/activities/give-nature-a-home-in-your-garden/garden-activities/build-a-bug-hotel/

Bug hotels are a great way of recycling things you would normally throw away while also providing all kinds of creepy crawlies with somewhere to live! If you have a go at making one I’d love to see the end result and you’ll have to let me know if any bugs come to visit!

Remember Friday is VE Day and if you’d like to commemorate it in any way have a go at one of the activities on the activity menu.

VE Day Activity Menu 

I hope you enjoy your activities today, if you’d like us to see anything feel free to send it over, it does brighten our day!

Keep safe, keep smiling!

Miss Horton 🙂

Hedgehogs Home Learning 5/5/20

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope you had a good day yesterday, fingers crossed for another dry day today. I planted some sweetcorn seeds yesterday, I counted 32 seeds so if they all grow I’ll have a lot of sweetcorn to eat – good job I like it! Are any of you growing anything? Let me know if you are (you might be able to help me out with my seeds!).



I hope you’re all managing to access the phonics lessons and that you’re enjoying them. If you’re having any trouble with it, please let me know.

This link will take you to the phonics lessons. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/featured

Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. Once the lessons have been uploaded they remain online for you to view whenever you can.



Today’s home learning focus will be to be able to correctly use capital letters and full stops when writing statements in a postcard.

This lesson includes:

  • a video to help you write statements
  • a recap on capital letters and full stops
  • three activities to do at home



These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re on to Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May)

Reception: Day 2 – Hungry Caterpillar  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

Have fun making some caterpillars!

Year 1: Lesson 2 – Fact families – linking addition and subtraction (1)


You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity

Extra Activity:

This week is a special week where many people will be commemorating VE Day. I wonder how much you know about it? As a school, we would like you to think about this special event and produce some work that can be shared – perhaps for a school display. Check out the activity menu below to see what projects you could be working on:

VE Day Activity Menu 

I hope you have a good day. Please send over any work you want to share with us, it does make us smile!

Keep safe.

Miss Horton 🙂


Hedgehogs Home Learning – 4/5/20

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

The start of a brand new week – hopefully a bit sunnier than last week! It was lovely to speak to some parents last week and to hear how you are all getting on at home. Remember this work doesn’t have to be done in the one day and can be spaced out over a few days – there is no pressure to complete it all! Enjoy spending time with your families and don’t feel worried if you can’t complete it all.

Mrs Johnson posted a link to a free e-book library which uses the same scheme of reading as one that we use in school. If you know your book band (the colour) you can sort the books most suitable for you that way. If you’re not sure on your book band, you can sort them by phonic phase level. Reception can have a go at phase 3 books and Year 1 can have a go at phase 5 books. If the books are too easy or too hard have a go at reading ones in a higher/lower phase. Parents, you do have to register and make an account to access the books but this is free and doesn’t take too long!

Here is the link incase you missed it: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page


I hope you all managed to access the phonics lessons last week and that you’re enjoying them. If you’re having any trouble with it, please let me know.

This link will take you to the phonics lessons. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/featured

Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. Once the lessons have been uploaded they remain online for you to view whenever you can.


We’re going to try something a bit different today for handwriting. I thought we’d have a practice of our pencil skills and try out some Zentangle drawing! Zentangle is a way of drawing structured and repetitive patterns. There are no rules only that you each shape has to be filled. I had a go myself and found it very relaxing so adults you might want to join in with this too!

You will need to get an adult to draw black outlines on your page like this.


And then have a go at filling the shapes with patterns


You can use any colours you want. You can use pens, pencils, biros anything you have at home!


Today’s home learning focus will be to refresh your phonics knowledge and apply it when writing sentences with unfamiliar words.

This lesson includes:

  • a game to help refresh your phonics skills
  • three activities to do at home



These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re on to Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May)

Reception: Day 1- Hungry Caterpillar  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

Year 1: Lesson 1 – Part-whole relationships number bonds https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity

Extra Activity:

Last week you had a look around your garden or on a walk to see which flower you saw the most of. This week have a go at drawing the flowers that were most common. After you have drawn the flower see if you can label it using these words petal, stem, leaves, roots, bulb. You can also have a go at drawing a tree that you see a lot of, using the words trunk, root, branches, leaves, flowers/fruit.

Have a look at this video – ‘What are the parts of a plant?’ to help you.


Remember you can complete activities from the activity menu anytime you like.

Activity Menu

I hope you have a good week. Please send over any work you want to share with us, it does make us smile!

Keep safe.

Miss Horton 🙂

P.S. Remember to record your steps when you go for a walk and be sure to send in the totals at the end of the week




Hedgehogs Home Learning 29/4/20

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

We’re halfway through the week already – time seems to be flying by! Hopefully the sunshine will come back soon so we can all get back into our gardens. I’m really enjoying all the work you’ve been sending in for Mrs Johnson and I to see – keep it up 🙂


I hope you all managed to access the phonics lessons yesterday. If you’re having any trouble with it, please let me know.

This link will take you to the phonics lessons. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/featured

Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds.

Parents – there is a letter here that explains everything you need to know and the links that will take you to the online lessons. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing them or have any questions regarding the content.

Letter to parents and carers about online phonics lessons


Reception: Practise writing 2 of the zig zag letters. Can you think of any words that start with these letters?


Year 1:  Please practice writing the following words: once, ask, friend, school, put, push. Try doing ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ – look at the word, say it out loud, cover it up, have a go at writing it and then check if it is correct. You could get an adult or an older brother/sister to test you! Remember to try and join your letters if you can.


Today’s home learning focus will be to create a mini beast fact file using nouns and joining words.

This lesson includes:

  • a video about nouns and an introduction to joining words

  • a video about about minibeasts

  • three activities to try at home



These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re on to Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27 April)

Reception: Day 3 – Night Pirates https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

I hope you all manage to find the treasure in your treasure hunt! If you want to listen to either of the books you can find videos of both of them being read on YouTube.

Year 1: Lesson 3 – Find a quarter (2) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity

Extra Activity:

On Wednesday you would normally go to Forest School, so I thought it would be nice to have an activity that you can do outside (hopefully it’s not raining!). Have a look round your garden or on your walk and see if you can use all your senses to find something that matches the descriptions or see if you can find things that match up to the colours. If the weather isn’t very nice you could always try and find things that are inside your house!

Colour Scavenger Hunt

Senses scavenger hunt

Remember you can complete activities from the activity menu anytime you like.

Activity Menu

I’ve really enjoyed seeing pictures and videos of you working at home, keep sending them in it really brightens my day!

Keep safe.

Miss Horton 🙂

Sophia’s culinary skills!

Sophia has been practising her fine motor skills by helping chop carrots for spaghetti bolognese – my favourite!

Chopping carrots

With some help from Andreas, Sophia’s also been practising her Maths and knife skills by cutting chocolate covered strawberries into three equal parts to share with her family. I’m not sure I’d be quite as good at sharing, they look very yummy!!

Chocolate covered strawberries

P.S. Loving the festive dress Sophia!

Miss Horton

Luana’s caterpillar called Lola 🐛

Last week when Luana was gardening with her family she spotted something bright green lying on the soil. She took a closer look and saw it was a caterpillar. She couldn’t believe how green it was – it almost looked fluorescent!


Luana made the caterpillar a home inside a big jar with some soil, sticks and leaves and thought it would be really interesting to watch the caterpillar transform into a beautiful butterfly. She says her caterpillar is very hungry (it’s eating lots of leaves!) and that it is growing bigger!

Caterpillar Home


She did a bit on investigating on the computer and thinks her caterpillar is an angle shades caterpillar. These are the facts she found:

Angle Shades Moth
Scientific name: Phlogophora meticulosa
This common Eurasian moth, Phlogophora meticulosa, is very similar to its North American relatives in the Noctuidae family of moths. The adult is pretty and interesting-looking. It rests with its wings folded in a way that makes it really resemble a dead leaf. These moths fly toward lights and can be found even in urban, developed areas. The green angle shades caterpillar (although some forms are brown) is hard to find on the plant but are most likely to be found on apple, birch, spinach, nettle, or one of literally dozens of other common plants and trees.
Does it sting?
What does it eat?
Almost anything, from beets to nettles.
Will it seriously damage plants or trees?
Enough of them can eat a good amount of your salad garden.
Is it rare?
What does it turn into?
A pretty brown moth.
Brown Moth
Luana wonders whether any of you have found any caterpillars in your garden – maybe you’ve found a different type of caterpillar. Let us know if you have!
What a wonderful home you’ve made for Lola the caterpillar! I look forward to hearing any updates 🙂
Miss Horton


Hedgehogs Home Learning – 28/4/20

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope you had a good day yesterday – not quite as sunny but at least it didn’t rain. I hope you’re remembering to keep active with your daily walk or doing Joe Wicks. Is anybody doing any different types of exercise? You could share what you’re doing and it might give your friends some fun ideas on how to keep active.


I hope you all managed to access the phonics lessons yesterday. If you’re having any trouble with it, please let me know.

This link will take you to the phonics lessons. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/featured

Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds.

Parents – there is a letter here that explains everything you need to know and the links that will take you to the online lessons. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing them or have any questions regarding the content.

Letter to parents and carers about online phonics lessons


Reception: Practise writing 2 of the zig zag letters. Can you think of any words that start with these letters?


Year 1:  Please practice writing the following words: there, where, love, come, some, one. Try doing ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ – look at the word, say it out loud, cover it up, have a go at writing it and then check if it is correct. You could get an adult or an older brother/sister to test you! Remember to try and join your letters if you can.


Today’s home learning focus will be to write sentences using capital letters and full stops.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to capital letters and full stops
  • a song about caterpillars 
  • three activities to try at home




These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re on to Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27 April)

Reception: Day 2 – Night Pirates https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

Have fun with your floating and sinking activity! If you want to listen to either of the books you can find videos of both of them being read on YouTube.

Year 1: Lesson 2 – Find a quarter (1) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity

Extra Activity:

Have a listen to an audio book on audible. https://stories.audible.com/discovery?ref=adbl_ent_anon_pdp_ds_vn

You can listen to the audio books for free while we’re off school. Some of them are quite long so you might want to listen to it over a couple of days. After you’ve had a listen, you could have a go at creating your own audio book – choose your favourite story and get an adult to help you record it!

Remember you can complete activities from the activity menu anytime you like.

Activity Menu

I’ve really enjoyed seeing pictures and videos of you working at home, keep sending them in it really brightens my day!

Keep safe.

Miss Horton.

Hedgehogs Home Learning – 27/4/20

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope you had a lovely weekend and you were able to enjoy the sunshine! I’ve been busy looking after my seeds, some have started to grow now. I’m attempting to grow an avocado plant…but what I didn’t realise is that it can take up to 15 years before it will grow an avocado big enough to eat!!! So in 2035 when I’m eating my avocado, I can think back to when I planted it and remember it was when I first started teaching Hedgehogs!


There is a new online phonics resource which teaches phonics in the same way that it would be taught if you were in school. Each day a new phonics lesson will be uploaded. After the lessons have been uploaded they will be available to view at any time so you can watch them whenever you like.

This link will take you to the phonics lessons. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/featured

Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds.

Parents – there is a letter here that explains everything you need to know and the links that will take you to the online lessons. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing them or have any questions regarding the content.

Letter to parents and carers about online phonics lessons


Reception: Practise writing 2 of the zig zag letters. Can you think of any words that start with these letters?


Year 1:  Please practice writing the following words: no, go, so, by, my, here. Try doing ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ – look at the word, say it out loud, cover it up, have a go at writing it and then check if it is correct. You could get an adult or an older brother/sister to test you! Remember to try and join your letters if you can.


The live lesson on BBC Bitesize today is all about alliteration. Alliteration is when all the words start with the same letter or sound. For example, the slimy snake slithered slowly.


If you’re struggling to think of alliteration for the caterpillar you can choose any animal, insect or object you like!


These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re on to Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27 April)

Reception: Day 1 – Night Pirates https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/ Good luck making your telescopes! You could use your favourite colours or shapes to make your pattern.

Year 1: Lesson 1 – Find a half (2) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity

Extra Activity:

Following on from your work on plants last week. I’d like you to have a look around your garden or on a walk and work out which plant/flower you see the most. You could take a pen and paper with you and make a note of how many of each flower you see. Can you make a guess which plant you will see the most – I wonder if you’ll be right!

Remember you can complete activities from the activity menu anytime you like. Activity Menu

I’ve really enjoyed seeing pictures and videos of you working at home, keep sending them in it really brightens my day!

Keep safe.

Miss Horton 🙂