Congratulations Miss Whit 🎉

We are all so proud (but not surprised!) of Miss Whit being named as a ‘Lockdown Hero’ by The Pearson National Teaching Awards. She goes above and beyond for the school and every day it’s clear to see that children have her heart. Congratulations Miss Whit – you’re an absolute star and we’re all very lucky to work alongside you everyday!


Arts Week 24/6/21

Today we have been continuing our artwork based on Oliver Jeffers book ‘Here we are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth. We have been thinking about our place in the world and the universe. We are creating our own paper mache solar system – a very sticky job!

Owls Home Learning – Friday 15th January

Hello Owls Class! Well done for making it through a full week of online learning – you’re all doing so well and becoming technical experts on Teams!
Here’s an idea of how you could structure your day:

9.15am – Morning chat and register (meeting)


10:30 – Breaktime



12noon – Lunch

1:10 – Chat about afternoon activities (meeting)



2.50pm – End of the day catch up (meeting)


In this lesson, we will look at the purpose of editing and why it is important. Then, we will break the editing checklist into two parts: one that checks for punctuation, spelling and sense; and the other for language choices, sentence types and structure. After we have practised editing, the children will be expected to edit their recounts from the previous lesson as their independent task.
Edit your recount on Onenote from yesterday – if you handed your work in I’ve had a look at it and I may have suggested something you can change to get you started.
Change your font colour when you are editing.

Y5 LO: To identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or translation, using the appropriate language, and know that the shape has not changed

Y6 LO: To describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all four quadrants)

Today we will be looking at all four quadrants Watch the PowerPoint attached and then complete the worksheet for your year group. The stars tell you how difficult the sheet will be (*=developing **=expected ***=greater depth). You must do one reasoning & problem solving sheet and one varied fluency sheet. You can mark your work using the answers provided.

You can take a picture of your completed maths sheets and attach them to the assignment by clicking ‘Add work’. Remember to press ‘Hand-in’ so I know when you have completed your work.

*If you are finding this tricky, have a go at the Y4 work about position and direction to refresh your memory. 

Y4 – RPS – Draw on a Grid

Y4 – VF – Draw on a Grid

Y4 Powerpoint – Draw on a Grid

Y5 – Powerpoint – Reflection

Y5 – RPS – Reflection

Y5 – VF – Reflection

Y6 – Powerpoint – Position and Direction

Y6 – RPS – Four Quadrants

Y6 – VF – Four Quadrants


In RE today I want you to think about what you already know about the religion of Islam. It might have been a while ago since you covered it at school so you’ll have to dig deep into your memory!

You can choose how you display your knowledge of Islam (e.g a mindmap, a poster, a powerpoint, a leaflet etc). If you’re really stuck have a look at this BBC Bitesize page for some help What is Islam? – BBC Bitesize.
*Keyword clues: AllahMuhammad (pbuh), Qur’an.
Please attach your work to the Teams assignment by clicking ‘Add work’.
Today I would like you to think about how we care and show responsibility for others and how we show our concern.
Have a look at the document attached to see what your task for today is.

Have a go at completing this circuit. You can set a timer on Alexa/Ipad/Computer for one minute for each exercise. Count how many repetitions you do for each exercise.

1. Core: Plank 

2. Legs: Squat hold against the wall (backs straight against the wall and knees together, bend legs so knees are at a 90 degree angle and hold) 

3. Cardio: Shuttle runs  

4. Core: Arch hold (lying on tummy, hold arms above head and lift straight legs off the floor like superman) 

5. Arms: Push-ups (can decide to go on knees or feet) 

6. Cardio: Star jumps 

7. Core: Sit-ups  

8. Legs: Rock back jumps (on a mat – sit down, rock to shoulders, rock back to stand up and do a straight jump, repeat) 

9. Cardio: Burpees 

10. Core: Tuck hold (on a mat – sit back and lift feet off of floor in a tuck shape and balance) 

11. Arms: Tricep dips (on a chair or step– sit down, hands facing forwards, lift bottom off chair  and move feet away, bend at the arms and push back up again) 

12. Cardio: Skipping  

You can record your number of repetitions on the Circuit record sheet

Have a good day, and a lovely weekend!

Miss Horton 🙂

Owls Home Learning – Thursday 14th January

Good Morning Owls! It’s Miss Horton here 😊 I hope you’ve all had a good week so far, you can tell me all about it at our TEAMs meeting this morning. Mrs Hollis said you’re all getting to grips with using TEAMs now, which is great news.

Here is your timetable for today but remember this is only a guide and you can work through the lessons at your own speed. Please attend the spelling test meeting for your year group (don’t worry you won’t have to announce your scores to everyone!). I would like to see as many of you as possible at our 9am meeting so we can all say hello to each other.

I will be online all day to answer any questions or queries you have. If you have any problems please use the ‘Ask the Teacher’ channel.

9.15am – Morning chat and register (meeting)

9:45  – Y5 Spelling Test – bring your pen and paper! (meeting)

10:15 – Y6 Spelling Test – bring your pen and paper! (meeting)

You can fit your English lesson in between these meetings (they shouldn’t last too long)

10:30 – Breaktime

11am – Maths

12noon – Lunch

1:10 – Music with Mr Butler (meeting)

1:50 – Computing

2:30 – Reading

2.50pm – End of the day catch up (meeting)


Follow this link: To write a recount (

In this lesson, you will start off by investigating which sentence starters are appropriate for newspaper reports. Then, you will look over your plans from the previous lesson and use them to inform your writing when writing a recount. You will also be using the success criteria to support you in your writing. You will look at a shared piece of writing, followed by a modelled piece of writing. Both methods will support you to write your own recounts.
I have attached a notebook page to this assignment on Teams so that you can type your work on, alternatively you can write your work in your book and attach it to the assignment by pressing ‘add work’ and uploading a picture. Remember to press ‘hand in’ when you have completed the work so that we can see when you have done your work.

Today we will be looking at position and translation in the first quadrant. Watch the PowerPoint attached and then complete the worksheet for your year group  The stars tell you how difficult the sheet will be (*=developing **=expected ***=greater depth). You must do one reasoning & problem solving sheet and one varied fluency sheet. You can mark your work using the answers provided.

You can take a picture of your completed maths sheets and attach them to the assignment by clicking ‘Add work’. Remember to press ‘Hand-in’ so I know when you have completed your work.

*If you are finding this tricky, have a go at the Y4 work about position and direction to refresh your memory. 

Powerpoint – The First Quadrant

Y5 RPS Position in the First Quadrant

Y5 VF Position in the First Quadrant

Y6 RPS The First Quadrant

Y6 VF The First Quadrant

Powerpoint – Describe Position (Y4)

Y4 RPS Describe Position

Y4 VF Describe Position


Mr Butler will be teaching a live music lesson at 1:10 via teams. Please follow this link to take part:


Today you will be learning about stop motion animation, you will plan a storyboard for your own animation about online safety.
I have created a Onenote document on Teams for what you need to do today. You have some videos to watch and questions to answer based on the videos. Click on the links on the document to watch the videos and type your answer directly onto the onenote document. As soon as you start typing the document will starting saving your work so your work is being saved as you go along – very clever! You can take a picture of your storyboard and attach it to your assignment by pressing ‘Add work’. Remember to press ‘Hand-in’ when you have completed all your work
Please have a go at completing and accessing your work on teams. If you are really struggling to do this you can click on the link below which will take you to a word document with everything you need to complete.
Complete your work in the exercise books sent home last term and/or upload photos of your work to each assignment if possible as introduced on Teams meetings this week.  If you’re struggling, please send photos of what you have done to me at or
Keep up the great work Owls – you’re smashing it!
Miss Horton 🙂

Rules for Microsoft Teams

Hi Owls,
We have written some rules for you to follow when you are using Teams: Microsoft Teams Rules
Your first meeting on Monday will start at 9:15. This is to allow time for the children in school to join our meeting and to give parents with children in different classes time to join multiple meetings!
If you have any questions or problems, please let us know via email or the ‘Ask for help!’ channel on teams.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Horton 🙂

Owls Home Learning – Friday 8th January

Good Morning Owls

I hope you all manage to join us for our Microsoft Teams meeting at 9am this morning. This is a chance for us all to get our heads round how it works and to get to see each other on screen. We’re hoping to start using teams more as time goes on, but while we’re all getting used to how everything works you’re home learning tasks will remain on the website as well as teams in case you’re struggling to find anything. If you are having any trouble with Teams or need anything explaining please email me at

Here are your home learning tasks for today:


Following on from the English work you have been doing this week the next lesson is about developing an understanding of words associated with chaos and confusion. You will be introduced to new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences.

To develop a rich understanding of words associated with chaos and confusion (


Like yesterday we are continuing to look at dividing fractions by integers. You can watch the video or look at powerpoint – or both!  The stars tell you how difficult the sheet will be (*=developing **=expected ***=greater depth). If you are in year 5 do the developing sheet first, you may find it easy and want to try a harder sheet. You must do one reasoning & problem solving sheet and one varied fluency sheet. You can mark your work using the answers provided.

Y5/6 – Powerpoint – Dividing by Integers (2)

Y5/6 – Varied Fluency – Dividing by Integers (2)

Y5/6 – Reasoning & problem solving – Dividing by integers (2)


If you’re finding it a bit tricky, have a go at these sheets on calculating quantities of amounts:

Y4 – Powerpoint – Calculate Quantities

Y4 – Reasoning & Problem – Calculate Quantities

Y4 – Varied Fluency – Calculate Quantities


Religious Education:

The first half of this term we will be learning about the Pillars of Islam. Today I want you to have a look at these buildings. What are the pillars for? Why do the buildings need them? What would happen if they weren’t there?

Pillars 1 Pillars 2 Pillars 3

Are pillars always physical? What might someone mean by someone being ‘a pillar of the community?

Have a think about our school rules. How are these like pillars? What would happen if we didn’t have any rules?

On these pillars I would like you to write some beliefs/values/rules you use in your everyday lives. These could link to our school values. For example, I believe that you should treat everyone with respect and always be kind to others. Put your pillars into order of importance. Ask somebody at home (or at school) if they would put them in the same order as you? Will everyone put them in the same order?

(You don’t have to print these pillars off you can just write them into your books or type it up on your computer – this just gives you an idea of how you could present your work)



Have a go at these challenges. I’ll have a go too – I wonder if you’ll beat my score! Let me know how you get on. Can you think of a challenge that you can set for the whole class to do next week? The best ones will be next weeks challenge!

PE Challenge


OWLS Super Mega Ultra Important Super Fun Quiz ANSWERS:

  1. What are the names of the three types of ukulele discussed in the video?

Concert, Soprano, Bass

  1. Can you order the ukulele types from smallest to largest?

Soprano, Concert, Bass

  1. Approximately how long is a concert ukulele? 55-65 cm 4. Why is it unusual to make a string instrument from plastic? Most instruments made from wood as wood is more resonant 5. What word describes how much a note ‘rings out’ from an instrument? Resonant 6. How old is the smallest ukulele used in the video? Approximately 100 years
  2. Which company made the Soprano Ukulele?

Ladies of Hollywood

  1. What material was the finger board on the ukulele made from?


  1. Why was this material used?

It stopped the wood from being scratched by long fingernails

  1. What happens to wood when it gets older?

It becomes louder / more resonant

  1. What isn’t 100 years old on the Soprano ukulele?

The strings!

  1. What 2 animal parts used to be used when making ukuleles?

Strings used to be made from cat gut. The ‘nut’ used to be made from bone. 🙁

  1. Approximately how long is a bass ukulele?

70 cm

  1. How long ago were bass ukuleles invented?

About 30 years

  1. What is the approximate diameter of the thickest bass string?


  1. Which instruments is the bass ukulele most similar to?

The electric bass guitar / the double bass






  • Check your music quiz answers – how many points did you get?
  • Reading – spend at least 15 minutes reading a book today.
  • Times Tables Rockstars.
  • Practise your spellings

Record your work in the book sent home from school.  Please send copies/photos of your work to me at

Have a great day,

Miss Horton 🙂