Young Voices 2022!

On Friday 29th April, the Bomere and the XI Towns Young Voices Choir went to Resorts World Arena to perform in the Young Voices Concert 2022.

We had a fabulous day, rehearsing in the afternoon before performing with 113 other schools in the evening concert as the culmination of months of practice. We were especially lucky to be able to perform alongside saxophonist Yolanda Brown (from CBeebies), R&B and soul singer Ruby Turner, world beatbox champions The Beatbox Collective and learn some awesome dance moves from Urban Strides.

We were all very tried by the end of the day but are already looking forward to next year’s concert!

Here are some photos of our day.


Dragonfly Class Spellings – Friday 26th November

Here are your spellings for you spelling test next Friday 3rd December. Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and return it to school stuck in your homework book. Remember that we’re really focussing on our presentation in school, and we expect your presentation to be just as good in your homework book! We will be looking in homework books to help us decide who will win the presentation award each week.

Y4 Spellings 26.11.21

Y3 Spellings 26.11.21

Y2 Spellings 26.11.21