Rabbit Class Homework 10.11.22

Rabbits Homework –  10.11.22

Year 1

In English this week we have been learning how to change a word from singular to plural. I want you to look at the pictures, write the word in the singular and then the plural form. Remember if a word ends with sh, ch, ss, s, x or z then you add –es.

Year 1 Plurals

Year 2

In English this week we have been learning about adverbs. I have got some boring sentences and I would like you to make them more interesting by adding an adverb. You can choose one from the word bank or one of your own. Remember an adverb describes the verb (the doing word).

Year 2 Adverbs – Boring Sentences


Try and write the spelling at least three times on the line. Year 2s try and practise your joined writing just like we have been practising in school.

Y1 Spellings 10.11.22

Y2 Spellings 10.11.22

Homework is due in next Wednesday (16.11.22) and we will also do a spelling test too.







Rabbits Homework 3.11.22

Year 1 & Year 2

This week we started our new topic all about ‘The Gunpowder Plot’. We heard the story of Guy Fawkes. I want you to think about some of the things Guy Fawkes may have needed to take with him to use. Y1s I would like you to cut and stick the pictures of the things you think he will needs – try to label the things you have chosen. Y2s I would like you to complete the sentences saying what you think he needs (use the word bank to you)

Spellings – Try and write the spelling at least three times on the line. Year 2s try and practise your joined writing just like we have been practising in school.

Spellings Y2 3.11.22

Spellings Y1 3.11.22

Homework is due in next Wednesday (9.11.22) and we will also do a spelling test too.


Rabbits Homework 13.10.22

Year 1 & Year 2

On Monday 10th October it was World Mental Health day. We spent some time in class discussing what our mental health is and things that we can do to keep ourselves happy. Year 1s I would like you to spend some being mindful (think of when we do our Zen Den sessions after lunch) and colour in the picture in your books. Year 2s I would like you to complete the mental health word search.

Y1s: World Mental Health Day Colouring

Y2s: World Mental Health Day Wordsearch

Spellings – Try and write the spelling at least three times on the line. Year 2s try and practise your joined writing just like we have been practising in school.

Y1s: Y1 Spellings 13.10.22

Y2s: Y2 Spellings 13.10.22

Homework is due in next Wednesday (19.10.22) and we will also do a spelling test too.







Rabbits Homework 6.10.22

Rabbits Homework –  6.10.22

Year 1:

Maths – We have been learning all about comparing numbers in maths. Complete this sheet by putting the correct inequality sign (<, >, =) in the circle to compare the numbers. Remember the crocodile always wants to eat the bigger number!

Year 1 Maths Homework

Spellings – Try and write the spelling at least three times on the line.

Year 1 Spellings 6.10.22

Year 2:

Maths – We have been learning all about comparing and ordering this week. Check how much you can remember by having a go at this revision sheet.

Year 2 Maths Homework

Spellings – Try and write the spelling at least three times on the line. Year 2s try and practise your joined writing just like we have been practising in school.

Year 2 Spellings 6.10.22

Homework is due in next Wednesday (12.10.22) and we will also do a spelling test too.







Rabbits Homework 29.9.22

Year 1 & Year 2

In Geography this term we have been learning all about Antarctica. For your homework this week I would like you to find an animal that lives in Antarctica and find three facts about that animal. You could draw a picture of the animal in your homework books and write your facts underneath. I look forward to reading all your interesting facts!

Spellings – Try and write the spelling at least three times on the line. Year 2s try and practise your joined writing just like we have been practising in school.

Year 1 Spellings 29.9.22

Year 2 Spellings 29.9.22

Homework is due in next Wednesday (5.10.22) and we will also do a spelling test too.