Hedgehogs Home Learning 9th to 13th November

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

All of your activities and lessons for the week are below. Please get in touch if there is anything you are not sure about or if you need any equipment to help you.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Johnson

Homework for the week

We are reading The Three Little Pigs in English this week. Can you make the pigs houses at home, using straw (drinking straws are ok!), sticks and bricks (lego)? Test your houses by blowing on them. Can you huff and puff like the big bad wolf? Can you blow the houses down?!

Spellings for the week

CAN 12.11.20

You might like to use this sheet to practice Look cover write check


Monday and Tuesday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964093 then do this worksheet Worksheet

Wednesday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964398 and afterwards complete this activity sheet worksheet

Thursday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964866 and do the worksheet here worksheet

Friday – look back at the work you have done this week. What have you found challenging? Carry out that activity once again to see if you can understand it a little better after you have repeated it.


This week we are continuing to read The Three Little Pigs. here is the story for you to read with an adult at home…Three Little Pigs story

Monday – Each pig made a house from different materials. Draw each house and write a sentence or sentences to describe what it is like. Is it a strong and safe house? Why or why not?

Tuesday – Today’s writing is part of our RE lesson. Please see further down this post for information about what to do.

Wednesday – Draw a picture of the wolf. Can you describe him? What does he look like? How does he behave? What does he say? Write about the wolf underneath your picture.

Thursday – Can you make a ‘Watch Out’ poster to warn others about the wolf? What do you need to tell others to watch out for? For example, you might write “The wolf is bad”. “He has big teeth.” What else could you make sure other people know just in case they see him out and about?

Friday – Draw the pigs and the wolf. Ask a grown up to draw speech bubbles for each character. What might they be saying? Write your ideas in the speech bubbles.


Please practice these tricky words each day. Make sure you form each letter correctly! Handwriting


Monday i booklet

Tuesday n booklet

Wednesday m booklet

Thursday d booklet

Friday Mini booklet – reading and then Mini booklet – writing


Please choose a book to read and share with a grown up at home.


Science (Monday) Today we are learning all about teeth! Look in a mirror at your teeth. How many teeth do you have? Do you have the same number of teeth as other people in your family?

Look at and talk about the posters here .Diagrams of teeth , then label the teeth below.

Teeth labellingTeeth labelling answers

RE (Tuesday). Think about the amazing world we live in. If someone believes God made the world, what might we say to this world-maker? Thi k of some questions you might ask about how and why they made the world. You might also write about why you like our world.

RE big question

PE (Wednesday) I hope you enjoy this yoga, based on The Three Little Pigs! https://cosmickids.com/video/the-3-little-pigs-a-cosmic-kids-yoga-adventure/

Design technology (Thursday) We are going to be thinking about fruit and vegetables this half term, and the things we make using them. Can you sort the pictures in to fruit and vegetables? Sorting fruit and vegetables What meals could you make with fruit and vegetables?

Hedgehogs Home Learning 9th to 13th November

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

All of your activities and lessons for the week are below. Please get in touch if there is anything you are not sure about or if you need any equipment to help you.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Johnson

Homework for the week

We are reading The Three Little Pigs in English this week. Can you make the pigs houses at home, using straw (drinking straws are ok!), sticks and bricks (lego)? Test your houses by blowing on them. Can you huff and puff like the big bad wolf? Can you blow the houses down?!

Spellings for the week

CAN 12.11.20

You might like to use this sheet to practice Look cover write check


Monday and Tuesday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964093 then do this worksheet Worksheet

Wednesday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964398 and afterwards complete this activity sheet worksheet

Thursday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964866 and do the worksheet here worksheet

Friday – look back at the work you have done this week. What have you found challenging? Carry out that activity once again to see if you can understand it a little better after you have repeated it.


This week we are continuing to read The Three Little Pigs. here is the story for you to read with an adult at home…Three Little Pigs story

Monday – Each pig made a house from different materials. Draw each house and write a sentence or sentences to describe what it is like. Is it a strong and safe house? Why or why not?

Tuesday – Today’s writing is part of our RE lesson. Please see further down this post for information about what to do.

Wednesday – Draw a picture of the wolf. Can you describe him? What does he look like? How does he behave? What does he say? Write about the wolf underneath your picture.

Thursday – Can you make a ‘Watch Out’ poster to warn others about the wolf? What do you need to tell others to watch out for? For example, you might write “The wolf is bad”. “He has big teeth.” What else could you make sure other people know just in case they see him out and about?

Friday – Draw the pigs and the wolf. Ask a grown up to draw speech bubbles for each character. What might they be saying? Write your ideas in the speech bubbles.


Please practice these tricky words each day. Make sure you form each letter correctly! Handwriting


Monday i booklet

Tuesday n booklet

Wednesday m booklet

Thursday d booklet

Friday Mini booklet – reading and then Mini booklet – writing


Please choose a book to read and share with a grown up at home.


Science (Monday) Today we are learning all about teeth! Look in a mirror at your teeth. How many teeth do you have? Do you have the same number of teeth as other people in your family?

Look at and talk about the posters here .Diagrams of teeth , then label the teeth below.

Teeth labellingTeeth labelling answers

RE (Tuesday). Think about the amazing world we live in. If someone believes God made the world, what might we say to this world-maker? Thi k of some questions you might ask about how and why they made the world. You might also write about why you like our world.

RE big question

PE (Wednesday) I hope you enjoy this yoga, based on The Three Little Pigs! https://cosmickids.com/video/the-3-little-pigs-a-cosmic-kids-yoga-adventure/

Design technology (Thursday) We are going to be thinking about fruit and vegetables this half term, and the things we make using them. Can you sort the pictures in to fruit and vegetables? Sorting fruit and vegetables What meals could you make with fruit and vegetables?

Hedgehogs Homework- week beginning 9th November

We are reading The Three Little Pigs in English this week. Can you make the different houses at home, using straw (drinking straws are ok!), sticks (lollipop or from the garden) and bricks (lego)? Test your houses by blowing on them. Can you huff and puff like the big bad wolf? Can you blow the houses down?! Send in your photos to Mrs Johnson!

little pigs houses

Hedgehogs Home Learning 9th to 13th November

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

All of your activities and lessons for the week are below. Please get in touch if there is anything you are not sure about or if you need any equipment to help you.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Johnson

Homework for the week

We are reading The Three Little Pigs in English this week. Can you make the pigs houses at home, using straw (drinking straws are ok!), sticks and bricks (lego)? Test your houses by blowing on them. Can you huff and puff like the big bad wolf? Can you blow the houses down?!

Spellings for the week

CAN 12.11.20

You might like to use this sheet to practice Look cover write check


Monday and Tuesday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964093 then do this worksheet Worksheet

Wednesday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964398 and afterwards complete this activity sheet worksheet

Thursday – watch this video https://vimeo.com/470964866 and do the worksheet here worksheet

Friday – look back at the work you have done this week. What have you found challenging? Carry out that activity once again to see if you can understand it a little better after you have repeated it.


This week we are continuing to read The Three Little Pigs. here is the story for you to read with an adult at home…Three Little Pigs story

Monday – Each pig made a house from different materials. Draw each house and write a sentence or sentences to describe what it is like. Is it a strong and safe house? Why or why not?

Tuesday – Today’s writing is part of our RE lesson. Please see further down this post for information about what to do.

Wednesday – Draw a picture of the wolf. Can you describe him? What does he look like? How does he behave? What does he say? Write about the wolf underneath your picture.

Thursday – Can you make a ‘Watch Out’ poster to warn others about the wolf? What do you need to tell others to watch out for? For example, you might write “The wolf is bad”. “He has big teeth.” What else could you make sure other people know just in case they see him out and about?

Friday – Draw the pigs and the wolf. Ask a grown up to draw speech bubbles for each character. What might they be saying? Write your ideas in the speech bubbles.


Please practice these tricky words each day. Make sure you form each letter correctly! Handwriting


Monday i booklet

Tuesday n booklet

Wednesday m booklet

Thursday d booklet

Friday Mini booklet – reading and then Mini booklet – writing


Please choose a book to read and share with a grown up at home.


Science (Monday) Today we are learning all about teeth! Look in a mirror at your teeth. How many teeth do you have? Do you have the same number of teeth as other people in your family?

Look at and talk about the posters here .Diagrams of teeth , then label the teeth below.

Teeth labellingTeeth labelling answers

RE (Tuesday). Think about the amazing world we live in. If someone believes God made the world, what might we say to this world-maker? Thi k of some questions you might ask about how and why they made the world. You might also write about why you like our world.

RE big question

PE (Wednesday) I hope you enjoy this yoga, based on The Three Little Pigs! https://cosmickids.com/video/the-3-little-pigs-a-cosmic-kids-yoga-adventure/

Design technology (Thursday) We are going to be thinking about fruit and vegetables this half term, and the things we make using them. Can you sort the pictures in to fruit and vegetables? Sorting fruit and vegetables What meals could you make with fruit and vegetables?


Hedgehogs Home Learning 6th November

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

All your activities and tasks for today days are below. If you need any resources or if you aren’t sure about something, please get in touch with school and we can try to help you.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson


I spy jvwxy

Fine motor skills

Bonfire Night FMS


CAN 5.11.20


Read the story of The 3 Little Pigs online, or watch the story on You Tube. Then carry out the activity below.

The piggies have decided to go on holiday to get away from the big bad wolf! What would they need to pack in their suitcase and why? Write a list of all the things a pig might take on holiday. You could also write why they would need each item if you would like to challenge yourself more.


Watch this video https://vimeo.com/469739683 and then complete this worksheet


The Big Dig reading activity

History and Art

Can you remember the story of Guy Fawkes from yesterday? Tell a grown up the story! Then carry out this activity Firework Printing Instructions

Have a lovely weekend and keep safe if you are having fireworks!

Hedgehog spellings 5th November

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find your spellings below. As always, these are linked to some of our work this week in class.

This week, the CAN and SHOULD groups are revisiting some of the sounds we covered last half term to make sure the children are secure in their understanding and independent use of the sounds and related words.

Have a safe Bonfire Night!

Mrs Johnson

CAN group CAN 5.11.20


could GROUP COULD 5.11.20

Blank copy of the practice sheet here Look cover write check