Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good morning Hedgehogs! I hope you had a lovely Easter and that the Easter Bunny came to visit you.

Everyone in the Johnson house is keeping well and I hope you and your family are too. I’m sure you were happy to hear of the safe arrival of Mrs Farmer’s baby, Flynn. Once we are all back in school I’m sure she will bring Flynn and his big brother Henri to see us all.

It seems a very long time ago since we were all together in class. Hopefully you will enjoy the activities Miss Horton and I will be setting you each day until we are all back to school again.

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Can you make a character out of a tube? Think about what your character might be called and what they might be like. You could even make up a play with him/her to show your family!

Tube man 23 April


Year 1 – your sound for today is ‘eer’.

eer Year 1 23rd April

Reception – your sound today is ‘ng’. Choose two colours, one for real words and one for nonsense words, just like we do in class.

You can also choose to do the single letter sound ‘j’.

ng Reception 23rd April

j Reception 23rd April


Year 1 – please use the ‘eer’ words (Year 1) to make a list of words with this spelling pattern to learn, e.g. deer. peer, steer.

Reception – please make a list of words with ‘ng’ at the end to learn to spell, e.g. bang, hang, sing, hung OR a list of words beginning with ‘j’, such as jam, jug, jog.

Ask a grown up to test you on the words – said out loud and written down.


Please log on to Education City where you will find your classwork for today.

The answers for Year 1 children are below! Please talk with your child about why these are the correct answers – Capital letters for names, places etc. Thank you!

Answers 23rd April Y1 Grammar


Reception – Your work on ‘Supertato’ continues!


Year 1 – you are finding half of an object.


Afternoon work

In Geography and Understanding the World, we would have been looking at the journey of a banana in class. We would have used the Fair Trade activity packs to help us.

Please watch the film about Pablo the Super Banana to start our topic off. You can draw a picture and make notes to show what you found out from the film about where bananas come from.


Hedgehogs home learning Friday 3rd April

Happy Friday Hedgehogs!

I’m sure you are looking forwards to Easter, and the next two weeks would have been your ‘Easter holiday’. We won’t be setting any home learning tasks during the holiday period, but you can revisit the tasks you have been set over the last two weeks and carry out any you missed or repeat those that you really enjoyed!

Don’t eat too many chocolate eggs and Easter sweets!

Mrs Johnson

Fine motor skills

Today you can print out or copy the design for making an Easter chick.

Chick 3rd April 2020


Please think about the phonics you did yesterday on Education City. You can do it again if you wish before carrying out todays task…

Year 1 – can you put the tricky words from yesterday in to a sentence?

Reception – can you play ‘eye spy’ with a grown up? What sound does the object you can see start with? Can you write the letter to match the sound?


Use the photographs you took yesterday to write down the instructions for the task you did. Ask an adult to help you if you aren’t sure – you can write the sentences together perhaps.

Don’t forget to start a new line for each new part of the instruction.

Remember to start each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Use words such as first, then, next, after that, finally, lastly etc to start your sentences.


Year 1 – your multiplication lesson is set up on MyMaths

Reception – Collect some objects from around your house. Can you make a number line with them? Put 1 object in its own set first, then 2 in the next set, then 3 in the next set, all the way up to 10 and beyond! Can you write the numeral to go with each set of objects? What would happen if you joined two sets together? for example if you joined the set 3 and 1 together, how many would you have altogether?


Please log on to Reading Eggs to carry out an activity in ‘My Lessons’.


Todays yoga is based on the story ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’.

Golden Time

I hope you enjoyed playing a board game together with someone in your house last week. It would be lovely if you made time every Friday afternoon to play a board game with other people in your house please. If you don’t have a board game, I’m sure you can find virtual games to play together online or to print out (www.twinkl.co.uk have some good ones) and you might even have board games for your Xbox or PlayStation!


Hedgehogs home learning Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good morning Hedgehogs.

I hope you have enjoyed the lovely activities you have been set this week so far. Please find below your tasks for today.

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

You can either print the sheets below or use them to copy/draw your own, to make an Easter Bunny!

Rabbit 2nd April 2020


Your activities are set up on Education City.

Year 1 children are reading and spelling tricky words.

Reception children are matching letters and sounds, and thinking about the letter pattern ‘qu’.


Go to www.booktrust.org.uk and choose an online book to share together at home.



Reception words to learn this week – with, was, are, they, all, me, we

Year 1 words to learn this week – deer, peer, hear, fear, clear, near


Year 1 children – use the activity below to help you count in twos and learn the two times table. Its lots of fun because you can use lego to help you!

Year 1 building bricks multiplication 2nd April 2020

Reception children – use the sheet below or make your own. Can you estimate (guess) how many dots are on each card, and then check by counting? How many different ways can you arrange 4 dots? 5 dots etc? Can you put them in lines? Rows? In a circle?

Reception arrays 2nd April 2020


Take photos on a phone, ipad or a camera of you or someone in your house doing an every day task (such as laying the table for dinner, doing the washing or making a drink of juice). Can you say the instructions out loud as you carry out the different steps of the task? For example…

First get a glass.

Next open the cupboard.

Take out the bottle of juice.

Take the top off the juice.

After that pour some juice in to the glass.

Then turn the tap on and fill the glass with water.

Lastly turn the tap off and put the bottle away.


Sing some of your favourite Nursery Rhymes, or learn a new one! You can find some ideas at http://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-songs-index/zhwdgwx



Hedgehogs home learning 27th March 2020

Good morning Hedgehogs.

I hope you enjoyed your activities yesterday, and didn’t get too wet exploring the capacity of different containers!

Your tasks for today are below. I hope you enjoy them.

Mrs Johnson

Fine motor skills

Pick an activity from the poster below, something different to yesterday please.

26 and 27 March


Think about the sounds you were learning about yesterday on Education City.

Can you write your own lists of words with those sounds in them?

Reception – words starting with c or k

Reception – words ending in ck (more challenging activity)

Year 1 – words with the split digraph o-e. This can be the long o-e sounds as in home and the short o-e sound as in come.


Pick up your favourite story book that you have at home. Which is your favourite part of the story? Why? Can you read that page, and draw a picture to show me what happened?


Today you have an activity on My Maths all about capacity.


Reception – Write a simple sentence on a strip of paper. If you are stuck for ideas, look around you! For example, you might write ‘The flowers are yellow’ ,  ‘My dog is called Stan’ or ‘I am going to help my Mum get dinner’. Cut up the sentence and mix up the word order. Challenge someone in your house to put the sentence back together again.

This activity is similar to the one you did yesterday.

If you find it hard to write/read the words, ask a grown up to do it for you and stick to short sentences. You can help to put the words in the right order and work together as a team!

Year 1 – Can you write a sentence with the verb missing and see if someone at home can suggest what the missing verb might be? Think about the sentences you did on the worksheet yesterday to give you some ideas of what you could write. Can they write a sentence for you to add the missing verb? Who is the best sentence writer?!


In Hedgehog Class, we love Cosmic Yoga and take part in this every Friday afternoon. Please find a yoga video to do together on Cosmic Yoga’s website. I’m sure parents will love it too!

Golden Time

You have had a very busy and different week. Celebrate how amazing you and your family are by playing a board game together – snakes and ladders, frustration or kerplunk – any family board game will be lovely. Enjoy spending time together and remember how brilliant you all are.

Well done everyone!

Hedgehogs home learning Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning Hedgehogs.

I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the sunshine! Please find your activities for today below. Fingers crossed everything works!

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills 

Pick an activity from the poster below to try at home.

26 and 27 March


Please log on to Education City for your activities for today.

Reception children have a choice of two activities, or you can do both!


Find a cosy spot in your house or garden and snuggle up with a teddy bear. Choose your favourite story and read it to your cuddly toy.


Year 1 – words with the split digraph o-e as a short sound – come, some, done, none.

Reception – words ending in ck – pick, rock, neck, luck, sack.


Explore how much water different containers hold – an activity for your garden! Choose a range of different containers (such as cups, bowls, jugs, buckets and bottles) trying to find different shapes and sizes. Pour water from one container to another, thinking about if they are full, empty, half full, quarter full, three quarters full, if they have more water in than the last container or less than.

Which container held the most water? The least? Which overflowed? Why? What did you find out about the capacity of each container?

Year 1 can also investigate, explore and compare measuring capacity in millilitres and litres using the labels on containers and measuring jugs.


Please find your activity below. You can print them out or read them from the screen and write in your green home learning books.

Reception children –

Sentence scramble 26th March 2020

Year 1 children –

Verbs activity 26 March 2020


Have fun printing using different household objects and washable children’s paint. Talk about the different shapes the objects make when printing, the colours used, patterns and textures (eg does it look rough, bumpy, smooth etc). Can you print a picture using different objects?

Please don’t worry if you can’t fit all of these activities in to your day. I want you to enjoy being and learning together and so if you need to leave an activity out and come back to it another time, that’s absolutely fine.



Hedgehogs Spellings

The children in Hedgehog Class are now in to a good routine with their spellings to learn at home.

Children bring their green spelling book to school on a Thursday, and Mrs Johnson will put new spellings in them for the children to take home to learn.

The children also have an informal spelling test each week and these are glued in the green spelling book for you to see.

It really does help the children an awful lot to practise their spellings with you at home. Please try to find a little bit of time in your week to help your child (using the sheet in their spelling book) and play some of  the spelling games suggested in the front of the book.

Thank you.

Hedgehog spellings – Year 1

Children in Year 1 will have two groups of words to learn at home each week.

The first set of words are every day ‘common words’ that are tricky to spell, such as said, went and was.

The second set of words are those that the children have been learning in class that week, and will have a common spelling pattern e.g words that end in ss (miss, hiss, mass etc).

Children will have an informal ‘test’ on a Thursday of the previous weeks spellings and bring new words home on a Friday.

If you have any questions, please ask Mrs Johnson.

Thank you.

Hedgehogs spellings – Reception

Children in Reception are using the letter sounds they have learned in their spellings.

At home, children should be practicing reading, saying and writing these sounds, and making two and three letter words with them, spelling by ‘sounding out’.

For example children have been learning the sounds s, a, t, i and n, and so could make the words sat, in & at.

Every week, new letter sounds will be sent home to add to those already known.

Children will also have four or five common words to learn to spell at home each week too.

If you have any questions, please ask Mrs Johnson.

Thank you.