Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning everyone.

I hope you have had a lovely week so far. Thank you to everyone who has emailed Nikki photos of all the things you have been busy doing. We love to see them!

Your tasks for today are below, I hope you enjoy them.

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Your challenge today is to make a ball drop game. You just need a small ball and a cardboard box. This video shows you what one boy made and will give you an idea of what to do. You can try to make your game more complicated by adding walls to make a maze, and perhaps two holes. If you’d like to send us a photo of your finished game that would be brilliant!



Please use a Reading Eggs activity of your choice.


Reception – The sound for today is ‘oa’ as in boat and coat. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvq9bdm/articles/zh4j47h

Reception – You can think about the sound ‘o’ on its own if the above is a bit tricky. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2yf4j/articles/zjcwd6f

Year 1 – Today you are thinking about the sound ur written as ‘ear’ as in learn and earth.In these activities, you will also find out about other ways to spell the ‘ur’ sound. https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5/alt-spellings-ur


Reception – Your activity today is on Education City. There are two to choose from, or you can do both!

Year 1 – Today you will be reviewing how to use a comma with these BBC Bitesize activities. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh7bgwx


Reception – Please carry on with activities on the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.


Year 1 – Today you will be adding equal groups.



Your spellings this week link to the sounds you have been learning in phonics today. You can print out the Look, cover, write, check grid below if you would like to use it.

Reception – boat, coat, float, soak, toad, foal


words with o – fox, top, hot, on, dog, pop

Look cover write check


Last week you watched a video about Pablo the Banana (you can watch it again if you would like to). This week, please start to work through the booklet below. This can be carried forward to next Thursday too as there is quite a lot in the booklet.

Pablo Story Flashcards 30th April and 7th May


St John’s pupils in music video!

Percy and Arthur are featured in a video for the band ‘Everything Everything’, in their new song which was launched on Radio 1 on Thursday night.

Created during lockdown, the lead singer taught himself how to work the technology to create the video. The boys had to stand very still whilst they had around 300 pictures taken. Here they are in a still from the video (which you can see on YouTube).Percy and Arthur

Well done boys!



Hedgehog challenge

The children in Hedgehog Class have been asked to develop their fine motor skills by placing pasta, buttons and other things along wiggly lines, zigzags and swirls. To make it even harder, they can use tweezers to pick up and position the objects.

Sophia got straight on the task today and has done an amazing job. Well done Sophia!Sophia bugs!

Hedgehog Home Learning Friday 24th April

Good morning everyone.

Please find your activities for today below. I have tried to make sure that the online activities below are available for a few weeks so that you can fit them in to your day, and even revisit them again on another day if you’d like to.

Keep safe!

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Ask someone at home to draw some swirls, waves and zigzags on paper. Can you use your fingers, or tweezers if you have them, to put buttons, pasta or dried peas on top of the lines?

Patterns and Lines 24th April


Today we are using activities on Phonics Play. This website is free at the moment and you can log in with the username ‘march20’ and the password ‘home’.

Reception – your activity today is about the sounds you have done this week – sh, ch, th and ng.


Year 1 – your activity today looks at the different ways to spell the sound ‘ear’ .



Choose your favourite story that you have at home. Read it together with an adult.

Get five pieces of paper, and draw a different part of the story on each piece.

Can you put the pictures in the same order as they happen in the story? Talk about what is happening in each picture.

Next, write a sentences or sentences to go with each picture to say what is happening or to retell the story.

Which is your favourite part of the story? Why?


Reception – Day 5 of Supertato!  https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/homelearning/early-years/Day-5-Supertato.pdf

Year 1 – you have an activity ready on Education City, all about finding half of a shape or half of a number of objects.


I know how much you enjoyed Cosmic Yoga in class every Friday, so here is Jamie with some yoga for you to do at home.


Have a lovely weekend!