Film Club – Start Date

Film Club starts next week (Thursday 31st January 2019).  This is due to Young Voices taking place tomorrow.  If your child has signed up for Film Club (and is not attending Young Voices) they will need to be collected from school at 3.15pm on Thursday 24th January 2019.  If you need to use After School Care Club, could you please ensure you book a place as soon as possible.  Many thanks.

Homework for 22nd January due in 29th January.

Homework this week is based on our current Science topic of Uses of Everyday Materials as we have started to explore different materials what they are made from and what objects they can make. We have discussed some of their scientific properties as well. Worksheet have been stuck in homework books and attached to this document.

Any problems please feel free to ask, thanks Miss Morris

Ed city hardware worksheet Ed city junkyard worksheet


Rabbit Class Homework due in 22nd January.

Bonds to 10 and 20 and 100

t-t-29175-number-shapes-number-bonds-to-10-activity-sheet- (1)

Homework this week is focusing on basic Maths fluency with looking at Number Bonds to 20 and 100 to help the children with the Maths work we are doing in class.

The worksheet to be completed is stuck in homework books and I attached to this post as well.

Any problems feel free to ask, Thanks Miss Morris

Rabbit Class Spring Term 2019

Rabbit Class Spring Term 2018 Curriculum Overview for Parents

Welcome back to a new school term and a New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.

This term in Rabbit Class we will be looking at a new topic of ‘Why is our Local Area different to South America’ and our English, Guided Reading and Topic work will link as much to it as possible to this. In Maths we will be covering our usual topics across the term as listed on the Curriculum overview attached.

If there are any other questions you have please feel free to ask,

I am very much looking forward to our Spring Term and all the hard work Rabbit Class will be doing!!

Many Thanks, Miss Morris