Summer Term (2nd half) – Owls

Hello everyone,

Hope you’ve had lots of fun during half term! Below is the updated timetable for Owl Class for this next half term.

Owl Timetable Summer 2 2024

Owl PE – Due to swimming now being on Friday afternoons, we will now only be having PE on Tuesdays (as usual). So please ensure children wear PE kits on Tuesday.

For the Owls and Dragonflies that join me for football club on Thursdays, I want to make it really clear that football boots and shinpads are a necessity for involvement in this club. Luckily we have not had any accidents involving studs yet but this cannot be a risk. Please ensure your child has them with them on Thursdays and comes in their PE kit that day too.


Mr Arthur

PSHE – Mental Health

Hello everyone

Last week in Owl Class we looked at mental health in PSHE. Some of the vocabulary/activities used caused some difficulties for children. Just to make you aware, we will be resuming this on Monday this week, and that some of the material might cause some emotions. The lessons are really good for learning about the meanings of mental health and what to do to positively improve it.

Maybe just inform your children that we will be carrying it on tomorrow as it might prepare them better.


Mr Arthur