Rabbits – Home Learning for Monday 4th May

Good morning – Happy Star Wars Day!   (May the 4th be with you)

I am sure you are all well into the swing of this now so here are the learning activities for today.

Handwriting – Spellings are on the spelling page of this website – please can you write them out in your nicest writing – three times and then show someone – let them select the best example and then write it out once more for practice.

Reading:  I have set you this little reading task linked to today’s date – May the 4th.  StarWars_RogueOne-ComprehensionSheet_DK

English: Please access the BBC Bitesize for your English (www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize)  I have also found this activity to create your own Star Wars character which can be printed and then completed.  Star Wars Creature Creator

Maths: Please access the WhiteRose maths class for today.  I have also found this fun maths activity that can be printed and completed.  Darth Vader is in his Death Star

PSHE:  for those of you who (like me) have never even watched Star Wars, I suggest you take a little part of the theme but think about how much people mean to you.  I have made this page of stars, and I have written on names of the people I am thinking about — I could put each of your names on the stars too!  You could do your own stars picture and put the names of everyone important to you on a star and make your own galaxy.  I tried using two triangles to draw stars, and then found a biscuit cutter in the shape of a star so look around to see if you can find a stencil or shape to draw around.  Colour in the stars and then write on the names. Stars

have a lovely day!

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits – Home learning for May 1st

Good Morning Rabbits – pinch, punch, first of the month!  Happy May Morning to you.  There is a tradition in Oxford for the choir to sing on the top of Magdelane chapel on May Morning but they can’t do it this year – perhaps you would start your day with a lovely song to get you in the mood for learning?  Here is a link to the choir if you are interested in hearing them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7a-sD2PA8w

English:  More fun on the BBC Bitesize for you this morning.  www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/homelearning.

Maths:  Please access either MyMaths today for a few exercises on division, or you can follow the WhiteRose Maths (www.whiterosemaths.homelearninghub.)  I have also set some on-line games for you if you get bored and it is raining – they are on Education City.

Reading:  I have another reading and comprehension task for you to do. Please access this link to do the worksheet.  It is all about Captain Moore – who is now Colonel Moore.  There are three levels of the work sheets – I suggest you have a go at the middle one if you are year 2 and the third one if you are year 3.  Captain Moore Comprehension

Handwriting:  As extra practice, could you write a thank you note to Colonel Moore – you can say whatever you wish but it should be polite, quite short and should be addressed to him as Colonel Moore and you should sign your name.

Project:  The work that you are doing is wonderful – today is the last day of the Shropshire Project and I have some investigation work for you to be doing.  I have put a link to some Shropshire Words – these are unusual words that are only found in our county – I would like you to create a dictionary with the words and their meanings – you could add pictures if it helps.  When you have done that – put all of your work together with the map, flowers, cartoon and animals and make yourself a Shropshire Brochure.  You can even add some of the other place names to your map if you wish.

  • All Around The Wrekin – A circuitous or meandering route or method to get to a particular place, thing, or conversational point.
  • Bostin’ – Great, wonderful, fantastic.
  • I’m gooin’ – I’m going.
  • Dunno – Don’t know.
  • Durst? – Do you?
  • Clemmed – Hungry.
  • Pither – Worry, complain, although an alternative translation is to “mess about.”
  • Towd mon & umman – The old man and woman
  • Nurker – Somebody who is one of the lads.
  • Ow bist? – How are you?
  • Wench – Girl, woman (as in “owd wench”).
  • Shammocks – Legs.
  • Mucker – Mate, pal.
  • Shoosby – Shrewsbury.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits – Home Learning for Thursday 30th April.

Good morning – I hope the week is going well for your all so far.

I have loved seeing the work that you have been doing on your Shropshire project.  More on that today please.

Handwriting and Spelling:  Can you look at your spellings again for this week.  Please copy out the individual words but make them more interesting – use your best handwriting then write them using different coloured pencils (or pens if you have really pointed pens) and make a display out of them.

English:  BBC Bitesize are offering a great English class this morning.  Please access this via the www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/homelearning.  Click on your year group and the correct day.

Maths:  White Rose maths is also providing some great lessons – please do your year group lesson today and then back to TTRockstars please.  Let’s crack those times tables!

Project:  I have included some information on Shropshire history and legends for you.  I would like you to create your own cartoon strip of the events that are explained in the pages.  (We did this to explain the Battle Of Hastings and the Battle of Shrewsbury)  see if you can come up with about 8 pictures using your best drawing and some short sentences to describe what is happening.  The legends are sometimes a bit funny – you need to pick just one of them for your comic strip.  LEGENDS AND HISTORY OF SHROPSHIRE

Shropshire Map:  with the lovely maps that you started on Monday, please add the location of the legend or historical event that you are using for the comic strip.

Reading: Please continue with Reading Eggs – I have also given a link here to a short piece of reading and some comprehension questions.  These are inter-active and I have selected the Sedna The Sea Goddess OR Nasreddin’s Visitors.  For Year 2 please do the task about Canada’s Tallest Tree.

https://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/courses/elc/studyzone/330/reading/sedna-the-sea-goddess1.htm (Sedna The Sea Goddess)

https://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/courses/elc/studyzone/330/reading/visitor1.htm (Nasreddin’s Visitors)

https://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/courses/elc/studyzone/200/reading/tallest-tree1.htm (Canada’s Tallest Tree)

Have a wonderful day!

Mrs Cooke