Rabbits – Home learning for 12 May

Good morning Rabbits.

Well it is quite a bit colder here today and I missed my walk yesterday as it was awful outside!  I hope you all got busy with your usual activities and enjoyed yourselves.

For today:

Handwriting:  Please re-copy your spellings but find a sentence that uses each of the words.  Make sure you are keeping those long and short letters the right height and that you are doing your best to join the writing,.  Thank you.

Reading:  Another story for today for you to read and then answer some of the questions.  I hope you are enjoying these.

Year 3: http://www.magickeys.com/books/beaver/index.html

Year 2: http://www.magickeys.com/books/mcfee/mpp1.html

English:  BBC Bitesize is your lesson for today.  You can also look at the pages of games that they have on offer.

Maths: I have taken the class from the White Rose maths – please click on this link. Year 3:   Lesson 2 Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit (2) 2019

Year 2:  y2 lesson 2

Project:  I loved seeing the front pages of your new project book and loved hearing about the amazing things you have seen flying around.

For today:  Please can you get a bit creative and use the form that I have included to design and explain how to build your own flying invention.  It can be absolutely anything but your plan must include:

  • the machine’s name
  • what it is made from
  • where it can fly
  • how it works
  • how big or small it is
  • how far it can travel

Please also draw a picture of the invention and include this in the box provided.

Flying Machine Invention

When you have completed this – have a look at this Youtube clip on how to make a paper plane.  See if you can follow along and make your own.

More tomorrow!

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits – Spellings for w/c 11th May

Year 2:  This week the spellings are all using a possessive apostrophe – that is the apostrophe to show something belongs to someone.

Megan’s Ravi’s   the girl’s   the child’s  the man’s   the woman’s   the school’s

the dog’s  the teacher’s

Year 3:  This week you are looking at the root word of scope  and the root word of spect

telescope  periscope  horoscope  mircoscope scope

inspect  spectator respect  perspective  spectacles

Rabbits – Home Learning for 11th May

Good Morning Rabbits.

I hope you are all well and that you enjoyed the long weekend – you possibly did some celebrating of the V E Day anniversary.

Back to the learning week – and I have selected a good brain teaser for you to begin with today.  Brain teaser

Maths:  please follow the White Rose maths class today.  As an additional maths activity you could do the following:  Challenge A is for year 3 (as it is really hard!) and Year 2 should do the Y2 maths challenge.


Y2 Maths challenge

English:  Please link to the BBC Bitesize for today’s English lesson.

Spellings:  I hope you got on well with the spelling test last week and you could identify the correct spellings in each row.  This week’s spelling words are on the spelling page so please look at those and copy out in your best writing.  Do three of each word please.

Reading: I have selected another story for you.  This story is a bit unusual but it is about trust and friendship.  http://www.magickeys.com/books/atlas/index.html  When you have finished reading the story, can you write down five things that would make you feel scared or nervous of letting go?  Would you think the same things as the boy in the story?

Weekly project:  I have loved seeing all of your work on the weekly projects and I have been wracking my brains to find a good topic for us all to do this week.  I have chosen for us to study “Things That Fly”.  Now these might be natural things (such as bugs, birds and bats) or they might be mechanical things (helicopters, planes, gliders etc).  So for today, the start of the project, you need a front page and I would like you to draw and label as many things that fly as you can possibly think of.  Remember that you can look back into history at the first flying machines, or think about any toys that you have that can fly.  Please fill the page and see how many unusual things you can find.  I have included some websites for inspiration (and amazement!).





Have a lovely day.

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits – Home learning for Thursday 7th May 2020

Good morning Rabbits.

Well today is the last learning day of the week as tomorrow is VE Day and a bank holiday.  I have found a few different activities to suggest for you today and they might just be something you can do over the weekend as they are fun too.

Cloudbusting: The Met Office have sent over some suggestions for watching the weather.  This one is for looking at clouds – I am sure you have noticed them before so how interesting to learn a little bit more about them.  The website is www.metoffice.gov.uk.  I have then clicked on links to weather and climate – DIY activities and cloud spotting (if the link below does not get you straight there.


English:  Please see the daily activity from BBC Bitesize for today.  Also there are some ‘rainy day’ grammar games still set for you on Education City.

Maths:  White Rose Hub offer a good activity today, please tune into that.  Please take the TT Rock Stars challenge too.  I have also attached this file of different maths problems and puzzles – I suggest you scroll through and see one that you like then work through the problem.  They are real brain-teasers!

Maths Puzzles and Problems

Reading:  Year 2:  Take a look at this story which is written for your age group by Carol Moore.  It is called “It could happen!”  http://www.magickeys.com/books/happen/index.html

The illustrations are rather beautiful but I wonder if you could all do a great drawing of your surroundings – the village or town where you are at the moment, the walks that you go on – and colour it all one colour – like in the story.  See if you could then re-colour it a different colour – what would it be like to have only one colour outside?

Year 3: I have chosen for you “The Master Artist”  also written by Carol Moore.  It is a short story but there are some words in green – if you click on these, you will be taken to another page of explanations and background information.  At the end, you can test your knowledge with a quiz.   http://www.magickeys.com/books/artist/index.html

Spelling Test:  I suppose you thought that I had forgotten?  So for a test – I have included a page of spellings – I need you to highlight or circle the correct spelling of each word.  There are 3 spellings for each – two are incorrect – see if you can spot them.  Good luck!

Have a lovely day tomorrow.

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits Spelling Test – 7th May 2020

Spelling for Year 3 – circle the CORRECT spelling

  • instruct           enstruct          insturct
  • structure        sturcture        stricter
  • construction  consroction   construcshon
  • instruction     instruction     instruction
  • instructor       instructer       instructar
  • unet                unat                unit
  • union             union             unian
  • unitid              unitud            united
  • universe        univerce        unaverse
  • univercity       university       unavercity


Spelling for Year 2 – circle the CORRECT spelling

  • ca’nt               can’t               cant
  • didnt               did’nt              didn’t
  • hassn’t           hasn’t             has’nt
  • wouldnt          wouldn’t         wudn’t
  • it’s                   I’ts                   its
  • couldn’t          culdn’t             could’nt
  • shouldn’t       shuldn’t         should’nt
  • was’nt          wasn’t                 wassn’t
  • Mr.                   Mr                    Mister
  • Mrs.                 mrs                  Mrs

Well-Being Wednesday from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday!
Hello 👋 everybody, how are you all doing?
This week I wanted to speak to you about routines. Since being at home, I’m sure you and your family have settled into your own routines, balancing home-learning with free-time. But unlike normally, when you would be able to also go outside more, you now have to occupy your days slightly differently. So I have attached below a “Plan the day”, template that you might like to print off or you could make your own.

I don’t know about you, but I really like setting myself a daily goal to achieve by the end of the day! It gives me something to focus on and a great sense of achievement when I complete it! 👏

Now mine usually consist of cleaning my windows or mopping the floor 🙈 but I’m sure that you can come up with some fun and exciting things to do which I would love to hear about. 
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Mrs Viner 😊

Rabbits – home learning for 6th May 2020

Good morning Rabbits.  I hope you are all well.

Wake Up Warm Up:  For today, I have a good brain-teaser to start with.  It is called Boggle and you have three grids – each with 9 letters – and you have to make as many words as you can using just those letters.  See how you get on.  Boggle Words

Spelling and Handwriting:  Please check the list on the Spelling page and copy out your spelling words – please copy each word three times but use different colours to make it look more interesting.

English: the lesson is on BBC Bitesize and you can also look at one of the grammar or spelling activities on Education City.

Maths: the lesson is on WhiteRose maths – and you can also look at TT Rockstars to keep on with the times tables.

Reading: V E Day:  This Friday marks the 75th anniversary of V E Day –  I have a reading task for you to learn a little more about this important event.  V E Day Reading  You can do either of the three – they are either 1*  2** or 3*** for difficulty.

Project:  During the war and the post-war celebrations, many people put up bunting to celebrate different events.  Bunting is a strip of triangular pieces of paper or material, hung from one side of the street to the other.  I would like you to design your own bunting, you could use the Union Jack Flag, or the English Flag.  You could also design something that is mentioned in the reading task as your inspiration.

What You Will Need:  (paper bunting) some paper that you can cut into triangles.  Pens and pencils to decorate.  Some string or wool or tape if you have some. The clip below shows you how to do this really easily.

If you are using material, you can do the same technique but you might need to make the holes with the help of an adult.

I hope you have fun with this today.

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits – Home learning for May 5th 2020

Good morning Rabbits.

How are you all getting on?  From your photographs, I see that you are having fun and working hard so well done.


Handwriting – it is so important to keep up with this – I have attached a few choices for you.  Please pick one of the pieces of writing and copy out – then decorate with a border around your work.  Handwriting Task Cards 2

Maths:  I have put a few maths games onto the Education City page.  Please also follow the WhiteRose Maths lesson for today.  www.whiterosemathshub.co.uk and click on your year group and the day.  Please check in with your TT Rockstars.

English: BBC Bitesize offers another great lesson today.  On Education City there are also the grammar games and activities that you can do any time.  Just pick one per day.

Reading:  Reading Eggs is still offering great books and activities for you.  I have added these pieces of reading for you to do.  They are supposed to be quick-thinking reading and questioning.  You can do either of the two. Great Galapagos   –   Incredible Invertebrates!

Creative Challenge:  I have been doing a lot of colouring in and drawing over the weekend and one of the activities I found was drawing and colouring in Mandalas.  These are circular patterns that are found in different cultures, but in particular are found in India.  I have put some pictures below of a few mandalas. Your creative challenge is to make your own.  You can colour it, paint it, make it out of pieces of material or paper, you can even make them from sand.  See what materials you can use and please take a picture of your mandala.  I will do the same and will post it tonight.  Good Luck!  mandalas

If you want to look at more – here is a good web page  https://pixabay.com/images/search/mandala/

Have a lovely day everyone.
Mrs Cooke