Home Learning for Rabbits – Friday 15th May

Good Morning Rabbits – and Whoopee it is Friday!

For this morning’s work – I am going to ask you to continue your flying project with another task.  You will have a bit of maths to do for this and also some English.

Project:  Yesterday, I asked you to make a map of the places your favourite flying character would go.  I hope you have had fun doing this.

Firstly, you can now do some maths work that adds up the length of time the journey took.  If you wrote the times down on your map this will be easier  if not, you can either look at the website to time the journey or have a good guess.

You need to draw up a table and enter the timings into the table in the correct columns.

Mrs Cooke’s Flying Flamingo Journey

This is a bit of a ‘tricky’ maths task – but do your best – I know you can all do this!  If you struggle a little – have a look at this page to help you.  Counting Time

Once you have that completed, you can get to work on your own ‘Flying Adventures of ……….’ and I would love you to do another comic strip to chart the adventures of your creature or machine.  Draw pictures of the locations they visited, and a short text for each drawing about what they saw there.

English:  The BBC Bitesize have another lovely class for you today.

Maths: Please do the TT Rockstars and I have also included a maths times table activity for you to do afterwards.  https://go.educationcity.com/mycity#/view/939253/

If I have fuddled your brains with the counting of time – please don’t worry.  I hope that you have had fun time with your flying project.

Please remember to be kind and helpful to your family and to have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cooke x


Rabbits Home Learning for Thursday 14th May

Good morning Rabbits.  Thank you for sending in your work from Tuesday and Wednesday.  Keep it coming!

Project:  I wanted you to do some maths and drawing as part of your project today – I would like you to firstly select your favourite flying object as this will be your ‘main character’ for the game.  It can be anything that flies.

Your flying character is going on a journey.  You will need:  the picture of the world map that is attached.  A pencil and paper; a lot of imagination!

Your character is going to fly to different locations across the world and land there.  Your job is to measure how far they have travelled and then do a dotty map of where their journey took them.  It might start in Shropshire and a dotted line will take them all the way to Southern France – then on to Morocco or over to Egypt – or you could do a different journey and go to the North.  The important thing is that you draw the journey out and name what cities or towns (or famous locations) your flying character has visited.


Now in order to measure distance – you can use this handy website.  It asks you to type in the starting location and then the end location and it gives you the miles. You will have to write the days or hours journey time on your line and at the end, you will have to try to add it all up- but don’t do that just yet!


(change the sliding button to miles not km)

You can have some fun selecting amazing places that your flying object could visit – I have also included this website as it shows the 7 wonders of the world – you might think your character would visit some of these – or visit countries that you have already been to – or heard about.



Spelling Test:  Yes, it’s that time again!  Have a look at the page on Spellings and see if you can circle the correct spelling please.  Good luck.

Maths:  I have the lesson for today attached: Y3  Lesson 4 Scaling 2019

y2 lesson 4

English:  Once again please use the BBC Bitesize.

I think that is enough for today!  I have set you a lot of work for the project today and it should be interesting to find out all about the 7 wonders of the world.  If you would like more to do – here is a reading task about two of those places.

Christ The Redeemer


Have a super day!

Mrs Cooke


Some Rabbit Flying Machines!

Here are the various designs and plans for Rabbit class’s own flying machines (and Sophia has also made her own paper plane with her big brother).  They are so inventive.  Well done Harrison, Amber, Lucy and Andreas.  Lucy has included this wonderful youtube clip of her flying carrot.  I can see Lucy is headed for a career in Science!

Andreas' Flying Machine

Andreas’ Flying Machine


Amber’s Flagmobile

Sophia's Paper Plane

Sophia’s Paper Plane

Andreas' Paper Plane

Andreas’ Paper Plane


Harrison’s Dronecopter.

Well-being Wednesday – from Mrs Viner

Well being Wednesday 
Hello 👋🏼 everyone!
I hope you are getting chance to enjoy the sunshine ☀️ while doing your daily exercise.
As I’ve said before being active makes you feel happy and motivated! So this week I’d like you to take a look at this fun challenge!
Mrs Johnson, on behalf of The Harry Johnson Trust has set up a 10k in May challenge. Where you have to walk, run or bike a total of 10K during May (that’s 6.2 miles). But don’t worry you don’t have to do the whole distance at once and it can be part of your permitted daily exercise.
Rhys completed ‘Harry’s Rainbow Run’ by doing a 2.2 mile run and a 4 mile bike ride! 🌈🐸
If you want to take part and raise funds for three amazing charities? Simply donate £10 to 2020 Challenge at www.givey.com/the2020challenge and then walk or run a total of 10K during May.
Once completed send confirmation including your address to viner.l@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk and I can arrange for a medal to be sent to you!Image
Good luck and stay safe!
Mrs Viner 😎

Rabbits – Home learning for 13th May

Good Morning Rabbits.  How are you all today?  I hope you are all up and ready for some work this morning!

Spellings:  Please go over your spelling words again today.  You should have some sentences written out, today you should work on writing out the words without looking – and checking to see if you got them right.  I will put a test for you on Thursday.

Handwriting: Please copy out this short piece of writing – it can then be put in your project for this week as it is about flying.

There is no doubt that flying had a huge effect on Roald Dahl’s life in many ways. Firstly, he discovered a new passion, which in a letter sent to his mother during his flying training in 1939 he described as “marvellous fun”. Not only did flying seemingly set Roald Dahl’s imagination in motion, but it also worked its way into his stories.

English:  Please check in with the BBC Bitesize for English today.

Maths:  Here are the tasks for year 2 and year 3 from WhiteRose Maths.

Year 3:  Lesson 3 Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2) 2019

y2 lesson 3

Project:  I would like you to write a poem about the theme “Up Up and Away!”  – the poem might be about flying in a balloon, or an airship, a space ship or a rocket.  It could also be written as an animal or insect that flies.  For the poem to work, you need to decide on how many words in each line – remember we did this in class when we looked at pictures of Italy and men drinking coffee in a cafe?  Decide on using 3 words per line (or 4) and write down all your ideas first.  Then select the two main points of each line – here is my idea for you to use as a starting point:

Up, up and away!

Through the clouds

Into the sun

Spreading my wings

I look down

And see home!

I dive down

And land safely.

See what other poems you can create and perhaps you can illustrate the poem.  I have also found a few ideas for a shape poem about flying:




Bringing In The Sunshine – Shropshire Music Service

Our very own Mrs Hindson has been busy making a wonderful music video that she wanted us to share with the Ruyton families and children.  The song is called Bring In The Sunshine and has been recorded by the members of the Shropshire Music Service who bring their wonderful musical exertise to schools around Shropshire.  Well done Mrs Hindson!
